Showing posts with label Kimberly Overman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kimberly Overman. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Friday, July 15, 2022

Help Commissioner Kim Overman

I wanted to reach out as we approach the midpoint of July. I've always appreciated your ongoing support in my office. I've been able to achieve a lot with your aid. Since I was elected to the commission in 2018, I have taken a lead role in the organization's efforts to prevent human trafficking in Hillsborough County.


Saturday, February 22, 2020

Candidates in Ybor City

Jen McDonald

Shake Washington 

Elvis Piggott & Topher Morrison

Jessica Harrington with fan

Adam Hattersley

Candy Lowe & Kim Overman

Connie Burton 

Nina Tatlock

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Words Of Commissioner Smith

Although we lost on the motion to rescind the vote that rammed through the County’s "guiding principles" for growth and development, we didn’t let it slide quietly by, and the fight against sprawl isn’t over! Thank you to all who wrote in and showed up today to speak at public comment, you made 
a strong showing.
Commissioners Pat Kemp and Kimberly Overman joined me in fighting to rescind and undo the trampling of process. The development principles now stand as adopted last Thursday, including the "Sector Plan" tool for sprawl. We will bring back the "development principles" at a future meeting which will allow for public comment this time. The date has not yet been set. Stay tuned…


In a move initiated by Commissioner Mariella Smith, the board walked back a vote at a workshop last Thursday approving a guiding document for creating “a balanced approach to community building.”
The vote to rescind the approval fell along the same lines as the initial workshop vote with Smith and Pat Kemp voting to overturn the vote and Commissioners Kimberly Overman, Ken HaganStacy WhiteSandy Murman and Les Miller voting against. HERE

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hillsborough County GOP Pulls A Fast One

At a Workshop where the public was not allowed to comment, the County rammed through a growth plan that includes "Sector Planning," which can result in tens of thousands of homes paving over our rural lands.
This "Sector Plan" was not on the agenda, and was not included in the backup materials for the meeting, so neither the Commissioners nor the public had a chance to review it, and the public had no opportunity for input prior to the vote. The County Administrator, Mike Merrill, handed it out to the Commissioners when we were seated at the meeting. Soon after, Commissioner Stacy White made a motion for us to adopt the document.
Voting YES: Stacy White, Sandy Murman,
Les Miller & Ken Hagan.
Voter Registration in Hillsborough County;
 Democrats334,070; Republicans269,899; Others255,409

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Tampa vote the bums out!

"See (above) to know which local politicians are bought and paid for by special interests and which stand with the people. If you see an X next to them, be sure to make them an Ex-elected official next election. Vote the bums out!" Christopher Cano

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Untainted Hillsborough County Commissioners

The Hillsborough MPO voted 11-5 to keep TBNext (TBX) on the Transportation Improvement Program. This move will keep TBNext in line to one day receive state funding and get built.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Tampa's Fabulous 4

Voted to move the 
Ferry project forward. 
A remarkable point to be included in the agreement is the extraordinary commitment by HMS Ferry to pay for all the operating, maintenance and repair costs — a $100 million commitment — making the Cross-Bay Ferry the only transit service in Florida not requiring ongoing operating subsidies. HERE
The power shift is starting to show.

The GOP voted no

Saturday, January 12, 2019

County Keeping Rays Ybor City Plan in Play

Even though the team has walked away from discussions, Hillsborough County is working for now to keep the door open for a new Tampa Bay Rays ballpark
Hillsborough County Commissioners Overman, Murman, Miller, and Hagan nixed a motion that called for disbanding a working group created several years ago to help bring the Rays to Tampa. Officials indicated instead that, for now, they want to keep the proposal on the table in the event that discussions could resume. MORE
"Why would Kimberly Overman join Murman, Miller, and Ken Hagan in voting to keep the Raybor working group? This takes away any transparency that we should have in regards to continued negotiations to bring the Rays 
to Tampa." Beth Eriksen Shoup