Thursday, April 12, 2018

Rick Scott is a bewitched, evil hermit crab who lost his shell

and accidentally became 
Florida's governor
Today is the perfect time to revisit the many, many ways Governor Scott has totally screwed over Floridians. here

Joe Redner Wins Again

A Tallahassee judge has ruled in favor of Tampa activist Joe Redner in his fight against the state to grow his own 
medical marijuana. here
"I'm lucky. I have money, I can afford this stuff. How about the people who need their medicine that can't get it? I'm a rich person. Don't they think about poor people?" 
Mr. Joe Redner

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicken on the grill
With Rice and Tostones
At El Pueto in Ybor City
Thank you, Nick!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Florida Celebrates Dennis Ross Retirement

Florida GOP Dennis Ross of Lakeland, told his staff this morning he is retiring. here
"Eight years takes its time on you." Dennis Ross
It sure does Mr. Ross, just ask any Floridian. Party in Ybor anyone?

Victor Crist's Racket Exposed

This guy received tens of thousands of dollars from developers who profit from sprawl, and then he votes for sprawl.
The developers for ONE of the huge sprawl projects he approved donated $8,000 to his re-election bid. Of the $78,000 Crist has raised for this election, $22,000 are from clients of ONE big developer-lobbyist. And besides that ONE lobbyist, Crist’s whole campaign donor list is a Who’s Who of developers and special interests.
He didn't know. He blamed it on 
two little old ladies. here
Check out our friend  Mariella Smith,, she has been fighting sprawl for decades. and she doesn't take brides. We can vouch for that, check out her history on this blog.
She is not getting the big bucks from developers that Victor Crist gets. She is running a grassroots campaign.
 She needs our help.
"Unlike Victor Crist, let me assure you I DO look at who writes checks, and each and every one of your contributions is important to our campaign." 
Mariella Smith

Florida Dems Rigged Vote

"If they don't give you 
a seat at the table
bring a folding chair."
 Shirley Chisholm

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Roger

Self-Serving Rick Scott

1. Self-Serving Scott Made Millions, 
Florida Lost Jobs.
2. Self-Serving Scott is a Walking Conflict of Interest with a Secret Financial Account.
3. Self-Serving Scott’s Hurricane Irma Nursing Home Scandal Left 14 Seniors Dead.
4. Self-Serving Scott Supported Drilling Near Shores & Beaches – Even After the BP Oil Spill.
5. Self-Serving Scott Broke His Promise to Expand Health Care to 800,000 Floridians.
6. Self-Serving Scott Let 612 Days Pass Between Pulse & Parkland With No Action to Make Floridians Safer from Gun Violence.

Sky U White Progressive Underground Candidate Screening Committee Interview

Meet her at "The Fly" Downtown Tampa April 25th

Monday, April 9, 2018

Rick Scott Free Rally In Tampa

Karen Skyers with Digna Alvarez

Generation Action President USF, St. Pete
Annie Filkowski


Salomé Grasland

Michelle B. Patty

Karen Clay

The Legend Reverend Willie Dixon

The Mighty Fight For 15

ET and Debbie

Susan and Jim


Kofi and Tamuela



 Curtis Hixon Park
Downtown Tampa