Showing posts with label Police Violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police Violence. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Florida SWAT Shoots Homeless Man In The Face

Dennis Gaydos, a homeless man from Palm Springs, was making his home outside of a church in the sunny Florida community without incident until a police intervention changed his life. Gaydos says he was keeping to himself in his temporary home on the church grounds when the Palm Springs Police department SWAT team, dressed in full military garb, shot him multiple times with rubber bullets.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan

Oakland police use chemical weapons on peaceful protesters.
Mayor commends police for Occupy raid.

The Cowards On The Oakland Police Department

Footage from the Occupy Oakland protest, October 25th, 2011. After protesters ran to the aid of a badly-injured person, Oakland Police deliberately lobbed a flash grenade into the crowd. Whatever you think of the Occupy movement, police behavior of this kind is criminal and should be prosecuted.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Roosevelt Utah Police

At the Union High School football game in Roosevelt Utah. The Tongan boys were performing the Haka for the team and while performing police officers started macing the crowd and hitting the boys with their clubs!