Saturday, September 16, 2017

Florida Dem Bill Nelson Has Not Signed On To Bernie Sanders’ Medicare For All Proposal

Maybe because he ranks 9th for receiving highest amount of $$ from the insurance industry (Nov 2010 – Nov 2016)? here
Call him, ask him why!

Florida GOP Rick Scott And Adam Putnam Pour Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars To Rick Baker

Political committees linked to Rick Scott, Adam Putnam and future House Speaker Jose Oliva poured tens of thousands of dollars last month into a PAC supporting St. Petersburg mayoral candidate Rick Baker. here

FDOT Citizens Transportation Academy: Not A Joke

No joke, for real. They are so desperate they are now trying to cram their corporate vision of transportation down our throats at taxpayers expense. They want to feed us their corporate propaganda and they want us to like it. here
They want to spend billions on something we don't WANT but can't pay for a decent image of our city's skyline. Or is this their way of showing us what our future looks like after they get done with us.

Trump Campaigns For Rick Scott In Storm Ravage Ft. Myers

Donald Trump traveled to southwest Florida with a message for the people of Fort Myers, who are recovering from Hurricane Irma: Rick Scott for Senate. here

Friday, September 15, 2017

Desperate Rick Baker Exploits Irma

With his chances of becoming St. Petersburg’s next mayor dissipating as rapidly as the ravaging winds of Hurricane Irma, Rick Baker exploited one of the worst natural disasters in the nation’s history to resuscitate his failing campaign. here
Tampa Bay Times, Baker’s mouthpiece, printed the candidate’s press release verbatim without fact checking.  So did a local play-for-pay blog and the right wing Sunshine State News.

Young Democratic Socialists of America At FSU

DSA offers a viable left wing alternative to both neoliberal capitalism and the right wing populist reaction it creates. here

Rohingya Awareness Demonstration In Tampa

9.16 - 12 PM
Curtis Hixon Park

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd Getting Sued

A Virginia man is suing Polk County sheriff Grady Judd over his tough-on-crime approach to Hurricane Irma, claiming in a lawsuit filed Sunday that forcing shelter-seekers to undergo background checks was unconstitutional. here

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Dezeray Lyn On The Hotwire

 Hotwire speaks with Dezeray Lyn, an anarchist involved in Mutual Aid Disaster Relief Tampa organizing in the wake of Hurricane Irma. here

St. Pete Musician Zack Biss

Visit him here
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