Showing posts with label Gary Dolgin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gary Dolgin. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Bernie: Our Movement is Winning

All across the country, up and down the ballot, progressive candidates are standing up for working people, fighting back against their establishment-backed opponents, and winning their primaries.
We saw it just this week with Cori Bush's remarkable victory in Missouri, and Rashida Tlaib's landslide win defending her seat 
in Michigan.
We've seen it in New York and Washington, with congressional candidates like Jamaal Bowman and Pramila Jayapal. With district attorneys and prosecutor races, too, like Amy Padden in Colorado and Eli Savit in Michigan.
These victories are happening nationwide because our movement has stood together. And now, more progressives across the country with primaries happening very soon are counting on us to stand with them.
Making calls for these progressive candidates is the most impactful thing you can do to help during the final stretch of their primaries. HERE
In Tampa (I) recommend
Sky U. White
Kevin Beckner
Jen McDonald
Gary Dolgin 
 Jessica Vaughn
Bill Person

Monday, July 13, 2020

Know Your Candidates: Gary Dolgin For Hillsborough County Circuit Court Judge

Gary Dolgin candidate for Judge in Circuit Court 13th Division (Tampa) is an experienced trial attorney, and is board certified in marital and family law. I find Gary to be judicious and he will be a well qualified Judge. I will Vote for Gary Dolgin.
By-the-by you should now that Gary's opponent has been endorsed by Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy White. Enough Said.


Thursday, January 30, 2020

Gary Dolgin's Party

Thank you so much to John and Kay Sullivan and Bonnie and Michael Newett for hosting such a gorgeous reception.
Photo credit Campaign to Elect Gary Dolgin for Judge

Monday, October 31, 2016

Early Voting Day 8

Ray. YES on 2

Sara, Gary's sister

Dave, Christie and Rusty

Jan Kaminis Platt Library
Come out and VOTE. Short lines.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tiger Bay City Council and County Commission Candidates In Ybor

L’Unione Italiana

Jeffrey Zampitella
Visit him here

Pat Kemp
Visit her here

Orlando Gudes

Gary Dolgin

Mitch Perry
Read what he wrote here

Marie of Tony's Ybor Restaurant
They provided the great lunch.
Visit them here

Pat and Jeff with friends

Florida GOP and Pro TBX county commission candidates Sandy Murman and Tim Schock had more important things to do and could not make it.
 "Murman is afraid to debate me because then she'll have to answer about her ethics issues that tainted the GoHillsborough process and wasted millions of dollars that ended with her vote to kill and chance we have of funding/building/operating a 21st century transit system."
Jeffrey Zampitella