Friday, May 27, 2011

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Best Pork Sandwich In Tampa Bay
$5.69......At Airport Variety Store, 4600 Roosevelt Boulevard, Clearwater
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Karen's Korner Antiques

506 1st Ave S.W.
Downtown Largo

Just As We Suspected Dept

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has updated a widely cited chart to show that Bush-era tax cuts to the rich and two ill-advised wars - not the economic downturn - are primarily responsible for the massive debt now driving Republicans to cut health, education, social services and every other remotely useful program. As usual, the visuals speak louder than any numbers.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lynn Kessel's Fresh Bloody Mary

The Stogie loves Bloody Marys

Rick Scott - Voters Are My Employees

isn't it the other way around?

Cuban Seniors Meet At "120 Year Club"

Dozens of Cuba's oldest citizens are meeting at Havana's posh Hotel National this week, to celebrate another anniversary of the "120 Year Club." The organization claims more than 5,000 seniors as members,
with many aged 100 or older.
They hope to reach the 120-year mark through healthy diet, regular exercise, and positive thinking.

With Help From The Neighborhood

The Stogie was able to hold a BBQ for a number of neighbors who are recovering crack-addicts.
To show how proud we are of all of them. All the food was donated and home grown.

I Worship the Ground That Paul Ryan Walks On

Former vice president Dick Cheney heaped praise on House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, author of the GOP’s budget blueprint to phase out Medicare and
replace it with a subsidies system for seniors to buy private insurance.

“We need to get serious about dealing with [our] debt problem,” the former vice president explained.
Most of the government’s $14.3 trillion debt is a result of Bush-era policies, such as tax cuts for the wealthy and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Republicans pass 690-billion-dollar defense bill
Silly Old Man!

The Gardener On Broad Street

Ms. Marla's place just keeps getting better.

Good Times - The Investigation

Is Michael working for the Cuban government?
Michael begins doing research for a school term paper about the Communist party. But instead of heading to the public library, Michael writes a few letters of inquiry to the Cuban government. The results are both swift and terrible: Michael and the rest of the Evans family are targeted as a likely "security risk" by the FBI.

Aired January 27, 1976