Showing posts with label Jessica Vaughn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessica Vaughn. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2020

School Board Candidate Jessica Vaughn: Choose Wisely

"I'm incredibly disappointed that I have to write this but...if your "principles" encourage you to support a candidate who openly embraces the privatization of our public schools, a candidate who is best friends with Ken Hagan (a Hillsborough County Commissioner who was/is under FBI investigation for BREAKING THE LAW by leveraging his considerable influence to benefit developers by accepting HUGE BUNDLED contributions from them), a candidate who themselves have taken HUGE BUNDLED contributions from those same developers - despite the fact that accepting those donations put this candidate in a direct "conflict of interest" with the planning commission role he was appointed to by Ken Hagan and a candidate who can't even understand a question about equity within our schools; then you really need to re-evaluate your principles and who you claim to stand for.
Especially if you supported this candidate in a race with five other candidates whose platforms all embraced public schools, safety, education, equity and transparency. Who you support during times like these, speaks volumes about your character. In closing, I'm just going to leave this right here." MORE


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tampa Dem Alan Clendenin

Donated to local Berner 
Jessica Vaughn's 
GOP opponent! 
Remember when he hinted that he would use his super delegate status to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination. HERE
When he attacked the party’s only black gubernatorial candidate, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum and the PAC of black business people that support him.
Clendenin called The Collective Super PAC as a “Republican front.” HERE


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Tampa Berner Jessica Vaughn Wins Primary

Her school board campaign beat out four other opponents and will now advance to the general election in November against the GOP.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tampa Berner Needs Your Vote!

You have four more days to cast your vote to elect Jessica Vaughn to our Hillsborough County School Board District 3. Early voting is closed on Monday the 17th.  I truly believe that HCPS is ready to elect a certified and passionate educator who understands both how to manage a budget and parliamentary procedure. 
It's time to elect a leader with a proven track record and the experience of building broad coalitions centered around social, economic and environmental justice for all. It's time to elect bold and solution-oriented civil servants who don't sell out their constituency to reckless developers. It's time to put our students, teachers and support staff first and forefront.  It's time to elect Jessica Vaughn for Hillsborough County School Board District 3!  

Endorsed by 3 of my favorite people 
and Our Revolution!


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Bernie: Our Movement is Winning

All across the country, up and down the ballot, progressive candidates are standing up for working people, fighting back against their establishment-backed opponents, and winning their primaries.
We saw it just this week with Cori Bush's remarkable victory in Missouri, and Rashida Tlaib's landslide win defending her seat 
in Michigan.
We've seen it in New York and Washington, with congressional candidates like Jamaal Bowman and Pramila Jayapal. With district attorneys and prosecutor races, too, like Amy Padden in Colorado and Eli Savit in Michigan.
These victories are happening nationwide because our movement has stood together. And now, more progressives across the country with primaries happening very soon are counting on us to stand with them.
Making calls for these progressive candidates is the most impactful thing you can do to help during the final stretch of their primaries. HERE
In Tampa (I) recommend
Sky U. White
Kevin Beckner
Jen McDonald
Gary Dolgin 
 Jessica Vaughn
Bill Person

Monday, July 13, 2020

Hillsborough County Call Your School Board

Today I will be writing to all of our Hillsborough county school board members and asking them to delay the opening of our schools to our students, so that our teachers and support staff have more time to prepare the infrastructure needed to effectively and safely prepare our schools for students to return. It will also give us time to collect and assess more COVID19 data; so that we can properly evaluate whether or not it's even realistic, feasible and safe to offer a brick and mortar option. The safety of our students, teachers and support staff MUST be our #1 priority.
Will you join me? HERE
School BoardCandidate
Jessica Vaughn

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Florida GOP Mitch Thrower's Abundance of Caution

As many of you know, I have been publicly asking my opponent Mitch Thrower to step down from the planning commission because of the conflict of interest tied to his campaign's acceptance of MASSIVE amounts of developer and special interest money/donations which he's taken as a candidate. However, it seems that up until now, Mr. Thrower was resistant to this idea. However, after a fair amount of pressure, Mr. Thrower has done the right thing and stepped down from the planning commission. Although, his campaign has framed it a bit differently. 

I am now urging Mr. Thrower to do the right thing and to also resign from the charter review board; in order to remove any conflict of interest surrounding his campaign and the large amount of money that he's taken from reckless developers, special interests groups and lobbyists who hope to gain his favor if elected to the school board. 

It's time to elect qualified public servants who aren't bought and paid for; and who have the passion, experience and the integrity to make our district successful for all of our students, teachers and support staff - equally! Vote for Jessica Vaughn on August 18, 2020. Also, please donate to our grassroots campaign Thank you all so much for your support!

"Big-money developers and PACs have shoveled over $20,000 into Mitch Thrower's campaign for School Board! 🗳 I'm supporting Jessica Vaughn in that race for School Board (District 3). 👩‍🏫 Jessica Vaughn is a teacher who will work for our students — 
not special interests." 
Mariella Smith, Hillsborough County Commissioner 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Huge Endorsement For Hillsborough County School Board Candidate Jessica Vaughn

Commissioner Pat Kemp has more than three decades of public service in Hillsborough County and knows the specific needs Hillsborough County more than anyone, which is why her endorsement means so much to me. Thank you Commissioner Pat Kemp for your endorsement and support.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Our Revolution - Tampa Bay Endorses Jessica Vaughn

I’m so incredibly honored to be endorsed by “Our Revolution”. Now is the time to elect people-powered candidates who are ready to work for all of their constituents - equally, and not just wealthy developers who can afford to make giant campaign contributions in exchange for votes; votes which will ultimately hurt our district and our schools. Please join our campaign - because when we organize, we win!
Please donate to our campaign 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Jessica Vaughn For County School Board

I am proud to announce my official kick off as a candidate for Hillsborough County School Board District 6!! As a certified teacher, a parent, a community organizer and an elected board member who manages a 5-million-dollar budget; I have the passion, experience and leadership skills needed to be the strongest candidate in this race.


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Fellow Bernie Supporters

I know you’re hurting right now. You’re angry, frustrated, disappointed, sad, hopeless and quickly pledging never to vote for Biden while calling for a mass DemExit.
Take the time you need to grieve. I’m still grieving from 2016.
But while you’re grieving and cursing the DNC, please think about why you support Bernie. Think about how his entire movement has never been about him, but instead it’s about us. Think about what the issues that we care about will look like if Trump wins a second term. A term with even less accountability.

Also, let me assure you of a few things (again). The DNC doesn’t care if you Dem Exit. The DNC doesn’t care if they lose the election in 2020. All the leaders in the DNC will still continue to hold their privilege and their power even if democrats lose in 2020. And if they lose because you don’t vote for Biden that’s even better, because then they can blame progressives for another four years. You won’t teach them any lessons.
Also, why do you think we only have two parties? It’s because the two parties in power have engineered the election laws so that they stay in power. No third party will be successful until we gain the power from within one of the parties and CHANGE those laws.
Regardless of who you vote for in November, the only way to really support progressive candidates and progressive politics is to gain the majority of power within the Democratic Party. If you want to know what scares the DNC and what will teach them a lesson, it’s progressives gaining any power within the party. Trust me, as a progressive fighting the old guard in the party for years now; they fear you joining your local/state party and changing their bylaws/breaking up their power consolidation WAY more than they fear you withholding your vote for any their candidates.
How do we get the power? First, each and every single one of us need to run at the basic level and win our precinct captain seats. Qualifying for this happens in April and May. I’ll post more about this later.
Either way, please know I’m sending you all so much love. Thank you to all of my friends who worked so hard to support justice. So many people I know sacrificed months and months of their lives for our campaign. Also, thank you to all of my loved ones who voted for Bernie.
As you grieve; please remember that this movement is about us, not one person. We need to stick together more than ever.
Please help those of us who have been fighting the old guard of the Democratic Party (virtually alone) for years. We need your passion and your support desperately! If it was as easy as starting a third party, trust me; I’d start one tomorrow. But they would never make
 it that simple.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Florida Berners pull yourselves together

Dear fellow progressives: pull yourselves together. I know last night was disappointing. However, no one said this was going to be easy or fair. When moderates were losing, they didn’t throw in the towel. They claimed victory, even as they lost. Then they collated. A seventy delegate lead after Super Tuesday (especially with a majority of southern states that will vote red in the general election anyway) isn’t the end of the world, or even close to it.
Pull yourselves out of your depression and get to work. As progressives, we will always have to work ten times harder than the establishment.
There are still over 1,000 pledged delegates on the table, especially in states that Democrats are more likely to win and who lean progressive.

But it will take more work and more organizing. Get yourself to a Bernie event, start knocking doors, get on that Bernie dialer, talk to your friends and family to make sure they are prepared to vote and STOP attacking other candidates. It isn’t effective and it hurts us. Channel that frustration into action. Posting articles about why other candidates suck doesn’t win votes. It just turns off possible allies and it only excites your echo chamber.

Ask yourself: how much work have I done to get my candidate elected? If your not willing to help with the heavy lifting, you’re not really ready for a political revolution. If your not willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone and leave it all on the field, your candidate is never going to win.
I know it’s discouraging, trust me. However, I’m actually pretty impressed and pretty hopeful that Bernie walked out of Super Tuesday only behind 70 delegates. Especially after three ex-candidates endorsed Biden a Monday night. I thought we’d be behind a couple of hundred delegates.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Do boo, organize!
We can still do this! PM me for details on how to get involved! ❤️❤️❤️
Sending you all love! Jessica Vaughn 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Warning to my fellow Bernie supporters

Warning: An LONG open letter to my fellow Bernie supporters, especially to any of my "Bernie or Bust" friends.
Dear fellow Bernie supporters,
I mean this in the kindest way possible. I promise.
However, if you've invested absolutely ZERO energy into helping reform the Democratic party after 2016, why on earth would you expect a different result four years later?!??!
For four years, I have been literally begging fellow progressives to help us reform the Democratic party from the inside.
Not only have many refused; but have INSTEAD made our work harder by demonizing the entire Democratic party as opposed to the old guard of the party, therefore discrediting much of the work progressives have done within the Democratic party.
Trust me, I know that you THINK that the people in power within the Democratic party care about your vote. And that all you have to do is refuse to vote for the nominee and therefore "teach the Democratic party a lesson". However, you are WRONG!!!!!!!
Not only does the "old guard" of the Democratic party not care about winning your vote, but Bernie supporters refusing to vote for whichever centrist candidate they shove down our throats; actually allows you to become an easy scapegoat.
Just look back at 2016. The old guard in the Dem party still hasn't accepted ANY responsibility for the stunning loss of the white house. Instead, they have shifted the narrative to place the blame solely on Bernie supporters who didn't vote for Clinton and have managed to demonize all progressives along the way.
Also, the lives of the old guard (and the people who consolidate power in the party) doesn't really change regardless of of whether or not we win. They will still have their privilege, power and opportunity to make money from their positions; regardless of whether or not Democrats win (especially if there are "stubborn" progressives to blame).
Listen if you want to withhold your vote, that's your choice and I am NOT here to shame you for it. Personally, I refuse to withhold my vote because I know that withholding my vote WILL NOT bring about the changes that we so desperately need. Instead, it will HURT the most marginalized members of our society - the very people I'm fighting for. It will not hurt the Democratic Party or the the old guard. Do you see the checkmate here? (And people say that only Republicans know how to play dirty!!)
And while I refuse to vote shame you, I will say this: if you have done NOTHING to help reform the party; please don't act shocked that the DNC is repeating itself from 2016!
Truth bomb: What WILL bring about the changes we so desperately need is actually OCCUPYING the Democratic party, grabbing the voting power internally and making the structural changes within the party needed to support the progressives causes and candidates we care about. In Florida, that means breaking up the weighted vote!
Your local frustrated, battered and exhausted progressive friend/fellow Bernie supporter who has worked inside the Democratic party for the last four years
P.S The party doesn't have to "rig" anything to win. All they have to do is literally change the rules anytime they want (without any input from the voters) right in front of your eyes. That's the extreme power consolidation we have allowed them to have by eliminating our voices from the party.
P.P.S Both parties have engineered statutory laws so that a third party will NEVER be successful. If you really want a multiparty system to rise and thrive, you must first occupy one of the two parties and CHANGE the laws which the powerful members of the party have created (and fiercely guard) purely engineered in order to stop another party from becoming powerful/successful.
<Deep sigh> 
Jessica Vaughn

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Susan Valdes All-Stars

"Many of the names on this list of elected officials who support Valdez don't surprise me. However, there are a plethora of names that do surprise me.
Bill Carlson STRIKE #1
Joe Citro 
John Dingfelder 
Charlie Miranda
Guido Maniscalco
 Mike Suarez 
Harry Cohen
 Janet Cruz 
 Darryl Rouson 
 Fentrice Driskell 
Dianne Hart
 Adam Hattersley
Wengay Newton
Chad Chronister
Bob Henriquez
 Julianne Holt 
Cindy Stuart
 April Griffin
For so many people who demand party loyalty, it's incredibly surprising to see support for a candidate who has REPEATEDLY voted against the Democratic platform and done so often. So much in fact, that she openly jokes about not being partyless". Jessica Vaughn HERE

Pat, Luis and Orlando WTF
Susan Valdes continues to show support for charters, breaking from her party this year as the only House Democrat to vote in favor of expanding the Schools of Hope program critics said would lead to a flood of new charter schools." Beth Eriksen Shoup