Sunday, October 14, 2007

King George Collects $1M From Pinellas County Republicans

We only had less than 48 hours to get this together, but still between 75 and 100 folks cooked in the sun from 9am-11:30am to let King George know we're going to keep working to stop the war and save our constitution. We were moved twice, and prevented from getting within 100 yards of the president, but that's fine. ABC, NBC, the Trib, The Times, WMNF, and a couple of indies all stopped
Mike Fox 727-320-4502

Vaxjo, Sweden

Cities Take the Lead on Climate Change
When this quiet city in southern Sweden decided in 1996 to wean itself off fossil fuels, most people doubted the ambitious goal would have any impact beyond the town limits. A few melting glaciers later, Vaxjo is attracting a green pilgrimage of politicians, scientists and business leaders from as far afield as the United States and North Korea seeking inspiration from a city program that has allowed it to cut CO2 emissions 30 percent since

A Travesty Of Justice In Bay County, Florida

No Justice For Martin Lee Anderson
At 6:30 in the morning on June 5, 2006, Martin Lee Anderson is admitted to boot camp. At 9:06 am the use of force begins. At 9:45 am the paramedics take Martin Lee Anderson At 1:00 pm he was transported by air to Pensacola to the hospital where he died the next
Watch The

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Venezuela's Oil Revenues Staying In South America

Police cars, helicopters, radio stations, health clinics and fertilizer -- the deep pockets of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez benefit leftist allies and the poor from Bolivia to Nicaragua, but rankle opposition leaders. Chavez is using Venezuela's soaring oil revenues to spread aid to Nicaragua, Ecuador, Argentina and especially to Bolivia, where
He has helped President Evo Morales meet social spending promises to the indigenous majority that elected him in 2005.......more

Friday, October 12, 2007

Howard Dean On The Nobel Peace Prize

I want to congratulate our former Vice President Al Gore

For winning the Nobel Peace Prize today. No other person has worked harder or done more to draw much needed attention to the crisis of global climate change, one of the most critical issues facing our planet. Future generations will thank him for his work to save our way of life. But the fight is far from over.
His example should motivate each one of us to commit ourselves to doing everything we can in our own lives to save our precious planet."

High Tech Killing

Centrist Democrats And The Tactics Of Ridicule

The tactic of ridicule is being used quite widely in Florida now. It is working. Florida worked with the GOP here to get the vote through for the early primary. Then they immediately started the ridicule of Howard Dean and the DNC. It was well orchestrated indeed. They covered up their own dirty deeds by shifting blame and filing

Thursday, October 11, 2007

What Saudis Watch

DiCaprio, Clooney And Howard Dean

Farragut North
Leonardo DiCaprio and George Clooney are to star in a film loosely based on the rise and fall of presidential hopeful Howard Dean. The Warner Bros production will be based on a stage-play written by Beau Willimon.........more

Waste Management: Wanted New PR Firm