Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ronda Probes ChildNet

A Florida Senate committee is preparing to investigate the scandal at ChildNet, the Broward child welfare program embroiled in allegations of forgery, fraud, kickbacks and security problems.......more

"I'm not looking the other way if you are going to be a bad actor. I am not going to shelter you from criticism."

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Iraqi Boy Scout Jamboree

"The Runaway Presidency"

The United States of America was born during the Enlightenment, or the Age of Reason. America was conceived by a learned generation angry with power-mad absolute rulers. On the eve of the country's birth, as popular outrage bubbled to the surface, Great Britain's King George III and monarchs of other nations were above the law. An adage at the time was "the king can do no wrong."........more

Bush and Cheney function as kings. This isn't what America's founders had in mind.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Statement of Howard Dean on Virginia Tech Tragedy
“Today our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and the students, faculty and administration officials at Virginia Tech. Our nation is devastated by this tragedy and mourns with those who lost loved ones today.”
Charlie Joins Tax Protesters

Protesters came to Tallahassee Tuesday to urge legislators to pass a property tax reform measure. Gov. Charlie Crist attended the rally. "You have the power," Crist told the protesters. "You're making the difference. This is your state. It's your money, and you're going to get it back."...........more

Mayor Of Nagasaki Killed by Mobster

Backed by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Iccho Itoh was campaigning for his fourth term in office before Sunday's elections. He was an active figure in the movement against nuclear proliferation, heading a coalition of Japanese cities calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons.
"Mayor Itoh had a strong and boundless passion for peace," said Sunao Tsuboi, leader of a survivors' group based in Hiroshima, a city also flattened by a U.S. atomic bomb in 1945.......more
things that make you say "hmmm"
Truckloads Of Food Worth More Than $40 million Are Being Thrown Away
After FEMA Ran Out Of Storage Space
As many as 6 million prepared meals stockpiled near potential victims of the 2006 hurricane season spoiled in the Gulf Coast heat last summer when the Federal Emergency Management Agency ran short of warehouse and refrigeration space. Most of the meals were commercial versions of the military's Meals Ready to Eat, which were ruined despite being engineered to withstand the demands of desert and jungle
Al-Jazeera Big, but Not in U.S.

Al-Jazeeras English language television has gained strong viewership across Europe and in parts of Asia, Australia and even in Israel, according to station executives, but no major cable or satellite provider in the United States is carrying the channel - a decision the network blames on political pressure but which U.S. carriers deny......more
Sarasota Clowns Headed To Auction
After a rough six months on the streets, the 50 clown statues scattered throughout the city are heading to market......more

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Nightwatchman - Tom Morello

A28: Impeachment Summer Begins This Spring!
Let's put the word IMPEACH! everywhere on April 28. If you're in Miami you'll be able to voice your opinion directly to George Bush himself. It just so happens on the day of nationwide impeachment protests Bush is scheduled to give the commencement address at Miami Dade Community
St. Pete for Peace will be providing transportation from St. Petersburg to Miami
E-mail for more info
Most Knowledgeable Americans Watch 'Daily Show' and 'Colbert'
Bringing up the rear were regular watchers of Fox News
Democrats and Republicans were about equally represented in the most knowledgeable group but there were more Democrats in the least aware

Big Media Hall of Shame

Sarasota Protests Genocide In Darfur

Nearly 500 people rallied here Sunday to call attention to the genocide in Darfur, the region of Sudan whose humanitarian crisis has spawned calls for intervention from grass-roots organizations around the country.......more

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Barack Obama At The Cuban Club, Ybor City
Nice Crowd

What We Wanted To Hear

Kate Was In Da House

Who's Next, Mr. Deggans?
Bigotry and hate speech targeting, among other characteristics, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnicity continue to permeate the airwaves through personalities such as Glenn Beck, Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Michael Smerconish, and John Gibson......more