Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stand With Florida Postal workers

May 14 National Day of Action
With the union's Collective Bargaining Agreement with the U.S. Postal Service set to expire in less than a month, APWU negotiators and union members are turning up the heat. Postal workers are demanding Good Postal Service! Good Jobs!

In Tampa
Main Airport Post Office
Time: 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Contact: Don Barron;  (813) 300-6808;

Commerce Finance Downtown
401 North Ashley Drive
Time: 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Contact: David Bernstein/Don Barron; (813) 839-4233; (812) 876-1697;

Also in Miami, Jacksonville, Gainesville, Ocala, Ft Myers and Bradenton

Florida's Medicaid Coverage Gap

The refusal of Gov. Scott and Florida House Republicans to expand health care has left nearly one million hardworking Floridians stuck in what's been called "the coverage gap." Who are these Floridians, what are their challenges, and what can all of us do to help? That's what the documentary "The Gap" and these house parties are all about.
Find a local house party close to you and sign up to attend today. Together, we can close the coverage gap and provide quality health coverage for our friends, family, and neighbors.

In Tampa
Jimmie B. Keel Public Library
2902 W. Bearss Ave, Tampa
Thursday, May 21, 6:00 PM 

In St. Pete
St. Petersburg Public Library Main Branch
3745 9th Ave N, St Pete
Wednesday (Today), May 13, 4:30 PM

Hillsborough County Sheriff Office Shut Down Local Business

Hillsborough County sheriff’s deputies say a tip received by Tampa Bay's Snitch Line led them to a marijuana growing operation in Lutz. here

Detectives seized 20 marijuana plants, 18 seedlings, 2 ballasts, and two 1000-watt sodium vapor bulbs with ceiling shields.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Liberals Win: Don't Mess With Elizabeth Warren

Leading the fight against fast track
Senate Democrats dealt President Barack Obama a stinging setback on trade blocking efforts to begin a full-blown debate on his initiatives. Several Democrats said Obama erred by pointedly criticizing a leading Democratic foe on trade, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, in an interview with Yahoo News. These Democrats said they bristled when Obama suggested Warren was poorly informed and politically motivated. Democratic senators said they also are tired of seeing the Democratic president cozy up to Republicans on trade. here

 Great job Democrats!

Hands Across the Sand - Gandy Bridge

will be holding what is historically one of the largest gathering of folks joining hands to say yes to clean energy and no to dirty fuels. info

Suzi Fox In Seminole Heights

Sierra Membership Meeting 
Wednesday May 13 at 7:00 PM
Seminole Heights Public Library 
4711 Central Ave. Tampa

What Pilar And Stogie Had For Lunch

Pilar had Chicken on the grille
With Arroz Con Gandules and salad
Stogie had Bistec De Palomilla
With Moro and Salad
At  Azucar Sandwich Shop in Clair-Mel City
Don't look like much, but the food is awesome. Visit them here
Eat Local! Support Local Businesses

Obama attacks Warren

The #1 agenda item of corporate America is passing bad trade deals that hurt workers and were written by big corporations in secret.
It's sad that President Obama is their biggest ally and is now attacking Elizabeth Warren:

The trade proposal under consideration was written by giant corporations in secret. Warren pointed out that provisions (that were leaked) would allow corporations to overturn our nation's Wall Street reforms and other regulations. Obama has tried to belittle Warren with insults -- saying she's just wrong without actually disputing her core points. President Obama has never attacked Republican Leader Mitch McConnell the way he's attacking Elizabeth Warren. Will you stand up to big corporations and defend Warren?

Volusia County decorated war veteran will face trial for using medical marijuana

On May 18th, a decorated war veteran will face trial for using medical marijuana. Jared Hunter, desperate to save his own life when prescribed medications did not work, tried marijuana, and now he faces a jury trial in Volusia County before the Honorable Terence R. Perkins. here

“It is appalling that a man who risked his life to serve our country and protect our freedoms now has to fight for his freedom because he chose to use medical marijuana to treat his PTSD. PTSD is a debilitating condition specifically listed on the new petition, so when this passes dedicated soldiers such as Mr. Hunter will have the ability to go to their doctor and receive a recommendation for medical marijuana." Ben Pollara, Campaign Manager with United for Care. 

Don't Go In The Water In Florida

Zachary Motal lost his foot and 
part of his lower leg.
Doctors say it was caused by flesh-eating bacteria that he contacted during a day at Fort Myers Beach. here