Showing posts with label Janelle Irwin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Janelle Irwin. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2021

Ben Diamond Needs Your Help

Congressional candidate Ben Diamond is making a last-minute pitch to voters for donations to boost his race in Florida’s 13th Congressional District.

According to a fundraising email to supporters, the Democrat, who currently serves in the Florida House, hopes to raise $20,000 
before Wednesday.

The only way we can defeat Donald Trump’s hand-picked” candidate Anna Paulina Luna.




Friday, August 21, 2020

Tampa GOP Propaganda

If elected, Hillsborough County Commission candidate Maura Cruz Lanz would vote against the transportation sales tax to fund sweeping improvements to infrastructure, traffic 
safety and transit.
Her statement that voters could now vote against the tax, isn’t entirely accurate. HERE

Monday, June 8, 2020

Hillsborough County GOP Jim Waurishuk: You Will Be Murdered

Every American better wake up. If we loose (sic) this country you will loose (sic) your life. If you’re a Republican, Conservative, Democrat Trump supporter, etc. — you will be murdered. You will be dragged from your burning home and be beat to death. This is a fact. This what they stand for,” Waurishuk wrote
 about protesters. HERE

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Florida Dem Victor DiMaio Busted

Political operative Keto Nord Hodges took to Facebook to accuse Alan Cohn of trying to block one of his opponents, Jesse Phillipe, from participating in a Tampa Tiger Bay candidate forum
 June 5.
Hodges said Cohn was “trying to sponsor” the event but is “threatening to pull his sponsorship” if Phillipe, the only African American candidate in the race, is invited.
The threat was made, however it wasn’t from Cohn or his campaign. It was Cohn supporter Victor DiMaio. HERE

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Kevin Beckner Considerably Leading Cindy Stuart

An internal poll shows Kevin Beckner leading in the Democratic primary for Clerk of the Courts against School Board member Cindy Stuart.
The poll put Beckner at 50% support compared to Stuart with just 37%. The remaining 13% were undecided. HERE

Thursday, August 22, 2019


In a move initiated by Commissioner Mariella Smith, the board walked back a vote at a workshop last Thursday approving a guiding document for creating “a balanced approach to community building.”
The vote to rescind the approval fell along the same lines as the initial workshop vote with Smith and Pat Kemp voting to overturn the vote and Commissioners Kimberly Overman, Ken HaganStacy WhiteSandy Murman and Les Miller voting against. HERE

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Tampa Bay Supports Medical Marijuana

According to a Tampa Bay Times/WTSP poll poll, nearly three-quarters of Tampa Bay residents support legalizing marijuana for medical uses. here

Monday, December 14, 2015

St. Pete Civil Citation Program For Marijuana Offenders

A St. Pete City Council committee unanimously approved taking a closer look at implementing a civil citation program for adult marijuana offenders. here

Friday, December 11, 2015

Bob Buckhorn Blocks Janelle Irwin On Twitter

Or one of his staffers with access to his social media did. Or he told them to. In any case, I can’t view any of Buckhorn’s tweets. And this guy is rumored to be gunning for the Governor’s mansion. Rick Scott may be slimy, but at least he doesn’t go blocking every reporter who refers to him as Skeletor or Voldemort. here

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

St. Petersburg, Florida's Progressive City

St. Pete is home to the largest Pride Festival 
in all of Florida.
All but one City Council member are Democrats. 
So too is the Mayor.
The city is taking steps to soon launch a bike share program to eliminate vehicular congestion in downtown.
Residents can drive two blocks in and around downtown seeing public art displayed on any one of dozens of wall murals.
Mayor Rick Kriseman wants to put $1 million into an arts endowment. We’re the No. 2 midsize destination for the arts.
A wage theft ordinance, increased parental leave policies including paid paternal leave and “ban the box,” a program geared to giving ex-felons a better shot at getting a job with the city.
Kriseman even performed the first same-sex marriage ceremony when it became legal this year. here
"We are what we value as a city. This is what makes St. Pete great."

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Janelle Irwin’s Fight for $15 Challenge

Please follow along this week as I share my own observations as well as those from my family. here

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Open Letter From The Best Writer @ SPB: Janelle Irwin

"It’s strange to me that you consider killing living things a sport. That you smile over the carcass of a once-living thing and revel in your kill both shocks and offends me. Killing animals for food is one thing – cows are cute, but I love me some steak – but to do it for “sport” just seems sick." Janelle Irwin

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Rick Scott's Florida dead last in … everything

A new ranking on puts Florida dead last of all 50 states based on, well, everything. here

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Greedy Republicans And Catholics In Tampa

Christ the King Catholic Church is suing a dead guys daughter who happens to work for the Hillsborough County GOP for a house (the home is worth $344,000) he owned on S. Clark Ave in Tampa. here