Showing posts with label DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2013

Florida's Sugar Daddies

Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio
helped defeat, for the second straight year, a move to curtail the federal sugar quota. A big industry in Florida, sugar has close ties to Nelson and Rubio. The Democrat Nelson got more money in the 2012 election cycle than any other member of Congress, $71,250, according to Rubio got $17,400 in his 2010 election and $5,000 in the 2012 cycle. Siding with sugar is one of the few areas Rubio crosses conservative groups such as the Club for Growth.
It dislocates jobs, increases prices for consumers and businesses, and includes a protectionist quota that stifles freer trade," the Club for Growth said.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Investigate IRS And DOJ

U.S. Representative Patrick E. Murphy of Florida made the following statement in regards to reports of misconduct by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ):
"The news regarding the IRS is completely unacceptable. Congress should swiftly and thoroughly investigate this matter, and the administration should provide its complete cooperation to ensure that this never happens again. Additionally, the reported actions of the Department of Justice in relation to the Associated Press are deeply troubling and those responsible must be held accountable for any illegal or unethical actions taken. The American people must have faith that their government isn’t abusing its powers, which is why I am calling for full investigations into both of these troubling matters.”

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Protest Rubio Tonight In Port Richey

The Pasco Democratic Executive Committee and the Pasco County National Organization for Women will organize a demonstration in response to votes by Senator Marco Rubio, keynote speaker at tonight’s Reagan Day Dinner. Rubio opposed both gun safety and the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
The protest will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Spartan Manor, Port Richey.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Obama: The Audacity Of Betrayal

You have to hand it to Barack Obama when it comes to having it both ways: He never stops serving the ruling class, yet the mainstream media, from right to left, continues to pretend that he’s some sort of reincarnation of Franklin D. Roosevelt, fully committed to the downtrodden and deeply hostile to the privileged and the rich.
The New American Confederacy
The Betrayal of Generation Hope
Ralph Nader pans Obama call for higher minimum wage.
Howard Dean Threatens To Leave Democratic Party.
I listen to his campaign speeches now and the one he gave at his second inauguration and all i hear is noise.
I feel like i have been violated. Republicans hate him and now he has lost his base. Nust be lonely at the top.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Howard Dean Threatens To Leave Democratic Party

If Obama Doesn’t Cut Pentagon Budget
I stand with Howard Dean in his disgust of the Democratic Party. I would join him but i have been independant (NPA) since i started voting back in 1976.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Darryl Rouson's Bong Bill

Efforts to legalize medical marijuana have gotten a lot of attention in Tallahassee this year. But that hasn’t slowed down a bill to ban bongs and other devices used to consume pot and other mind-bending substances. That bill is garnering overwhelming approval in the Florida Senate. Democratic Representative Darryl Rouson of St. Petersburg is the sponsor of the bill. 
What a waste of time, i make bongs out of empty beer cans, and this coming from a Democrat.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

We Will Fight You Every Step Of The Way

"President Obama, when it comes to cutting Social Security, Medicaid or Medicare benefits... we are prepared to fight you every step of the way"
"You can't call yourself a Democrat and support Social Security benefit cuts. The President is proposing to steal thousands of dollars from grandparents and veterans by cutting cost of living adjustments, and any congressional Democrat who votes for such a plan
should be ready for a primary challenge.
"Just as we fought and defeated President Bush's plan to privatize Social Security, we will mobilize and stop this attempt to diminish the vital guarantee of Social Security. MoveOn's 8 million members will not stand by and watch a Democratic President chip away at one of the most successful government programs of all time. Every member of Congress -- Democrat or Republican -- who votes for this proposal should expect to be held accountable."

Friday, April 5, 2013

Doing The Right Thing

Thank You
Florida Sen. Bill Nelson reversed his opposition to gay marriage.
 The Florida House approved the controversial parent trigger proposal.
Local Republicans Reps. Mike Fasano of New Port Richey and Ed Hooper of Clearwater
and all 44 House Democrats voted against the bill.

I Should Have Voted For Roseanne

Social Security, Medicare Are Facing Cuts In Obama Budget
President Barack Obama next week will take the political risk of formally proposing cuts to Social Security and Medicare in his annual budget in an effort to demonstrate his willingness to compromise with Republicans and revive prospects for a long-term deficit-reduction deal, administration officials say.
Ed Schultz was right.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sen. Tom Lee Of Brandon Narrow Exceptions To The Gift Ban

In today's Tallahassee, a lobbyist is prohibited from buying a lawmaker a cup of coffee but is allowed to write a $50,000 check to the same lawmaker's political fund. Fittingly, the lawmaker who's trying to carve out some narrow exceptions to the gift ban is Sen. Tom Lee, R-Brandon, who was Senate president when the ban took effect in 2006.
Tampa Bay senators who joined Lee in supporting the changes Monday included Sens. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, John Legg, R-Trinity, and Arthenia Joyner, D-Tampa. This little tweak was needed," Joyner said.
Don Gaetz, R-Niceville said it best,
 "I'm just fine paying my dollar for a Diet Coke when I have one, I'm just fine with that."

Monday, March 18, 2013

Downgrading Ed Schultz

Did Obama Administration Have Something To Do With It?
Ed Schultz is telling everyone that it was his idea to be reassigned from his prime-time 8 p.m. show during the week on MSNBC to a two-hour time slot late Saturday and Sunday. After telling listeners about the change last Wednesday, Schultz said he’s happy about it because now he’ll have the time to do more in-depth stories on issues, which he couldn’t do before. maybe he really means it. But I’m not sure. Schultz had been getting increasingly agitated over the possibility of President Obama and the Democrats caving in to the GOP to allow cuts in social safety net programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, as part of a “grand bargain” for reducing the deficit. One week before the change was announced, Schultz said he had always supported Obama, but now was wavering. One night before he announced his change, Schultz said
"President Obama may really be the president who starts the undooing of the New Deal."
I do not like Chris Hayes. I guess i will watch the crazy guy on FAUX..

Democrats Share the Blame for Tragedy of Iraq War

Not Howard Dean
The Democrats who voted to support the war and rationalized that vote by making false claims about Iraq's WMD programs - a minority of Democrats, but much over-represented in Democratic leadership councils - were responsible for allowing the Bush administration to get away with lying about
Iraq's alleged threat.
Here on the tenth anniversary of the Iraq War, it is important to remember that it was not just those in the Bush White House who were responsible for the tragedy, but leading members of Congress as well, some of whom are now in senior positions in the Obama administration.
Read what Mr. Dean had to say back on April 17, 2003.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Paul Ryan of Florida

Will Weatherford
This post is not about cronyism, $2,005 monthly mortgages, his troubles in Ybor City, his beautiful family or his parents giving him a fundamentalist education steeped in Scripture. 
(See How Can You Love Jesus And Be A Republican?)
This post is about Democrats. When i said the other day that the reason people like Mr.Weatherford get elected is becouse people don't get out and vote, i was wrong. According to the Times
When he first ran in 2006 Weatherford faced someone his own age: 26-year-old Donovan Brown, a Zephyrhills insurance agent who, during the home stretch of the campaign, was hospitalized for a bipolar disorder. While Democrats didn't give Brown any money, Republicans contributed $70,000 to Weatherford. He outraised Brown 575-to-1. His campaign mailers highlighted Brown's opposition to jail time for people caught possessing small amounts of marijuana."Don't let our values go to pot," the mailer stated, with Brown's face printed on a marijuana leaf.
Democrats didn't oppose Weatherford's re-election in 2008, and he still raised $214,000. When he did face opposition in 2010, he raised nearly $1 million. Weatherford won 66 percent of the vote.
Last year, he was re-elected without opposition while sitting on a war chest of $427,000.
"I've never been ashamed to ask people for big checks," he said
My point is where are the Democratic candidates, where are Libertarians, the Greens. Having a two party system is bad enough but when it becomes one well we have a
problem.Don't you think?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Illegal Ggambling's Fat Checks

Allied and affiliates pumped $2M into political campaigns.
Threatened with being shut down, the owners and operators flooded lawmakers with campaign cash and hired a stable of lobbyists with money that police now say was illegally obtained. Among the biggest contributors was Allied Veterans, the purported charity that authorities this week said illegally operated electronic slot machines at 49 Internet cafes across Florida. Allied and related companies donated $2 million to the lawmakers' campaigns and committees over at least three years, police say.
Sen. Jack Latvala, R-St. Petersburg $40,000
Joe Negron, R-Palm City $25,000
Both voted against  Medicaid Expansion.
Republican Party of Florida $52,000
And even the Dems were in on it.
Florida Democratic Party $75,000

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Sugar Reform Act

You don't normally see DWT championing bills introduced by anti-Choice fanatic and far right extremist Joe Pitts (R-PA). But when he introduced H.R. 693 last week, a new day of bipartisanship may not have dawned. Congress has tackled this before but between Fanjul DC consiglieres Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), the legislation has always been derailed. Now the grotesquely corrupt Wasserman Schultz has accumulated even more power than ever before and she is working assiduously to shore up the interests of her benefactors, regardless of what it costs the very people who vote her into office year after year after year.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tell Rep. Castor: Help Rep. Alan Grayson and Rep. Mark Takano

 take Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits off the chopping block.
Over the next few weeks, we'll be in the fight of our lives to save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits. House Democrats can help take these programs off the chopping block by co-signing a letter written by progressive champions Rep. Alan Grayson and Rep. Mark Takano that draws a line in the sand on benefit cuts.
Sign The Petition

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

When Something Isn't Working - Try Something Else

Fla GOP's breath-taking hubris and entitlement hardly limited to Jim Greer
The whole sorry story of the Florida Republican Party under Jim Greer is exhibit A on how near-absolute power, combined with astronomical campaign accounts, can and did breed breathtaking arrogance and entitlement, if not outright corruption, among party leaders professing conservatism.
Traffic tickets, fraud probes deaths — and state Rep. Daphne Campbell
She’s a Democratic state representative who has another way to deal with future red-light tickets: file legislation to ban the traffic-surveillance cameras that shot video of her husband’s Honda Odyssey breaking traffic laws.
Stogie likes this party. Florida Greens

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

President Obama Addresses Netroots Nation 2012

President Obama sent this video message to the Netroots Nation 2012 Convention in Providence.