Thursday, August 16, 2007

Countdown: Worst Person August 14, 2007

Let's Attack The Persians
An Attempt To Deceive Americans Into Yet Another War
Such is the case with Kucinich's appropriate answer to the latest move by the Bush-Cheney administration to ramp up hostilities with Iran. That move -- the unprecedented attempt to label Iran's 125,000-strong Republican Guard as a "specially designated global terrorist"
In an era of mass delusion and denial on the party of leaders in both major political parties, stating the obvious can be a radical act.

Recall The C's
Vox Shows Us

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Army Suicide Rate Highest In 26 Years
A Quarter While Serving In Iraq And Afghanistan

The 99 suicides included 28 soldiers deployed to the two wars and 71 who weren't. About twice as many women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan committed suicide as did women not sent to war, the report

Cypress Creek Town Center Runoff To Cypress Creek

Another Round With
The Gang Of Four
Thursday, August 16, 2007, 9am
601 E. Kennedy Blvd. In Beautiful Downtown Tampa

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Iraq Has Been Ethnically Cleansed

Athens, Alabama
Pray And Fast In Support
A measure to end the sale of alcohol in Athens is up for a citywide vote, a rare instance where voters could overturn a previous vote to allow sales. Business interests are against repeal, but church leaders who helped organize the petition drive that got the measure on the ballot are asking members to pray and fast in support of a ban........more
Janet's Roadside Memorial
I4 And Charlie Taylor Road

Starving To Death In Argentina

The View From France
Bush And Sarkozy Have A Picnic
Hamburgers and hot-dogs … In his fish shop, Steve Kingston is appalled. It is Mr. Kingston of Kennebunkport, who provides the Bush family with lobsters and swordfish. But this time there was no such request. "I hope that in France, that this won't be misinterpreted." After all, the menu for this Saturday midday picnic at the summer residence of the American president's parents was part of an effort to play down the importance of the meeting between Nicolas Sarkozy and George W.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Harold Ford vs. Kos

Democrats Say Leaving Iraq May Take Years
Even as they call for an end to the war and pledge to bring the troops home, the Democratic presidential candidates are setting out positions that could leave the United States engaged in Iraq for
Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico stands apart, having suggested that he would even leave some military equipment behind to expedite the troop withdrawal. In a forum at a gathering of bloggers last week, he declared: “I have a one-point plan to get out of Iraq: Get out! Get out!”

Dick Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Five Cars Hit Man On I4
Only One Stops To Report Accident
Investigators said Roig was in dark clothing as he crossed I-4's westbound lanes from the south and was hit by a car in the center lane. The impact sent him into a 2004 Ford Taurus in the left lane, Coggins said. That collision pushed him back into the center lane, where he was hit by a third car and landed on the roadway. He was hit by two more cars. The Taurus' driver, Alexander Rascionato, 33, of Tampa, stopped to report the accident. The third car likely has damage to its front. The fourth and fifth likely have damage to the

Take Action Against Hate Crimes

Has Bush Abandoned the Everglades?
So it turned more than a few heads in June when the United Nations' World Heritage Committee, which monitors the globe's important natural and cultural sites, removed the Everglades from its endangered list at the behest of the U.S. Department of the Interior. The circumstances behind the action have infuriated Florida Democrats and environmentalists — and cast more suspicions on the Bush Administration's penchant for bending science to suit its politics........more
Florida's Pave and Slay
Rare Tortoises' Entombment To End

Under Florida's pave-and-pay program, developers obtained "take" permits from the state to build on top of tortoise burrows—essentially entombing them alive. About 94,000 tortoises may have been buried since pave-and-pay began in 1991. Some suffered slow deaths due to dehydration or starvation, while others were crushed by heavy machinery........more