Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tampa History On A Roll


Tampa Bay's Media Talk: Eric Deggans

Photography Legal In Manatee County, Florida

Even a “known drug dealer” is legally allowed to photograph undercover cops as they serve a search warrant, if he takes the photos from a public space, according to a Florida prosecutor.
The photographer was 20-year-old Randy Sievert of Bradenton, who was arrested in February after he stood on a public road and photographed Manatee County sheriff’s officials conducting a search warrant on a private

See 'Anna in the Tropics' For Free In Ybor

The Pulitzer Prize-winning play Anna in the Tropics, written by Nilo Cruz, and directed by Dr. Sybil Barnes-Johnson, is being performed this weekend and next by Hillsborough Community College's Ybor Campus Theater

Local Legends

El Cap........ 3500 4th St. N. St. Petersburg, Florida
Great Burgers And Cold Beer

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Bacalao With Moro And Platanos
$5.95 At.......Rosa's Market 4209 W.Martin Luther King Blvd Tampa

Tampa Locavore

Pastor Hayes Wicker of Naples, Florida

This is a tremendous social crisis, greater even than the issue of slavery.
For those who don’t know, fundamentalist right-wingers in Florida are attempting to pass a constitutional amendment in Florida this year that would ban gay marriage in the Sunshine State. The same gay marriage that is already illegal under four separate parts of state law. What this nutjob is actually saying is that the fact that they haven’t yet enshrined hatred in the Florida

Tampa Getting A New Neighbor

Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday that that President Bush will nominate Army Gen. David Petraeus as the new commander of U.S. Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base in

Our Darwinian Society

Today, the USA is a synonym for corruption, greed, homelessness, hopelessness, high crime and never-ending financial speculation. People are loosing their homes and are faced with ever increasing gasoline

Vietnam Wall - Wickham Park, Melbourne Florida

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Half A Billion To Move 16 Blocks

MLK And Himes, Tampa

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Ropa Vieja With White Rice And Yuca
$5.95 At.........40th Street Restaurant, 3206 N 40th St Tampa

Florida Bans Truck Nutz

Seems that paragon of jurisprudence and rational thought, Florida, thinks that having a pair of these on the hitch of your truck is a bad idea. As a matter of fact, if you scoff at this law, and continue to display your Truck Nutz, the state now sees fit to ticket you for $

Barbershop Patrol Ybor City Cuts