Friday, July 7, 2006

Downtowns on the Verge Podcast
The condo boom is in full effect in downtown Tampa and St. Petersburg, sparking different fears in each setting.....more
Poll: Do you think the Democrats will win back control of Congress this fall? here
Japan troops begin Iraq pullout
Japan's troop dispatch, a symbol of Tokyo's willingness to put "boots on the ground" for its close ally, the United States, has won praise from Washington.....more

Kuwait’s shifting tides
Raymond Barrett

The arrival of women on Kuwait’s political stage is matched in significance by the quiet rise of Islamists, says Raymond Barrett.....more
This isn’t Fox News sir.

About The Debate
My Left Nutmeg
In A MSNBC Poll As Of July 7, 6pm
Who won the Connecticut Senate debate?
* 24529 responses
Joe Lieberman 24%
Ned Lamont 68%
It was a draw 7.8%

You Da Man, Ned

"Woman With Adam’s Apple Denounces Anal Sex And Fisting."
Has This Country Gone Completely Insane?

This afternoon, drinking a cup of coffee while sitting in the Jesse Brown V.A. Medical Center on Chicago’s south side, a Veterans Administration cop walked up to me and said, "OK, you’ve had your 15 minutes, it’s time to go.".....more

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Go to Venezuela, You Idiot
I don't usually take the advice of rightwingers. But I did this time. After receiving inflamed email messages from dozens of angry rightists that I should get the hell out of the USA and go to Venezuela, I accepted their challenge and flew to Caracas.....more
Why Conservatives Can't Govern
Alan Wolfe
Bush's presidency and Congress are imploding, not despite their conservatism, but because of it....more
Kinky Friedman
For Texas
In the latest Rasmussen poll, independent gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman jumped five percentage points, surpassing independent candidate Carole Strayhorn and Democrat Chris Bell. Visit Kinky...........Here
Willie Nelson Approved

The Kinky Friedman Talking Action Figure Now Available
The Norah O'Reilly Factor

This "objective" "journalist", and I use both terms with trepidation, is often anything but, her appearances as "Hardball" guest host representing a shameful romp though Republican America armed only with right-wing talking points. Somehow able to simultaneously be manifestly full of shit and an empty vessel....more
Her interview with Cindy Sheehan yesterday
White Supremacist Tactics Adopted by "Mainstream" Right

One of the favorite tactics used by [white supremacist] groups is to find the home address and telephone number of the latest enemy and then publish it on the Internet, accompanied by impassioned condemnations of that person as a Grave Enemy, a race traitor, someone who threatens all that is good in the world. A handful of the most extremist pro-life groups have used the same tactic.....more
Dear Mr President - Bush Iraq War Rap - Unreleased !
Why dreams must die if peace is to come

When it comes to the Palestinians and the Israelis, it is usually a tale of two stories. Forget whether one version is true and the other false. The important thing is that the people who hold these views believe that they are true, and their leaders make decisions based on them.....more

The Libertarian Reform Caucus (LRC) -- an "outsider" group of pragmatic moderates within one of America's two largest third parties -- won a dramatic upset victory at this weekend's Libertarian National Convention. "Fringe politics does not work in the United States. A political party must appeal to a plurality of voters (effectively, at least 40%) in some districts in order to win elections....more
Ask a Republican
Richard Martin (R-Ohio)
I often get asked questions about Republican policy by greasy-haired liberal hippies. Watch video of me interacting with them in Los Angeles and Seattle. May God bless you and here
Stop The ACLU pogrom is a resounding success
The good god-fearing Christians of the Indian River School District deserve most of the credit. They took to the task of ethnic cleansing with a vengeance , not sparing anyone discomfort.....more

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Israel's Gaza Problem
Marjorie Cohn
Israel's devastating invasion of Gaza threatens to cripple the densely populated area, and may drive legions of Palestians to jihad.....more