Showing posts with label Cara Jennings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cara Jennings. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sabal Trail Pipeline Protesters Arrested In Gilchrist County

The Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office arrested 14 people, including one who had locked himself to a tanker truck that was delivering water needed for the construction. The others who were arrested were on the roadside holding signs. here
“With the exception of the person who was locked to the truck, everybody else was complying with the sheriff’s orders but they chose to arrest everybody.” 
Cara Jennings
Donate to the Water Protectors Bail Fund here

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Scott's Attack On Cara Jennings Backfires

Normally when a candidate isn't running for office and they are publicly humiliated 
by one of their constituents, they issue a statement. Rick Scott went one step further and released an attack ad aimed at Cara Jennings. 
Video backfires big time. here

Cara Jennings On WMNF

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Florida's New Superhero Cara Jennings

This is why I went off on Florida Gov. Rick Scott at Starbucks yesterday. here