Showing posts with label Gwen Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gwen Graham. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Where Is Mayor Bob And The Kriseman Administration

Gwen Graham is holding a Tampa fundraiser tonight on Harbour Island.
Hosting the event is a variety of prominent Tampa Bay area Democratic leaders
,Rep. Kathy Castor, former U.S. Rep. Jim Davis and Alex Sink, as well as Florida Legend
Gwen’s father, former Democratic governor and 
Sen Bob Graham......more>

We hope he attends, He made it to  Pam Bondi's fundraiser

and  The Kriseman Administration Why didn't you guys get in on this?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Panhandle Has Had Enough

Gwen Graham
Has outraised Tea Party Congressman Steve Southerland for the second quarter in a row, by more than $200,000 and now sit with a $200,000 cash on hand advantage over his campaign.

Help her out here, visit his countdown clock here

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Graham for Congress

I’m so proud of all we have accomplished in 2013. We wouldn’t be where we are today without your support. Let’s keep the momentum going through victory on November 4th, 2014!


Thursday, October 24, 2013

FL-02: Steve Southerland - "Their Games"

Visit his countdown clock here
More Florida Tea Partiers here
Update: New poll of FL CD 2 shows Gwen Graham leading Steve Southerland, 44% to 41%

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I Am Steve Southerland

Polls are showing that I am in trouble.
You see I belong to a group that is trying to destroy the Republican party and 
I made the mistake of following some wacko from Texas and now I will probably loose my job. You do have a choice you know, check out
Gwen Graham she is the daughter of one of Florida's greatest governors,
 she will serve you well.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Gwen Graham Within 2 Points Of The Incumbent Republican

Emily’s List poll: Southerland 44, Graham 42
A poll in the congressional race between Rep. Steve Southerland and Gwen Graham shows her nipping at the incumbent Republican’s heels, trailing by less than the poll’s error margin. The poll was done for Emily’s List, a political action group that supports Democratic women candidates, by Clarity Campaign Labs, a relatively new Washington-based polling and political consulting firm.......more
Lets help her out here 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

EMILY’s List Endorses Gwen Graham

EMILY’s List has endorsed Gwen Graham in her race to unseat Congressman Steve Southerland in Florida’s Second Congressional District. EMILY’s List, with more than two million members, works to elect strong female candidates who are willing to stand up for women and families in

Monday, April 15, 2013

Gwen Graham Running For Congress In Florida

The daughter of Florida treasure Bob Graham
Bob Graham was a wildly popular Florida governor from 1979- 1987 when he was elected to the U.S. Senate, where he served until 2005. Previously he had been a state rep and a state senator-- and he never lost an election in his life. He was an environmental champion in a state where real estate developers had ruled the roost. In his last Senate campaign he kicked Republican Charlie Crist's ass 63-37%. Socially liberal and one of the few Senate Democrats to oppose Bush's war against Iraq.
more, Visit her website here