Showing posts with label Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay. Show all posts

Friday, July 10, 2020

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay Endorse Sky U. White

Our campaign is excited to put the cherry on top of our Progressive work with an endorsement from the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay. While we continue to pound the pavement while safely meeting voters, we ask for your support and most importantly; your vote!


Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay Endorse Bill Person

 "Thank you Caucus leadership and members for your special endorsement as our campaign continues to promote social, economic and environmental justice for all!"


Friday, March 29, 2019

President Nina Tatlock

DPCTB makes a left turn!

Meet the new president of The
Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay.

"I don’t think of it as having big shoes to fill, but a whole lot of big heart to fill. I invite all who are interested in better governance to join us in the DPCTB." Nina Tatlock

congratulations Ms. Tatlock!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Donald Trump of Tampa's Democratic Party

"The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay released their endorsements.
Immediately the trolls came out.
However, there is one person who defies the 
normal troll behavior. 
Everyone knows about Bryan's abusive and bullying behavior, yet they make excuses for it. WHY???"
Jessica Vaughn
Mr. Farris is right about one thing,
 Harry Cohen has held power for 8 years, 
when did he become a progressive? 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Message from the president of the the DPCTB

Last night hurt. I can't lie...
But TOGETHER we came closer than we have in decades.Also, Hillsborough county picked up some AMAZING wins. We flipped the County Commission back blue. Four of our endorsed candidates won their races and we took back one of the houses of congress. Nelson's race is headed for a recount. Women of color, Religious minority candidates and LGBTA candidates all had huge wines last night. Also, Amendment 4 passed last night. Regardless of how hard it will be to implement it, it was a huge win! 
I know it's hard to see the silver lining when we poured our hearts into so many races. But we won so many victories, together. 
Nothing about taking back our country is going to be easy. No blue wave is going to sweep away our problems. 
When we work together, we win. When we organize, we win. When we GOTV, we win! 
The DPCTB did an amazing job in this election. And since our inception, we have been a force to be reckoned with. We have helped change the direction of this county and we have absolutely changed the narrative. We've built new relationships and secured new allies. 
Thank you to all of our members! 
Ya'll continue to amaze me. However, we still need more help! We need more people committed to the heavy lifting! We need more voices, we need more organization, we need more ideas, we need more energy and we need more people showing up. 
Please message me for ways to get more involved. You won't regret it I promise. 
Today we lick our wounds but tomorrow we pick up our swords, we revamp our game-plan and we fight onwards! Jessica Vaughn

Friday, September 14, 2018

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Lunch With Russell Hires

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay


Our Server Rebeca
 Indian Rocks Beach

Friday, April 27, 2018

Tampa Progressives in Seminole Heights

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay
April Meeting

With special guest 
Joe Redner, Chris Cano

And Bob Buesing

President Jessica Vaughn

Michelle Kenoyer and Susan Smith

Beth Eriksen Shoup

Nina Tatlock

Kim Overman

Becca Fiore with friend

Russell Giambrone with friend

Wayne Schucker

Russell Hires

Tim Heberlein

Scott Shoup

Chris Cano

Bob Buesing on how to beat Dana Young

Central Florida NORML

Seminole Heights Library
Join them here