Showing posts with label Litbrit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Litbrit. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tampa's #1 Berner

Deborah Newell Tornello AKA Litbrit
August 28, 2015
She became a U.S. citizen so she could 
vote for Bernie. Thank you for having 
Bernie's back again!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Brutal Socialist T-Shirts

Men's Tee-Shirt: $14.95
Women's Camisole: $19.95

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Women's March 2017 St. Pete

Pat Kemp and Deborah Mary Newell

Kate Connelly

Downtown St. Petersburg

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Litbrit Will Not Fall In Line

They chose their nominee over a year ago, probably long before that. They were never going to let him win. But Bernie Sanders made an enormous, important, life-changing difference in our politics, at both the national level and the personal one--he moved me to become an American citizen; he moved my husband and sons to become Democrats. We will be leaving the party after the August primary in Florida, as we've committed to vote for Alan Grayson, and we will. At this point, we are leaning toward voting for Jill Stein in November. It is not about purity. It's about integrity. Robert and I agree that we can't in good conscience raise our sons to act and believe and behave in certain ways, and then turn around and support a candidate and a party whose actions reflect an ethos in direct conflict with same.
Watching Bernie walk out with his people a few minutes ago, after moving to suspend the rules and hand over all his delegates, my heart broke all over again (it broke good and hard the first time, when I watched his glum, gun-to-the-head "endorsement" two weeks ago, and again when I learned recently that he may have been threatened with the loss of important Senate committee standings if he did not endorse before the DNC this week). It broke not just for Bernie and Jane, but for my family and me, and for you. Even you who are enthusiastically supporting Mrs. Clinton. Because surely, having seen even a fraction of the evidence showing media and DNC collusion, of stacking the deck for a preferred candidate against the other three--in direct conflict with the party's by-laws--you cannot be happy with the way it went down. Yes: I'm sorry for you, too--sorry that your candidate won this way, just as I'm sorry about her Iraq vote, the harm her work at State brought down on dear little Honduras and broken, drone-attacked Yemen, and so much more that I've tried to talk about with you on my tiny little social media platform, even as many of you attacked me for being a "purist" and others (now long gone) accused me of being stupid, naïve, and even a right-wing operative. here

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Is Susan Smith And Deborah Mary Newell Leaving The Democratic Party?

"Count me in that (one-third of voters). I'm going to vote for Alan Grayson in Florida's August primary for Senate, then I'm out of the Democratic Party for good. Same thing with the husband and both voting-age sons. Well-done, Democratic Party! I'm hard-pressed to think of a more disappointing, corrupt establishment purporting to represent "progress". Deborah Mary Newell

"I came close to leaving the Democratic Party in 2010 over its ineptitude. If what I heard this afternoon is true--that someone in the Miami Dade Democratic Party is trying to push Senator Dwight Bullard out of his Senate run--then that could be it for me. Senator Bullard is a champion for women, minorities, low-income communities and the public schools. He is a progressive hero. If the party tries to push him out to make room for (yet another) former Republican, I will be done." Susan Smith

Friday, August 28, 2015

Welcome To America, Litbrit

This is the happy face of a Brit who, today, finally applied to become an American after all these years. So I can VOTE FOR BERNIE SANDERS next spring, of course!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Local Treasure Deborah Newell Tornello

Will be joining the wonderful Nicole Sandler, on her show Radio or Not..., for a new segment they are calling Flori-DUH. They are going to see if they cram a week's worth of Florida lunacy into thirty minutes. here

Friday, July 19, 2013

On Ed Snowden's "Oppressive Regime Tour"

Deborah Newell Tornello
For those who argue--ridiculously--that Edward Snowden should have "faced the music" and stayed in the US rather than "tour the oppressive, anti-human-rights regimes of the world", a little reminder: Neither Russia, nor Ecuador, nor Venezuela, nor Cuba, The United States? We put 43 human beings to death in 2011 alone.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

3 Boys Farm Tee Shirt

One of Stogie's favorite local blogger Litbrit and her husband own 3 Boys Farm (Fresh, Florida organic pesticide-free grown food year-round). Check out their new T-Shirt.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Deborah's Kiss-Off, Chick-fil-A Strawberry Milkshake

Take that homobigoted CEO, Dan Cathy ye mean-spirited, hate-group-supporting, Old-Testament-misquoting promotors of obesity and diabetes.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The State Of The Tampa Bay Blogosphere

Still Going Strong
Madfloridian - Litbrit - Tampa Do-Gooder - Tiny Little Dots
St. Petersblog - The Spencerian - SOG City Oracle - Finding Tampa
Bartlett Park - Pushing Rope - R/CT - Alan Snel - Clark Brooks
The Ybor City Stogie
We Miss You
The State Of Sunshine - Out In Left Field - Tampa Backdoor Ways
Deep Something

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Occupy The Boardroom

Life gets awfully lonely for those at the top. What can we do to let them know someone's thinking of them? Maybe they need some new friends! We've thought of two ways we can help them with that.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Florida Netroots Awards Nominee

Best Post
"What all the hot air boiled down to."

Visit her here. Vote for her here.

Friday, October 7, 2011

2011 Florida Netroots Awards Voting Now Open

Vote Local
Tampa Do-Gooder - Out In Left Field - Litbrit - Leilani Polk
Re/Creating Tampa - Saint Petersblog - SOG City Oracle - The Spencerian
Pushing Rope - The Buzz - The Mitch Perry Report - Greater Pinellas
Progress Florida - Ybor City Stogie