Friday, August 23, 2013

scott Reality Check

Rick Scott wants you and other Florida voters to think our schools are better off with him in the governor's office. Tell that to students who lost their teacher last year, or had their favorite class cut, or their after school program eliminated. Rick Scott’s rosy education rhetoric just doesn’t match up with the reality experienced by our teachers and students. Help  get the truth out? Click to SHARE the truth on Facebook or Twitter.
Gov. Scott has been touring the state promoting the fact that he is putting funding back into public education after cutting more than $1.3 billion in 2011. Scott is hoping to wipe his abysmal education record clean with Florida voters but the reality in local communities still doesn’t match up with the governor’s rhetoric.
Help us get the truth out today.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dark Skinned People Don’t Need To Tan

More great stuff from Florida's Right Wing.
Rep. Ted Yoho Florida's Dumbest Politician told an appreciative crowd at a recent town hall meeting in Florida "Obamacare’s 10% tax on tanning bed services is racist against white people because darker-skinned people don’t need to tan." Allen West added,  “You want to talk about something that’s really racist? They have a tanning tax. I’m not tanning.”
Who the hell votes for these people?

In Florida Life Is Always A Beach

 That is why we live here. Clean beaches and the view void of oil rigs.

The Mafia Tour

Cigar City Magazine Presents: The Mafia Tour
September 21, 2013 and October 19, 2013
The tour will take you to old gambling palaces, street corners and alleys where some mobsters met their demise, and restaurants where wise guys like famed boss Santo Trafficante Jr. held

Liberals Scream for Howard Dean

Howard Dean today became the latest Democrat to head to Iowa. He spoke at an Iowa Federation of Labor event about an effort by the liberal group Democracy For America to elect more Democratic state legislators. Asked by Iowa radio whether he would run if Hillary doesn't, Dean answered, "We're not going there, I'm supporting Hillary." If Dean were to run, he'd probably have to do it by heading straight for Clinton's (or Vice President Joe Biden's) left flank. That would mean a more populist message, focused on expanding, not "reforming" entitlements and Wall Street reform, which some liberal Democrats feel the mainstream of the party has largely abandoned for the sake of political expediency. "If no candidate endorses these positions there's absolutely room for a Howard Dean type of candidate," said Matt Wall, press secretary for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee........more>

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

In Defense Of Kathleen Ford

The Stogie had too many pints of Yuengling one night and desided to parody Ms. Ford's comment about making potato salad.  This brought a response from someone we all admire very much around here local blogger and activist Tom Tito of Bartlett Park. He wrote,
"Ford has worked very hard for south St. Pete residents. The newspaper won't say anything good about her due to their bias toward their business advocate Rick Baker (who is loved by Rick Kriseman.) Check out this story, it was honored by the Columbia Journalism Review."
I read the story he is talking about and if you live in St. Pete you should too before you go to the polls.  Check it out here.

Tallahassee's Pay-To-Play Culture

In 2011 Scott vetoed state money for a Sarasota rowing center. Then the money started rolling in.  Scott's "Let's Get To Work" committee received $125,000 in donations from Benderson Development, which owns the land for the rowing center. He received another $85,000 from Pat Neal, the nearby Lakewood Ranch developer who would benefit from the project. Scott also has received $1,000 from Diane Bennett, the wife of former state senator and current Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Mike Bennett, who helped lead the effort in the Senate to secure state funding for the rowing center. Bennett is a consultant for an electrical contractor on the facility bidding for work on the project, which could run from $200,000 to $2 million. Benderson Development president Randy Benderson even got an extra bonus for his generosity — a Business Ambassador Award medal from the governor. He clearly earned it. Scott says supporters of the project convinced him of the economic benefits and tourism allure of the rowing center. Now The $40 million rowing center project is under construction and scheduled for completion in 2015.......more>

Equal Marriage FLA HD3

Ybor Paparazzi

Charlie and Bob of A-List Steaks.


The Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce traveled to Cuba in May 2013 to support Tampa International Airport's nonstop service to Cuba.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Stogie Exclusive

We worked hard over here at the Stogie and found this pic of Kathleen Ford making  potato salad at Campbell Park.

Tampa Bay Insiders: Kevin Beckner

Darden Rice For St. Pete City Council

U.S. Congresswoman Kathy Castor
Former Governor Charlie Crist
State House Rep. Dwight Dudley
State House Rep. Darryl Rouson
Pinellas County Commissioner Janet Long
Pinellas County Commissioner Charlie Justice
Pinellas County School Board Member Linda Lerner
St. Pete City Council Chairman Karl Nurse
St. Pete City Council Member Charlie Gerdes
St. Pete City Council Member Jeff Danner
Largo City Commissioner Mike Smith
State House Rep. Carl Zimmerman
State House Rep. Mark Danish

Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner


Miami Cubans Feud With Fidel

The Chamber of the Americas’ upcoming cultural mission to Cuba is generating substantial interest but also some scorn. The outrage comes from the stereotypical suspects — the aging and politically potent but attenuated Cuban-American émigrés engaged in an interminable feud with Fidel Castro that’s more psychological than political or practical. The Cuban-American political cachet has diminished — but not their fury. Engaged in activism that isn’t altogether altruistic, their ongoing mission resembles a personal vendetta rather than suffrage or liberation.......more
Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small minority in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Ybor Paparazzi

Tea Cup with friends at Hamburger Marys.

Howard Dean 2016

Great news! Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, who says he's open to making another bid for president, will travel next week to Iowa. The former presidential candidate will speak Wednesday at the Iowa Federation of Labor convention.  A spokesman for Dean's independent group, Democracy for America, said Dean will be talking next week about the organization's "Purple to Blue Project," a plan aimed to help Democrats win state House and Senate seats. Dean told CNN earlier this year that he would consider another presidential run if he didn't think other candidates were taking on progressive issues......more>

Flower Salesman

 Ybor City

More Trouble For Kathleen Ford

One of the Florida’s biggest lobbying groups The Council for Stronger Neighborhoods, a group connected to the Florida Realtors, recently sent glossy mailers city voters denouncing Kathleen Ford in her third quest to lead the city.One side of the ad calls Ford “unfit to lead” and says she “is making a mockery of a yet another election.” more>  And a  a straw poll taken Wednesday night after the mayoral debate at  Bethel Community Baptist Church Of the 116 people who participated, Kriseman won 64.7 percent. Mayor Bill Foster followed with 16.4 percent. Kathleen Ford only garnered 10.3 At St. Petersblog.