Showing posts with label gimleteye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gimleteye. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Is Leslie Wimes A Plant For The Florida GOP?

Our post yesterday on Nikki Barnes (on left) has cause quite a stir. Our traffic has gone through the roof and we have been banned from her Facebook page,  so much for free speech. The other young lady in this image (On right) is Leslie Wimes, a registered Democrat who supports Rick Baker and writes for the right wing Sunshine State News, the news service that frequently praises Republican Gov. Rick Scott and routinely trashes Democrats and the mainstream media. Which begs the question why doesn't she just switch her party affiliation since she gets paid to be a mouthpiece for the GOP. here
Here she is attacking  Peter Schorsch. Called him a serious stalker, and said this:

"Perhaps Rick Baker didn't invite big Pete to his watch party. not sure if there would have been enough food."
She needs to get her vanity under contrOl. 

For a great article on Sunshine State News by
Eye On Miami.
Florida Dems ever wonder why you keep losing?

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Floridians for Solar Choice: The Real Grass Roots Effort

Get the facts about 
The real choice for solar in Florida 
Not the sham, shady move by the utilities.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

What is wrong with the City of Miami?

In their view the citizen is the enemy.
 On display every time citizens go to County Hall or the City Commission to protest a zoning approval. The developers and their representatives are chummy on the sidelines with regulators while citizens in the audience are on the defensive. At Eye On Miami, we witnessed the relationship between government and citizens take a nose-dive when local freedom of information requests began to be accompanied with outrageously high bills for copying documents. It was as if to say to the inquisitive, "fuck you". here

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Joe Negron

Keep voting Republican 
Martin, Palm Beach
 and St. Lucie Counties. here

We got your back. :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Big Sugar to privatize Florida's water supply

For Big Sugar, the exploitation of Florida taxpayers is a ceaseless enterprise. Its success is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars. However much money Big Sugar earns for shareholders -- dominating Florida -- it is never enough.With profits virtually guaranteed by federal farm bill policy, Big Sugar freely seeds Florida with disinformation campaigns through skilled and well-paid message machinery. here, more here

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Florida Agriculture Secretary Adam Putnam

 is aiming to wrest control of Florida water quality from the (absurdly, horribly) weak Florida Department of Environmental Protection, in which case taxpayers will never, ever have a "fair and balanced" accounting of the costs of pollution and why, exactly, the polluters aren't being held accountable to clean up their pollution. This development is unfolding right now in Tallahassee. It is being portrayed as a conflict between the ambitious Putnam and Gov. Rick Scott. In reality, these two are working 
hand-in-glove. here

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Florida Inc.

Florida is closing in, to win the red state race to be the most locked down by crony capitalism. here