Showing posts with label Police Violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police Violence. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2016

Black Jacksonville Cop Beats A Handcuffed Woman

This was a Black officer hitting a White woman and he got fired and charged with battery. What about the other cops standing around watching.  93% of White cops that kill a Black person is still on the job.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Corey Jones Killer Gets Fired

What about murder charges?
The cop who murdered  Corey Jones on an 
I-95 ramp was fired Thursday by the 
city of Palm Beach Gardens. here

Read more here:

Monday, October 5, 2015

Bob Buckhorn's Fringe Groups

Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn 
upset civic groups including the NAACP and American Civil Liberties Union when he dismissed critics of his new police review board as “fringe groups” who want to “tear down our community. ” Buckhorn said he sees no need to meet with those groups as called for by City Council Chairman Frank Reddick. here
“Mayor, there is a cloud of distrust over police-community relations in this town, and this country, we are merely responding to their demands for justice.” Frank Reddick

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sandra Bland Deserves Justice

Last Friday, 28 year-old Sandra Bland was driving to her new job in Waller County, TX when she was pulled over for switching lanes without a signal--a routine violation that usually ends with a ticket. But instead, officers slammed her head into the ground and arrested her. Three days later, she died in police custody. here

Friday, July 10, 2015

FBI Is Now Investigating The Broward County Sheriff's Office

A beloved computer engineer who had never been in trouble a day in his life, Jermaine McBean was shot and killed in the apartment complex where he lived in Broward County, more than two years ago. To this day, the sheriff's office has kept the case in limbo and still not taken the case to a grand jury. It was just announced that the FBI is launching its own probe into McBean's killing. here

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hialeah Cop Jesus Menocal Likes To Play With Himself

An LGBT teen claims that an officer with the Hialeah police department illegally detained her. She says she was taken to an isolated area, where she was forced to take off her clothing, while the cop touched himself, sexually. here

Monday, June 8, 2015

Give Texas Back To Mexico


To the black Tampa PD cop who told me to put my camera down at the Fight for 15 rally at the Mickey Ds on MLK on June 5th. What do you think of cameras now?

 Eric Casebolt
Some residents are defending the police violence. A sign thanking officers was on display Sunday at the pool. here 

“This lady was saying racial slurs to some friends that came to the cookout. She was saying such things as ‘black effer’ and ‘that’s why you live in Section 8 homes, Then, according to Tatiana Rhodes, who is black, a white neighbor came up to me and smacked me in my face. Rhodes told E. Johnson, a photographer who recorded the conversation and uploaded it online

Craig Ranch North Community 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Cop Murders Jermaine McBean In Oakland Park

On July 31, 2013, Jermaine McBean, a 33-year-old computer engineer with no criminal record, paid $100 for a camouflage BB gun at his local pawn shop. As he walked to his home with his headphones on, listening to music, he was shot and killed by police in Oakland Park, Florida. Police claimed that he ignored their requests to put down his weapon and then aimed the gun, which was empty, at them in an aggressive manner. Now, nearly two year later, it turns out the police told multiple lies in attempt to cover up their killing of McBean. 
Here are some of the lies they told.

They even give awards for killing black guys down there. Here is the  killer, Deputy Peter Peraza accepting his. here 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Massive Memorial Service For D'AngeloStallworth In Jax

Over 1000 mourners gathered for the memorial service for D'AngeloStallworth. Stallworth was a father of three and part-time supervisor at UPS with 11 years at the company. D'Angelo was shot in the back as he fled by two Jacksonville Sheriff's Office officers on May 12 as the officers were serving an eviction notice to a neighbor. After getting into a confrontation with Stallworth, the officers fired a total of six shots as he fled down the stairs. here

Friday, May 15, 2015

Jacksonville Cops Kill D'angelo Reyes Stallworth

Two white Jacksonville Sheriff's Office deputies killed Stallworth on May 12 after shooting him several times in the back. The police showed up at Planters Walk apartments to serve an eviction notice. They claimed that they thought Stallworth looked suspicious and got into a confrontation with him. As Stallworth ran away, both officers fired a combined six rounds, killing him. here
Family and supporters of D'angelo Stallworth gather for a candlelight vigil after police shot and killed him on May 12

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fort Lauderdale Cops Are Coming To Drink Your Beer And Kill Niggers

Four Florida cops lost their jobs Friday after racist texts and an "inexcusable" video surfaced here

In Tallahassee about 100 activists gathered outside the Old Capitol where they burned a Confederate flag, to protest recent KKK activity in the area and draw attention to the links between the hate group and law enforcement. here 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Jacksonville sheriff's office shoots another unarmed black man

Devanta DeJuan Jones called the police for help early on the morning of March 29, he didn't expect them to come and shoot at him. He is currently in the hospital, and his condition is reportedly stable.

Organizers with the Jacksonville Progressive Coalition and community members are organizing a rally on March 30 (Today) at the corner store across from Cleveland Arms apartment complex at 6:00 p.m. The address for the starting location is 5105 Cleveland Arms Road. here

Wednesday, February 25, 2015