Showing posts with label Bernie Sanders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernie Sanders. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Bernie: Our Movement is Winning

All across the country, up and down the ballot, progressive candidates are standing up for working people, fighting back against their establishment-backed opponents, and winning their primaries.
We saw it just this week with Cori Bush's remarkable victory in Missouri, and Rashida Tlaib's landslide win defending her seat 
in Michigan.
We've seen it in New York and Washington, with congressional candidates like Jamaal Bowman and Pramila Jayapal. With district attorneys and prosecutor races, too, like Amy Padden in Colorado and Eli Savit in Michigan.
These victories are happening nationwide because our movement has stood together. And now, more progressives across the country with primaries happening very soon are counting on us to stand with them.
Making calls for these progressive candidates is the most impactful thing you can do to help during the final stretch of their primaries. HERE
In Tampa (I) recommend
Sky U. White
Kevin Beckner
Jen McDonald
Gary Dolgin 
 Jessica Vaughn
Bill Person

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Bernie Approved Cori Bush Wins

Progressives have reason to celebrate as St. Louis area voters have opted to vote out incumbent establishment Dem. Rep. William Lacy Clay, who has held the seat since 2001, and replace him with progressive Cori Bush. HERE


The squad is getting bigger!
Bush was among the original Justice Democrat recruits.

Kamala Harris endorsed Clay 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Democrats Vote No On Medicare For All

A Democratic National Committee panel voted down an amendment that would have inserted a plank supporting Medicare for All into the party’s 2020 platform.
By a vote of 36-125
Polls show more than 85% of Democrats support Medicare for All

More than 600 DNC delegates had signed a petition vowing to vote against the Democratic platform if it doesn’t include support for Medicare for All, a policy solution supported by around 80% of Democratic voters and a majority of House Democrats. Most of the petition’s signatories are Sanders delegates, according to organizers, but some Biden delegates have also signed on.


Joe Biden suggested that he would veto the universal health-care legislation championed by his primary rival Sen. Bernie Sanders if it were passed after Biden took office. HERE

I will not be voting for Biden until this and Marijuana legalization are included!

Check out The Peoples Party HERE

Friday, July 31, 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Bernie Approved Monique Worrell of Florida

Candidate for State Attorney in Orange and Osceola County Florida


Nina Turner: Force Fed a Bowl of Shit

The co-chair of Sen. Bernie Sanders presidential campaign profanely blasted presumed Democratic nominee Joe Biden, striking a divisive note on behalf of unsatisfied progressive voters.
Assessing the choice of Biden against Trump in the November presidential election, told The Atlantic: “It’s like saying to somebody, ‘You have a bowl of shit in front of you, and all you’ve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing.’ It’s still shit.”
Sanders said in May that he believes his supporters would vote for Biden, but that the former vice president would have to earn his votes among the senator’s backers, focusing on health insurance, climate change, racism and other hot-button issues for the left.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Bernie Sanders: Police State

We are in a very dangerous moment in American history.
Last month, as you'll recall, Trump had peaceful protestors outside of the White House in Washington, D.C. viciously attacked by federal agents who wore no identification.
As we speak, in Portland, Oregon, federal agents in combat gear and unmarked vehicles are pulling protesters off the streets and jailing them without charges, despite opposition from local and state officials.
What Trump and his allies are now doing is "normalizing" the use of federal troops to patrol and make arrests of American citizens in communities throughout the country. Today it is Portland, Oregon. Tomorrow, Trump is suggesting it could be New York City, Chicago or Philadelphia. Next, your hometown.
This is what a police state is all about.
Too many Americans fought and died to defend American democracy to let President Trump move us even further in an 
authoritarian direction.
And that is why I am asking you to join Senator Jeff Merkley and me in making your voice heard.
Add your name: Defend the right 
of Americans to peacefully demonstrate

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Jen Perelman Making Housing a Human Right

I support making housing a human right through investing in millions of new affordable and social units, national rent stabilization, and a tenants' bill of rights. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has failed to fight for housing justice because she's taking money from the corporate developers and real estate lobbyists. 
I'm fighting for you

Read her full plan here
We are a People-Powered campaign. 
Unlike Wasserman Schultz, we will never take money from any 
corporate donor.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Bernie Sanders: Cut the Pentagon budget by 10%

If this horrific coronavirus pandemic has shown us anything, it is that national security involves a lot more than bombs, missiles, tanks, submarines, nuclear warheads and other weapons of mass destruction.
Yet, in the midst of a pandemic and an economic meltdown, Republicans and Democrats want to pass a record-breaking $740 billion military budget, even before taking care of the millions and millions of Americans who are suffering right now.
We have to get our priorities right.
That is why I have introduced legislation to cut military spending by 10 percent and to use those savings to invest in jobs, education, housing and health care.
My amendment to the upcoming defense spending bill could happen as soon as tomorrow. So before the Senate reconvenes for this debate and vote, I am once again asking you to make your voice heard:
Please add your name: Say you support my amendment to reduce the Pentagon budget by 10 percent and invest that money in health care, education, and housing.
The time is now to wage a moral and political war against war itself.
The time is now to address the true causes of war: poverty, hatred, hopelessness and ignorance.
The time is now to cut military spending and use that money for human needs.
How can it be that we have enough to spend more on defense than the next eleven countries combined, but we don’t have enough to make sure every American child has a roof over their head and enough food to eat?
As a nation, our priorities have become horribly distorted. Congress listens to the lobbyists from the powerful defense industry and ignores the pain of so many who are suffering during this historic time.
At this unprecedented moment in American history, the time is NOW to bring people together to fundamentally alter our national priorities and rethink the very structure of American society.
My amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act will do just that. My amendment cutting the military budget by 10 percent and investing that money into communities across the country is a modest way to begin that process.
And that is why I am asking:
A great nation is not judged by the size of its military budget, it is judged by how well it treats its weakest and most vulnerable citizens.
Thank you for adding your name to our fight.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

Friday, July 17, 2020

Jamaal Bowman: The Left On The Move

Jamaal Bowman, a progressive Middle School Principal has scored a stunning victory over Representative Eliot L. Engel of New York in a Democratic primary, beating back the efforts of the Democratic establishment to protect a 
16-term incumbent.
Hillary Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi, 
James E. Clyburn and Hakeem Jeffries.
The victory came with the help of an array of stars from the Democratic Party’s left wing, including Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. He was also backed by Justice Democrats, the influential left-wing group whose other endorsees include Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and 
Ayanna Pressley. HERE

Mr. Bowman bested Mr. Engel and two other Democratic challengers, embracing progressive plans like the Green New Deal and Medicare for All.
"We rely on people like you - we don't accept money from Corporate PACs, Lobbyists, and the Fossil Fuel industry."

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Berner Megan Carter for Osceola County Commissioner

Megan Carter is a progressive Democrat and third-generation Osceola resident running for County Commissioner because our community deserves better. In order to get Megan’s name on the ballot for the August primary, there is a $5060 qualifying fee. Carter for County Commissioner is a grassroots campaign supporting policies that prioritize mental healthcare, provide living wages, and improve transparency in our local government. HERE


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Florida Republicans don’t want you to know

Social welfare made Sweden’s coronavirus recovery easier, but Florida Republicans don’t want you to know that.

I won’t even get to the irony that right-wing Republicans went from loathing Sweden as a Bernie Sanders socialists’ wet dream only to turn around and view the nation as its shining light in pandemic policy. That low-hanging fruit is too easy and too obvious. HERE

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tell the DNC: strip New York of its delegates if they cancel their presidential primary

On Monday, the New York State Board of Elections made the disgraceful and undemocratic decision to cancel their state’s presidential primary later this year.
This means that our campaign will receive no delegates from New York, weakening our ability to fight for a progressive platform and progressive rules at the Democratic Convention. It also means our voters are less likely to turn out, which will hurt progressive New York candidates who are still facing primaries.
This is an outrage, an assault on democracy and must not be allowed to stand.
While we did not have the votes to win the Democratic nomination, our campaign was suspended, not ended, because we believe that people in every state should have the right to express their preference.
Let's be clear. New York will still be holding a primary election on June 23. Voters will cast ballots for congressional candidates and other down-ballot offices but, because of the heavy-handed decision of two members of the State Board of Elections, they will not have the opportunity to vote in the presidential primary.
No one asked New York to cancel the election.
The DNC did not request it. The Biden campaign did not request it. And our campaign communicated, very strongly, that we wanted to remain on the ballot.
Given that the primary is months away, the proper response should be to make the election safe — such as moving entirely to vote by mail — rather than eliminating people’s right to vote completely.
The truth is that the New York State Democratic Party has never taken a particularly progressive approach toward democratic participation. In fact, quite the opposite. They have a very checkered pattern of voter disenfranchisement. For many years, New York has had one of the lowest rates of voter turnout in the country.
In addition to being a blow to American democracy, New York state's action is also a clear violation of the approved delegate selection plan of the Democratic National Committee.
At a time when all of us, including Joe Biden, are deeply concerned about Donald Trump’s attacks on our democracy, we must fight back against this action in New York state.
If states violate the DNC party rules regarding delegate selection, they can lose their ability to send delegates to the convention. And this is exactly what must be done.
If this outrage is not remedied, the Democratic National Committee must strip New York of all its delegates at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. New York, and every other state in this country, must understand they cannot violate the rules of the DNC with impunity.
While the New York State Democratic Party is trying to take away progressive voices in this election, we are asking you to 
make yours heard:
Sign our petition: tell DNC Chairman Tom Perez to strip New York state of its convention delegates unless they reinstate the Democratic presidential primary slated to take place later this year.
Thank you for standing up for democracy and thank you for making your voice heard on this important issue.
All our best,
Team Bernie

Monday, April 27, 2020

Bernie's Paycheck Security Act

Add your name if you agree the Senate must pass the Paycheck Security Act as part of the next coronavirus relief package.