Sunday, April 22, 2007

How Much Longer Will We Take This?
Campaign Against Alleged Voter Fraud Sought To Bolster The GOP

For six years, the Bush administration, aided by Justice Department political appointees, has pursued an aggressive legal effort to restrict voter turnout in key battleground states in ways that favor Republican political candidates, according to former department lawyers and a review of written records........more
Compromising Your Countrys Democracy, As Long As Your Side Wins.
The Police In La Habana

Response was quick and expectantly hysterical from at least one Cuban-American blogger to the news that the Police have apparently agreed to play a free concert in Havana in December. Henry Gomez, writing for Cuban-American Pundits, had this to

End The Embargo On The Cuban People

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Stogie Interviews The Local Homeless
Meet Randy
He is 29, born In Panama. He has lived in Tampa 5 years. Been homeless 3 of those years. Has no family. Lives on the street. Says he doesn't want help, he just wants a job. He was crying throughout our chat.
Painting Your Heart Out In Ybor

Mayor Pam Iorio calls Paint Your Heart Out, Tampa "...the best all-volunteer program that this community has ever had." And it is!

Ava Lowery - Camp Casey Easter 2007

Hamas Says, America and Israel Will Be Annihilated
Acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Sheik Ahmad Bahr from Hamas, Declared during a Friday Sermon at a Sudan Mosque that America and Israel Will Be Annihilated and Called upon Allah to Kill the Jews and the Americans "to the Very Last One" it here

HARRY REID: Gonzales Should Resign, Bush Should Fire Him

Friday, April 20, 2007

Sarasota And Largo
A Large Bridge Apart

"The people of Sarasota don't have an issue, you have an issue," Commissioner Fredd Atkins told a reporter asking about Stanton's application. "We have the same rules and regulations for every applicant. ... Any qualified candidate can apply."
"He would make a good city manager whether he applies as Steve or Susan,"...Former City Commissioner Mary Anne Servian
Sarasota adopted a non-discrimination ordinance in 2003 that includes sexual orientation.
So Mary, Andy, Harriet, Gay And Gigi. This Is How They Do It In The Real World. Good Job Sarasota.
Just Tell People You Are Canadian

Christian Cox, a US citizen living in London, wrote to the BBC news website to express her concern about the amount of abuse she receives because of her nationality. Ms Cox, 29, says she has been called, among other things, "terrorist", "scum", "low life", and feels that she is constantly being held to account for the actions of President Bush and for US foreign policy.....more
Kucinich To Launch Cheney Impeachment Push
On April 25
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), the former mayor of Cleveland who is seeking the 2008 Democratic nomination for president for the second time, has selected a date to introduce articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.......more

Thursday, April 19, 2007

In Miami, Some Terrorists Are Honored Guests

After a two-year battle with immigration authorities, Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles, looking frail and unsteady on his feet, arrived in Miami on Thursday after being released on $350,000 bond by a federal court in El Paso, Texas.......more
Flashback May 2005: Posada Speaks To......Miami Herald
The Bush Dynasty And The Cuban
What Castro Has To
Cubana Flight 455
Do They Still Have Orlando Bosch Day?
Dr. Dean On Partial Birth Abortion Ban
Individual freedom should apply to abortion decision. I believe that the issue of abortion is a medical rather than a political decision. I don't see how a government regulation that tells doctors how to practice medicine can be supported. Republicans claim that they are the party of individual freedom, but they are the first to tell other people how to live their lives................ Howard Dean, Dec 3,

NRA Boasts About Working Out Of White House

The National Rifle Association last year spent $6 million supporting some political candidates and attacking others. The independent Political Moneyline website reported that 85 per cent of that expenditure went to Republican Party candidates.

Politicians Duck For Cover At Talk Of Gun Control

The response of America's political leaders to the deaths at Virginia Tech was so muted it was no louder than a sob. Among two firearms used by Cho Seung-hui was a legally bought Glock 19, loaded with a high-capacity magazine that could hold 15 bullets at a time. This magazine was illegal until 2004, when a federal law controlling the possession and sale of semi-automatic assault weapons lapsed.....more

You Chose 08: John Edwards

WMNF 88.5 Needs Your Cash
Raised so far: $129,118.00 from 1308 generous supporters!
Now it's your turn!