Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2013

In Florida Life Is Always A Beach

 That is why we live here. Clean beaches and the view void of oil rigs.

Monday, May 27, 2013

End Cpital Pnishment In Florida

Capital Pnishment In The World
Afghanistan, Bahamas, Belarus, Botswana, China, Cuba, Egypt
Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, North Korea
South Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore
Somalia, Suriname, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tonga, United Arab Emirates
Vietnam, Yemen, Texas and Florida.
90% of the world's countries are not executing, according to Amnesty International.
100 (51%) have abolished it. @Wikipedia
Nice company we keep.
TheTampa Bay Times called for lawmakers to study the state’s death penalty because of its high number of exonerations and death sentences. Using information from DPIC's recent 2012 Year End Report, the editorial noted that 2012 marked the second consecutive year in which the state led the country in new death sentences. An editorial in the Miami Herald called on Florida Governor Rick Scott to veto a bill recently passed by the legislature requiring the governor to sign a death warrant within 30 days after state Supreme Court review, with the execution taking place within 180 days after that.
Death Penalty Information Center

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Springs Revival Act: SB 978

"I knew it was going to be heavy lifting to pass that," said Sen. Darren Soto, D-Kissimmee, who's sponsoring SB 978, the Springs Revival Act. The reason is simple, Soto said: "The majority of the Legislature doesn't have an appetite to have a real aggressive spring rehabilitation program, because of the expense." A state-sponsored effort to save the springs, launched 12 years ago by then-Gov. Jeb Bush, ended in 2011 under Scott. While the Bush springs initiative existed,
it spent a total of $25 million.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Preserving Florida’s History

Researchers at USF St. Petersburg are working to digitize a treasure trove of Spanish documents that shed light on Florida’s past in St. Augustine.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pam Iorio for Governor

Show Pam and Florida that she has the backing of Floridians in this state. Rick Scott must go. When a politician ignores the people of his own state and puts politics before the economy of this great state, it's time for that politician to go. Pam Iorio supported High Speed Rail, she understood the economic benefits for Tampa and what it meant for Orlando and all of Florida. Crime remained low under Pam and she took a very hard but needed fiscal approach to the city budget during the Late 2000's recession. The state needs a politician and citizen like Pam to get this state on to the path of opportunity for all, and not just for the few.
Scott is down 12 points, 52-40; against Pam Iorio in a new Public Policy Polling survey.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

No Strip Clubs, Casinos or Liquor, Guns ok.

Florida lawmakers are considering legislation that would ban those receiving government assistance from using their electronic benefits (EBT) cards at strip clubs, casinos and liquor stores. The provision banning EBT use in gun shops was stripped out in committee.
Pic Thanks To World Of Wonder

Friday, March 8, 2013

Tampa's Wise Man

Fred Karl RIP
May 14, 1924 - March 7, 2013
remembering Tampa's wise man...Daniel Ruth
With the voice of reason gone, who do you call?...Sue Carlton
"Fred Karl was a role model for excellent public service. His lifelong legacy as a public servant draws the conclusion: 'Well done, thy good and faithful servant.' "...Bill Nelson
"Fred Karl was born to be a public servant. He tackled issues with a sense of fairness, respect and honesty, always reflecting his personal and professional high standards. His values and character were shaped in large part by his generation that viewed duty, sacrifice and civic engagement as necessary components of a full and meaningful life."...Pam Iorio
"Fred Karl was a war hero, dutiful public servant and statesman. No matter his role, Fred was always a calming influence on those around him. He believed that fairness should always carry the day, and his love for our community and the people who shaped it, regardless of their color or creed, superseded anything else."...Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn
"He wore many hats. He loved public service. And he made a positive impact on our community. We are a better place because Fred Karl lived and served here."...Jan Platt

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Medical Marijuana Has 70 Percent Support in Florida

As many as seven in 10 Florida voters support a state constitutional amendment legalizing medical marijuana — more than enough to ensure passage and possibly affect the governor’s race — according to a new poll from a group trying to put the measure on the 2104.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Viva Florida 500

In 2013, Florida reached a significant milestone, the 500th anniversary of Juan Ponce de León's arrival on Florida's east coast. What makes this anniversary so unique is that Ponce de León's convoy of explorers was the first group of Europeans to document such a landing and give a name to Florida—La Florida.

Thursday, October 6, 2011