Friday, December 12, 2014

Call Kathy Castor

Republicans are trying to sneak two devastating provisions into the big spending bill that would harm everyday Americans. The worst would put taxpayers on the hook for risky Wall Street gambling. Another would increase tenfold what millionaires and billionaires can give to political parties.

Call Ms. Castor today. These provisions must come out of the bill. Report your call here

Thursday, December 11, 2014

MLB Hillsborough County Has No Money For New Stadium

 Read how GW Bush  and The Texas Rangers got their Stadium built.
Financially, the Rangers deal was basically about real estate. By getting the city to build them a new stadium, Bush and his partners increased the team’s book value from $83 million to $138 million. This required convincing the city’s taxpayers that they would lose the team if they did not pay up for the stadium. To raise the $191 million it would cost to build the Ballpark at Arlington, residents were asked to add a half cent to what was already one of the nation’s highest sales tax rates. According to attorney Glenn Sodd, W.’s group helped egg along Arlington by leaking a story that Dallas was competing for the team and had offered to build them a stadium. “We found out that this was untrue. Sound familiar?.... more>

Beware of Ken Hagan and Mayor Bob, they are about to stick it to us.

Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

Young American Dreamers Of Auburndale

The Young American Dreamers started off as just a group of young friends who saw a need in their community and turned this need into an opportunity to take action into our own hands. here

Poverty, Inc. Trailer 2014

Dear Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jack Seiler

Dear Mayor Seiler --
It should never be a crime to care for other people. Please work with your city government to take the anti-homeless food sharing law off the books. Your city must drop the charges against Arnold Abbott, the two ministers arrested with him, and anybody else charged under this law.
Thank you.

Dreaming Of The Hague

Senate Report: US Torture
The Justice Department announce that it will 
not prosecute any US officials implicated.

"The interrogations were "absolutely, totally justified." Dick Cheney

Republican Senator John McCain, a former prisoner of war who was tortured in Vietnam, praised the report's release and said harsh interrogations did little to make Americans safer.

"Those of us who want to see a safer, more secure world want to see extremism defeated. We won't succeed if we lose our moral authority." British Prime Minister David Cameron

Check this cool place in the Netherlands, The International Criminal Court. It has the jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes and it may one day be able to exercise jurisdiction over the crime of aggression. here

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Drug Test Florida GOP

Gov. Rick Scott’s callous and condescending plan to drug-test welfare recipients has been demolished by a federal appeals court. Although experts had warned that Florida’s broad drug-testing statute wouldn’t survive a court challenge, Scott and the Republican-led Legislature sanctimoniously charged ahead. Now the state’s clanking legal appeals are costing taxpayers a fortune. here

I’ve offered to pay the cost for each of them to pee in a cup and send it to a lab, yet there’s no enthusiasm in Tallahassee for that proposal.
 Carl Hiaasen

Outside Tampa's City Limits

 Hillsborough County

Tampa City Council Candidates Meet and Greet

Tuesday, December 16th 6:30pm
Angry Chair Brewing - Tampa