Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Patrick Murphy. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Patrick Murphy. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Florida New Democrats

Gwen Graham,
 Patrick Murphy
and  Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Will Kathy Castor Vote For War?

Rep. Kathy Castor says she’s not ready to announce whether she supports the Iran nuclear deal, but will within the next week or so. here
"We hope Ms. Castor thinks about this carefully. This could be the most important vote of her career. With her base, If she votes for war, everything good that she has ever done will be forgotten. She will always be remembered for helping the war hawks take us into another senseless war. Her base will forget about her, we know we will. She will go the way of Gwen Graham and Patrick Murphy." YCS

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Florida Democratic Party ‘Bosses’ Out-Of-Touch

“Florida Democratic voters choose our party nominee, not out-of-touch party bosses sipping cognac in a smoke-filled room in Washington DC.,” Alan Grayson

“Progressives are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party in Florida and across the nation. We are the volunteers who stuff envelopes, knock on doors, and provide the grassroots energy that powers successful Democratic campaigns. The idea that a senator from Montana and Wall Street Democrats know better than rank-and-file Florida Democrats is both patronizing and unsurprising. Then again, no one knows better than Jon Tester that DSCC support 
doesn’t mean a whole lot." Susan Smith
"We will not vote for or support Patrick Murphy." YCS

Monday, August 1, 2016

Pam Keith Should be in the Senatorial Florida Debate

WFTV is refusing to let Pam Keith debate Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson for the US Senate. They changed the rules of the percentage polling to eliminate her. She has the right to debate. The phone number of WFTV to protest their actions is 
Sign the petition

Monday, November 23, 2015

Stand with Alan Grayson

What do terrorists want? 
To change people’s religions?
No. They want to cause terror. And this week, when my opponent Patrick Murphy voted to block Syrian refugees from entering our country because he was terrified, he gave them exactly what they wanted.

Rep. Alan Grayson
Candidate for U.S. Senate 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

2014 Florida Progressive Candidates

District 1: Jim Bryan (D)
 District 2: Gwen Graham (D)
 District 5: Corrine Brown (D)
District 6: David Cox (D)Andrew Scott (D)
District 7: Nick Ruiz III (D)
District 13: Jessica Ehrlich (D)
District 14: Kathy Castor (D)*
District 18: Patrick Murphy
District 19: April Freeman (D)
For more info visit Politics 1

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Patrick Murphy Contributions

 Small Individual Contributions
$179,724 (7%)
Large Individual Contributions
$1,744,286 (65%)
PAC Contributions
Alan Grayson
 Small Individual Contributions: $1,755,295 (57%)
 Large Individual Contributions: $882,803 (28%)
PAC Contributions: $295,675

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Allen West: Threat To The Gene Pool

"Allen West has a long history of outrageous comments. However, in the last two days, West has demonstrated unusually bizarre behavior - showing himself to be truly unhinged and incapable of controlling himself. As if referring to Americans who support their President as a "threat to the gene pool" wasn't bad enough, West then unleashed a peronal assult on Representative Wasserman- Schultz calling her "vile" and "despicable". He then had the audacity to label this brave elected leader who courageously shared her successful struggle with breast cancer with the nation as a "coward". Enough is enough. His conduct is unbecoming a member of Congress.
He has disrespected his office
and should be censured by the House of Representatives immediately. "......Patrick Murphy

Saturday, January 23, 2016

After All The Shit! Floridians Still Want Alan Grayson

Grayson still holds a 7-point lead after months of negative press generated by the Patrick Murphy campaign throwing everything including the kitchen sink at him, while the former South Florida Republican has endured virtually no critical attention from the media. here

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Florida Dems Can’t Live Without Alan Grayson

His far-left brand is out of place with Florida’s swingy politics. His penchant for controversy doesn’t go over well with many of Florida’s older Democratic voters. And the establishment wing of the Democratic Party wants him out, out, out — out of the Senate race, out of Congress and, preferably, out of Florida politics altogether.
But despite (or perhaps because of) all that, Rep. Alan Grayson is a figure in Florida politics — a perplexing, divisive figure, but a figure nonetheless, and one who may represent a younger, more liberal, anti-establishment wing of the Democratic Party that Florida Democrats can’t live without. here
People at the highest levels of Democratic politics are actively and publicly trying to undercut his Senate primary campaign against Rep. Patrick Murphy for the seat being vacated by Marco Rubio. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bargain Bob's Talents

In an interview with Dara Kam of the News Service of Florida, Tampa mayor Buckhorn was asked whether he’s considering running for governor. here
”I don’t know. I’m looking at it,” he said. Though he loves being Tampa’s mayor, he said he hasn’t stopped thinking his talents could step up to Tallahassee.
Lets look at some of the mayor's talents!

He was no fan of Amendment 2 here

He called the ACLU, the Council on America-Islamic Relations, and the NAACP fringe groups. Though this month he emphasized he wasn’t including the NAACP in those remarks. here
His lack of enthusiasm for Charlie Crist, the party’s 2014 gubernatorial nominee. here
His support of the MCM. here and here
His support of Pam Bondi. here
And  Patrick Murphy here
And lets not forget how cheaply he can be bought, which is how he earned the nickname "Bargain Bob" here at this blog. here
 He should fit right in Tallahassee's Pay-To-Play Culture!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Pam Keith, Florida Democratic Candidate For US Senate

Left up to mainstream media, one would think that there is only one declared Democrat in the race for Marco Rubio’s U.S. Senate seat. In fact, it has been reported as such. There are some who want Floridians to think that Patrick Murphy is the only candidate that is in the race. That is not the case. Pam Keith is a delightful breath of fresh air in the staleness that is the Florida Democratic Party. here

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Harry Reid’s Bogus Smear Campaign Against Rep. Alan Grayson

The Democratic establishment has dropped all pretenses, and they are now squarely in the pocket of big business. If you need proof, take Senator Harry Reid's recent confrontation with Congressman Alan Grayson, where Reid told Grayson - a champion of progressive values - that he wants him to lose his Senate race against corporate-friendly "Democrat" Patrick Murphy. 

Monday, June 8, 2015


Fire Allison Tant and hire 
Susan Smith
Democrats want to see real Democrats running for office. Mmobilize the base. The voters are there, the task is to give them a reason to vote.When you put up lifelong Republicans who can’t be differentiated from Democrats, there’s no reason for Democratic voters to vote.

Rick Scott is the poster child for corrupt government. And yet we didn’t beat him.we couldn’t beat him because we didn’t put up a true blue candidate (Nan Rich) who could challenge him on his policies. Instead, we put up a lifelong Republican (Charlie Crist) who’d just changed parties. Once you have your dedicated Democrat voting, they will vote for ALL the Democrats all the way down the ballot.
Put up corporate Democrats all you want. Keep giving us lifelong Republicans to vote for. We’ll keep rejecting them. Let us know when you’re ready to win some elections with some real true blue Democrats and we’ll be right there behind you.
Thank you Brook Hines and The Florida Squeeze for this awesome piece.
Patrick Murphy = You will lose, the base will not work or vote for him.
 I know we won't. YCS

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Investigate IRS And DOJ

U.S. Representative Patrick E. Murphy of Florida made the following statement in regards to reports of misconduct by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ):
"The news regarding the IRS is completely unacceptable. Congress should swiftly and thoroughly investigate this matter, and the administration should provide its complete cooperation to ensure that this never happens again. Additionally, the reported actions of the Department of Justice in relation to the Associated Press are deeply troubling and those responsible must be held accountable for any illegal or unethical actions taken. The American people must have faith that their government isn’t abusing its powers, which is why I am calling for full investigations into both of these troubling matters.”