Showing posts with label Fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fascism. Show all posts

Friday, July 7, 2023

Conservative women are embracing extremism under the guise of motherhood

Moms for Liberty founders Tiffany Justice, right, and Tina Descovich speak at the Moms for Liberty meeting in Philadelphia, Friday, June 30, 2023. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

This past week Americans were introduced to a new extremist group. Unlike so many others that have dominated the news in recent years, it consists predominantly of women.....MORE

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

No Pasarán! :The Ybor City Women Who Fought Fascism

Historian Sarah McNamara, the author of the new book, Ybor City: Crucible of the Latina South, joined Shelley Reback on MidPoint Wednesday to discuss the history of women’s political activism in Ybor City and their fight against fascism at home and abroad during the time of the Spanish Civil War.....MORE

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan

Oakland police use chemical weapons on peaceful protesters.
Mayor commends police for Occupy raid.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Feeding the Rich

A timely reminder, with numbers and visuals, that our current "debt crisis" in no way had to happen. If corporations and the rich simply paid taxes at the same rate as they did in 1961 - with Bush-era policies primarily to blame for their decline - the debt would vanish.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Scary Sight In Plant City

Allen West thanked a gathering of Republican faithful for turning out in force to see him. He was given a super hero's welcome at the Florida Strawberry Festival grounds. West was greeted by a standing ovation as he entered the hall at the Arthur Boring Civic Center, and would get three more. It took him half an hour to take his seat as a crush of fans gathered to pump his hand and pose for photographs.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Edna Mattos of Citrus County

Mattos and her fellow "patriots" are protesting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposal to limit boating and other human activities in King's Bay that have been detrimental to the well being of manatees.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Florida Socialist Donor State

The new budgets cuts over $1.7 Billion in education, and gives $1.6 billion of that
to the rich in the form of tax breaks.......more
Cut nearly $1.5 billion in corporate income taxes which would involve cutting the corporate income tax rate from 5.5 percent to 3 percent and phasing it out by 2018........
Cut billions in spending and billions in corporate taxes at the same time. The spending cuts hit pretty much every vulnerable aspect of society, including public schools,
and every cent of funding aiding the homeless........more

They are stealing our money, doesn't anyone care? Too busy at the circus?
Sign courtesy of the Tampa Tea Party.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Primitive Florida

With the Florida GOP giving our money to the wealthy and corporations, you might want to think of alternatives. One is growing your own food. It's easy. Check out Seminole Heights Community Garden. In Pinellas visit Bartlett Park Community Garden for help. is also very helpful.

Before And After The Pee Pee Test

Chicken with homemade Egg Rolls

Shrimp with Pasta

Monday, June 27, 2011

Did You Know Hillsborough County

Is under federal supervision under the Voting Rights Act
Due to past practices that were found discriminatory to Hispanic voters;

the county must submit its new district map to the Justice Department for approval. Federal officials need to closely examine a map that waters down the clout of urban voters and minorities.

There is a way to draw fair districts, and this isn't it.


Republicans enjoy a super majority on the Hillsborough County Commission,

and they look intent on keeping it.
These People Are Shameless.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Florida In The News

Florida: Targeting The Poor, Refusing To Protect Children
Florida Doctors Fight Back Against Gun Lobby Gag Law
Huffington Post
Florida Activists Are Pushing Back Against Gov. Rick Scott And His Crazy Agenda
Crooks And Liars
Florida Awakes
Suburban Guerrilla

There is a price to pay for voter apathy.
“I think that what’s happened during the last election was that everybody got a little comfortable and didn’t think that their voice or their vote was that important, and that’s gotta change.”.......St. Pete resident Kirsten Peck

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Florida Pee Pee Act Of 2011

Rick Scott signs law requiring Floridians to pass drug tests to get state benefits.
"The goal of this is to make sure we don't waste taxpayers' money, And hopefully more people will focus on not using illegal drugs.".....Rick Scott

"Once again, this governor has demonstrated his dismissal of both the law and the right of Floridians to personal privacy by signing into law a bill that treats those who have lost their jobs like suspected criminals,"......ACLU of Florida director Howard Simon

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A.G. Holder: Strike Down FL's Voter Suppression Law

We call on the U.S. Department of Justice to review and reject Florida’s new anti-voter law.
Sign The Petition
To be delivered to: Department of Justice, Attorney General

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Florida Voters Turn Thumbs Down On Scott

Florida voters disapprove 57 - 29 percent of the job Rick Scott is doing, the worst score of any governor in the states surveyed by Quinnipiac University and down from a 48 - 35 percent disapproval in an April 6 survey, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Townhall Meetings: Allen West Style

At U.S. Rep. West's 5/16/11 Town Hall, GOP congressman & Tea Party favorite is circled by security forces, but still gets confronted by small business owner from his district who publicly takes issue with West talking points on deficit, gets "police escort" out of the meeting, then hits home run with his own simple common sense comments in parking lot.
Via....Pushing Rope

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You Are Not Welcome Illinoisans

As a resident of Illinois, I just thought it would be rude of me not to pass along my heartfelt "thanks.” When you elected Rick Scott, he promised to oppose President Obama's evil socialist agenda. And in February, he put his – I’m sorry: YOUR – money where his mouth was. Thanks to him,
and by proxy, to you (for electing him),
most of that money was reallocated to build that corridor from St. Louis to Chicago instead of Tampa to Orlando.