Showing posts with label Floridians for Solar Choice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Floridians for Solar Choice. Show all posts

Monday, December 14, 2015

Florida's Solar Amendments

Floridians for Solar Choice
Would allow us to contract with a solar company to put panels on our roof.
 while the other 
Consumers for Smart Solar 
Backed largely by the state's major utility companies, including 
Florida Power and Light and Duke Energy 
Largely reaffirms existing regulations over utilities, solar energy 
and who can provide it. here
Florida don't be confused, that is what they are hoping for!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Floridians for Solar Choice: The Real Grass Roots Effort

Get the facts about 
The real choice for solar in Florida 
Not the sham, shady move by the utilities.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Florida's Solar Amendments

Floridians for Solar Choice
(backed by solar power companies and the League of Women Voters) want out of state solar power companies to be able to sell solar power to homeowners and businesses in Florida because the state’s existing utilities are not doing enough to promote that form of energy. here

Consumers for Smart Solar 
are pushing an amendment that would in effect continue to allow only utilities regulated in Florida to provide solar power, and without competition from outside companies. 

Consumers for Smart Solar have relied almost entirely on existing public utilities in Florida for financial support. FPL, Duke, Gulf Power and Tampa Electric have all given at least $160,000 each to the campaign. Also A group calling itself “Let’s Preserve the American Dream” a group that has never given campaign donations before in Florida and will not disclose who its supporters are gave $200,000 to the utility-backed Consumers for Smart Solar. here

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Koch Brothers Behind Anti-Solar Initiative In Florida

The Koch brothers and utility giants are bankrolling a ballot initiative in Florida to block the development of home solar and to protect the utilities' continuing oligopoly on energy generation in the Sunshine State. here