Showing posts with label DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Florida Tops In Public Corruption

The report concluded that Florida had 781 public corruption convictions between 2000 and 2010, tops in the nation. California and Texas were close behind, with New York fourth. But Florida’s corruptions history also contributed to it having three cities listed this year among Forbes’ magazine’s ‘most miserable,’ with Miami #1,
West Palm Beach #4 and Fort Lauderale #7.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

St. Pete Dems Picnic

Sunday, May 27 12-4pm
War Veterans Memorial Park
9600 Bay Pines Boulevard, St. Pete
All you can eat for just $10. Veterans eat for free!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Obama Not OTP

look at our choices!
Obama in a landslide. You know you love him.
Obama 2012

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bill Nobles, For State Representative District 52

Republican Rep. Jeff Brandes has a Democratic challenger for the Florida House District 52 seat.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Ten Letters The President Reads Every Day

On more than one occasion, the president has cut personal checks
to struggling Americans who've written to the White House.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thank you for being a decent human being

"To everyone who signed our petition, thank you. Thank you for helping to protect the lives and wellbeing of old people — and old, sick people — and poor, sick people. Thank you for being an active citizen. Thank you for caring about others.".....Alan Grayson

Committee to Elect Alan Grayson
Register to Vote

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years After

Endless War, Lies and Terror: The Decade Since 9/11
Mark Weisbrot
The Years of Shame
Paul Krugman
Millennial Math: 9+11=1984
Randall Amster
The Sad Legacy of Sept. 11
John R. MacArthur
Ten Years, Ten Lessons
David Krieger

Orwell, 9/11, Emmanuel Goldstein and WikiLeaks
Glenn Greenwald

The Children of Aftermath
William Rivers Pitt

9/12 And The 'War On Terror'

The events on the morning of September 11, 2001, marked the beginning of what would become a decade of war. So many lives lost, millions of dollars squandered and wasted opportunities. Ten years on many questions remain unanswered. Were the attacks of September 11 a case of blowback, or, as President Bush professed, 'a hatred of Western freedoms'? And why, if the hijackers came from friendly
Gulf countries, did the US launch a war against Iraq?

Was the global 'war on terror' a cynical pretext for neocon policy hawks and the vested interests of the military industrial complex; or a war of necessity against a new type of global enemy?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Obama, how long can you hold your breath?

I have a question for Mr. Waffles, the president of the United States. "Sir, how long can you hold your breath?" This may be a question people everywhere should be asking themselves. That knowledge could come in handy as we draw in and savor that last lung full of breathable air.
"This, of course, follows the debt limit debacle. Seems like one cave after another. Obama alienates his base and gets no credit from those to whom he caves. Disheartening, isn't it?".....
Jeff Tone
Speak Out!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bill Nobles, For State Representative District 52

There's no official district lines, and qualifiying is almost a year out. But Democrat Bill Nobles is claiming an early jump in his campaign to unseat first-term state Rep. Jeff Brandes, R-St. Petersburg.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Where Did All Our Money Go?

Clinton left us a surplus, today we owe 14 Trillion. What the hell happend the last ten years?
(Wars, Banks and Wall Street Bail Outs, Tax Breaks for the Rich and Corporations?)
Why do we pay federal taxes?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stogie Grades The Debate
Best Dressed: Mike Gravel
Dennis Kucinich A+ - Hillary Clinton A - Chris Dodd B+ - Mike Gravel B - Joe Biden B-
Barack Obama C+ - John Edwards C - Bill Richardson C-

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Killing On The Installment Plan
The Democratic-controlled House voted Thursday night to pay for military operations in Iraq on an installment plan, defying Bush's threat of a second straight veto in a fierce test of wills over the unpopular war.....more
At This Rate We Will Never Get Out Of Iraq. I Don't Think The Dems Are Getting Our Message

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Democrats Lose War In Iraq
The "Stab in the Back" Trap
The Democrats and the peace movement are walking into a trap. The Republicans are preparing with Rovian cunning to focus the mind of the public on the question: Who lost Iraq? And they are already giving the answer: The Democrats and the peace movement......more
In the aftermath of the Vietnam war, Democrats and the peace movement were smeared for "losing Vietnam." This campaign was largely successful because the public was never given a full picture of the real purposes of the war and the full machinations of those who fomented it.