Sunday, June 21, 2009

Goodbye Tampa


Commissioner Kevin Beckner Gets A Lecture

Other board members sat silently as Commissioner Rose Ferlita got up to ask a clerk to replay Beckner's opening comments over
What Has Rose Ferlita Ever Done For Us?

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hartline Suppliers

Your Bay Area Repo Men

Mayor Pam Succumbed To Anti-Muslim Extremists

Tampa's mayor has decided not to honor a controversial Muslim civil rights group this year. Mayor Pam Iorio said Thursday she made the decision after hearing from people who complained that the Council on American-Islamic Relations has ties to terrorist groups.......more

Joe Biden Offers Mayor Baker A Job

"He said, 'Well, if you're ever looking for a job, I could use you up here. That is, if you don't mind hanging with Democrats for a while,'" said Baker, a

Brooksville City Workers Must Wear Underwear

Thinking about a vacation?
Be sure to consider Brooksville, Florida
In addition to everything else Brooksville has to offer -- three city parks, a nine-hole golf course, and "an excellent library" -- Brooksville can now assure visitors that each and every one of its city employees will be wearing underwear while on

Locavore Obamas

The Dairy Godmother
Of Alexandria, Virginia.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Moro And Yuca
$8.95.........At Latin Cafe 2000 829 E Bloomingdale Ave, Brandon

Send Your Wildlife Pics To Karen McAllister

E-mail pictures with your name and photo details in the body of the message. Then view your photos in's Wildlife Photo Gallery and vote for your

AAC Awards In Tampa