Showing posts with label Local Idiots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Local Idiots. Show all posts

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Sarasota Tea Partiers Want To Hang President Obama

Sarasota Tea Party Idiots Pat Wayman and Steven R. Fields voted to establish a “people’s common law grand jury,” which sovereign citizens and other anti-government extremists have proposed to investigate and prosecute government officials for treason — which, as they frequently point out, carries a potential death penalty. “Grand jury powers come from God,” Dowdell said. 
Tea Party activists have been trying to set up common law grand juries, which don’t actually carry any legal authority, for years in hopes of convicting — and hanging — President Barack Obama for treason. here

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Feds Say No To Florida GOP

In a stinging blow to opponents of the state's anti-gerrymandering amendments, a federal court this week has thrown out a lawsuit filed by two Florida Republican Party officials who claimed the new law violated the constitution because it had a "chilling effect" on their free speech and petition rights.
Tim Norris, the Walton County Republican Executive Committee Chairman and Randy Maggard, the Pasco County Republican Executive Committee Chairman. sued the Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner in August, demanding that he not enforce the Fair Districts provisions of the state constitution. here

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Florida GOP Donna Bartlett Of Central Florida

Is so excited about Daniel Webster becoming Speaker of the House that she called the staff of asking for guidance on how she might vote for  for him. The folks at  Florida Politics have not decided whether to return her call and put a damper on her enthusiasm for the democratic process. If you would like to call her and let her in on the bad news, here is her number 407-497-4591. here

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Local Idiots: Dade City Mom Rhiannon Gentry

Abandoned her three children at a Waffle House in Augusta, Georgia so that she could go booze it up at a bar across the street. here

Friday, April 24, 2015

Florida GOP Voters Like To Take It Deep

Florida Times-Union
"Gov. Rick Scott — aka "Mr. Jobs"

Pensacola News Journal
"Welcome to Florida: the mentally unstable state"

Florida Today
"Plain and simple, it is a rip-off for patients, taxpayers and employers."

Miami Herald
"Memo to Mr. Scott: The Supreme Court said that states don't have to accept Medicaid expansion as part of the Affordable Care Act, 
but it never said rejection was a good idea."

Palm Beach Post
"Scott is looking more and more like 
a rebel without a cause."

Daytona Beach News-Journal
"This is pure brinkmanship by the House — staring down not only the Senate but also the Obama administration, 
and expecting one or both to blink."

Tallahassee Democrat
"Our state's leadership is embroiled in a kindergarten-style fight that would be laughable if it didn't have such serious consequences"

Check out what these Florida newspapers have to say about your Florida GOP here
Dems this is what happens when you don't vote!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Local Idiots: Jesse William Korff of LaBelle

 Pleaded guilty to five counts of developing, producing, transferring and possessing toxins, five counts of smuggling toxins and one count of conspiring to kill a person in a foreign country. here

Monday, August 4, 2014

Local Idiots: Krastina Yankova Gesheva Of St. Pete

Spends 4 hours in the 
Tryst Gastro Lounge
while  her 8-year-old son was in the car. 
Occasionally the boy would exit the car and
 go inside the bar, 
looking for his mom. 
As she was leaving she struck two parked cars as she was backing out and attempting to
leave the

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Racist In Daytona Beach

Larry Kenton
Was arrested after trying to pedal away
from police on his ex-wife’s bicycle.
 According to Kenton’s arrest report, police were called to a Whitney Street home Monday at 6:25 p.m. where an intoxicated Kenton was causing a disturbance. Kenton’s ex-wife reported that he came to the home to get some of his belongings but the ex-wife told him to go away.
Kenton then pushed his way into the home and started arguing with his daughter over her dating a black youth, calling his daughter a “(expletive) lover,” When Kenton exited the home he saw a black boy and yelled, “You are the one,” and grabbed the juvenile and hit him in the face and head area, then started choking him. Kenton then picked up a brick and struck the boy in the back of the head with it,  an unidentified man came to help the boy and Kenton then started making racial insults about at other children playing nearby, he picked pieces of brick and threw them at the children,
 striking two of them......more>

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Gator For A 12-Pack In Miami

Fernando Caignet Aguilera was cited Dec. 10 after he tried to exchange a live gator for a 12-pack at the Santa Maria Market, wildlife officers said......more

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Florida's Father Of The Year

Haider Darwash of Waterford Lakes left his 2-month-old infant alone in his car Thanksgiving night while he and the wife went shopping at Wal-Mart........more> 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tony in Tampa

His blood pressure spikes over leftist agenda. So he called Rush to tell him about it. RUSH: Here's Tony in Tampa. I'm glad you called, sir. It's great to have you here. Tony: Yeah. Thanks, Rush. Could you imagine if a Republican had this miserable, destructive record that Obama has with the unending golf, the never-ending vacations? You could imagine what the likes of Chris Matthews, that Sleeping Beauty Bob Beckel, Knee-Jerk Geraldo, Juan Williams, and Alan Colmes would do. They'd be crawling the walls! They would be threatening to gas themselves right on the air. It would be a billion-man march. Every street would be clogged with people. You wouldn't be able to get your car out of the driveway! You'd be eating pinto beans for weeks on end. More of Tony's call here
Tony as fellowTampans we suggest you get your head out of your ass, stop making a fool of yourself on the radio and do a little research. You might want to start here and check this out from Fact Check,or you can Google it and you will find all kinds of stuff. Oh wait, this is the Liberal media.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Let's Give The Panhandle To Georgia And Alabama

Did rejection of Medicaid expansion help House Republicans?
In the first referendum since House Republicans bypassed more than $50 billion in federal aid for health care, Mike Hill, a 55-year-old tea party Republican insurance agent, won 57.9 percent of the vote in a Northwest Florida district that has an economy dominated by hospitals as well as the military -- which is weathering a sequester deal rife with budget cuts forced by congressional Republicans. Hill’s Democratic opponent, labor-union leader Jeremy Lau, mustered 42.1 percent of the vote in a special election held after Rep. Clay Ford died in March. Lau, a 40-year-old aircraft mechanic for L-3 Com Vertex Aerospace, a military contractor at Pensacola Naval Station, had made Medicaid expansion his No. 1 issue.
Put an R at the end of your name and some folks will vote for you no matter what.

Taylor Chapman Of Fort Lauderdale

 Taylor Chapman  filmed and shared a video over the weekend of her screaming racist insults at Dunkin’ Donuts workers in Fort Lauderdale over a request for free food that was not immediately granted. The woman, identified by The Smoking Gun as 27-year-old Taylor Chapman, visited the eatery a night prior and demanded to have her meal price refunded when her cashier was slow to hand over a receipt. Another associate asked her to return the next morning and speak with a manager, which supposedly led to the confrontation seen on the video.
 “This shit’s about to go live, bitch!” Chapman screams at a female employee. “Right on Facebook, ’cause I already posted what your dumb ass did last night, so I hope you’re happy with your little fucking sand n—er self… I’m about to nuke your whole fucking planet from Mars. You think ya’ll are tough, big fat Arabs bombin’ the trade center? I’ll show you tough.”
She also called the employee “a complete cunt sand n—er whore,” and shouted: “I just want my bacon crispy and my people to be nice.” Chapman is even heard on the video wishing the footage gets “a million fucking hits,” which is likely a low estimate of the views it will get thanks to all the media attention since Monday.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Alexander Rosario and Douceaymee Lopez-Alvarez Of Tampa

Hillsborough deputies: 23-month-old boy left in car for 8 hours, parents arrested .

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

America: What A Country

Former Disgraced Republican South Carolina Gov. and adulter Mark Sanford on Tuesday won back his old congressional seat in a district that hasn't elected a Democrat in three decades. I am sure he is headed to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
It must be true what they say that GOP voters will vote for anybody as long as there is an R at the end of their name.
 Locally see vern buchanan or Will Weatherford.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Stephanie Wilkerson Of Tampa

Brutal School Bus Driver
The surveillance video below shows school bus driver Stephanie Wilkerson viciously kicking an eight-year-old girl off a bus last year. The incident occurred on September 28, 2012, outside Tampa Bay Boulevard Elementary School in Hillsborough County, Florida. The eight-year-old girl is autistic, according to WTSP, the local CBS affiliate. She suffered a fractured ankle when she fell to the ground. Wilkerson, 41, has been fired. Shecurrently faces a charge of aggravated child abuse.
See the video here.
See her at HCSO here
What a awful person. Yuck!