Thursday, May 5, 2011

Meet John Hood

Entertaining the folks at the TGH Womens Center waiting room.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Afghanistan War Tax Calculator

To find out how much of your money has gone to fund a war that's not making us safer,
visit our Tax Day Calculator.

Nothing But A Scam

Looking at our local paper 'Cellmates" i notice most of the folks in it are there for minor drug offences or for violation of probation, probably from a previous drug offence. Legalise drugs now, empty the prisons
and stop this madness.

Osama Bin Laden Was Supposedly Just Killed

There's no reason to keep fighting a war in Afghanistan.
Sign this petition to bring the troops home now.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another ‘Awake the State’ Rally Planned

You’re not alone. Since Awake The State’s first major protest almost two months ago, Floridians have taken to the streets in a historic level of civic activism. Gov. Scott and his allies in the Legislature are hoping that despite their presiding over the most anti-middle class legislative session in Florida history, you’ll somehow just go away. It’s time to prove them wrong.

Friends Of Stogie

In Tampa

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Roast Sirlion of Beef, Au Jus
With Rice, Baked Beans and Salad
$8.95......At Three Coins Diner, 7410 North Nebraska Avenue, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Three Coins on Urbanspoon

Dante's Inferno Hell Test


Is Everyone Taking The Blue Pill?

You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.......Morpheus
I tried posting the You Tube video of this scene but for some reason embedding has been disabled by request.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Henry
He is not homeless. He told me he lives in Grant Park. His part of the rent is the TECO bill.
He can not find a job so he sells water on the street corner.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Stop Alex Sink

Michael Hussey of Pushing Rope has started a Facebook page dedicated
to making sure Alex Sink never runs for Florida statewide office again.

Fans Of The Stogie

In Tampa

SOG City Oracle Hershey Squirt Award

Florida Republican Senator Cliff Stearns


A Photographic Exhibition by Amy Royale

Monday, May 2 at 10:00am - May 6 at 9:00pm
Centre Gallery @ USF Marshall Center. Tampa
Tampa Do-Gooder

Tampa's Sleepy Vikings

Are on the verge of their first full-length release and national tour.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Dan
He is from Kentucky. He has been homeless since 1989.
Tampa Bay Homeless