Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Rising Ocean Temperatures Threaten Florida's Coral Reef
by Rick Lyman

KEY LARGO, Florida - If global warming summons images of polar bears clinging to shrinking ice floes, this is its face in the Florida Keys: a sun-dappled stretch of shallows along the turquoise reef line, where scientists painstakingly attach russet polyps of regenerated coral to damaged reefs.

"When I first came here snorkeling, in 1985, it was amazing, the forest of coral was so thick," said Bill Goodwin, a resource manager for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. "Just look now," he said, gesturing to the few small brown patches amid an elephant's boneyard of skeletal remains at the foot of the Carysfort light tower in the roiling Atlantic waters seven miles off Key Largo......More

Monday, May 22, 2006

FOX News Poll: Clinton-McCain 2008 Race Would Be Nail-Biter
By Dana Blanton

NEW YORK — If the 2008 presidential race were between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John McCain, the country could be in for another nail-biter. The next presidential election may be more than two years away, but the politicking has already started and many consider Clinton and McCain the front-runners for their respective political parties.
In the latest FOX News national registered voter poll, McCain bests Clinton by a slim 4-percentage point margin — 46 percent to 42 percent — in a hypothetical matchup. Given the poll’s 3-point margin of error, that means this race could go either way......More
Is Bush a Lunatic?
By Molly Ivins, AlterNet

I hate to raise such an ugly possibility, but have you considered lunacy as an explanation? Craziness would make a certain amount of sense.

I mean, you announce you are going to militarize the Mexican border, but you assure the president of Mexico you are not militarizing the border. You announce you are sending the National Guard, but then you assure everyone it's not very many soldiers and just for a little while.

Militarizing the border is a totally terrible idea. Do we have a State Department? Are they sentient? How much do you want to infuriate Mexico when it's sitting on quite a bit of oil? Bush knows what the most likely outcome of this move will be. He was governor during the political firestorm that ensued when a Marine taking part in anti-drug patrols on the border shot and killed Esequiel Hernandez, an innocent goat-herder from Redford, Texas.

That's the definition of crazy -- repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different result. ......More
Harry Reid: Daschle Redux?
Tom Bevan Mon May 22, 9:13 AM ET

Sherman Frederick, the publisher of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, writes that Harry Reid's kowtowing to the Pelosi wing of the Democratic party has made him unelectable in Nevada:
And finally, Harry Reid has never been a thoroughbred racehorse on the track of Nevada politics. He's been more like a stubborn mule who never gives up, never gives in. And, in the heat of past races, he's been known to kick a few opponents in the head.
"Landslide Harry" is used to close races. Races that can be decided by a few thousand, and even a few hundred votes. But those were races before Harry became the top Democratic dog in the U.S. Senate. Before he disappeared as a conservative Democrat from Nevada. Before he started eyeing Nancy Pelosi's wardrobe.
Nevadans elected the Harry I've hiked the desert with in blue jeans and dusty work boots. But on national TV they see a guy in a capri and sandals.
Not pretty.....More
Storms and Blair on the attack

No love was lost between Hillsborough's school leaders and County Commissioners Brian Blair and Ronda Storms during Wednesday's debate over raising assessments on new homes to pay for schools.Storms and Blair, on the losing end of a 4-2 vote to raise impact fees from $196 to $4,000 over the next two years, fired off scathing shots at school officials."I have no faith in any of its numbers or any of its spending habits," Blair said......More
"Immigration is the big issue right now. Earlier today, the Senate voted to build a 370-mile fence along the Mexican border. ... Experts say a 370-mile fence is the perfect way to protect a border that is 1,900 miles long." ..........Conan O'Brien

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Day of Action: Tampa, Florida
Debbe Kelley is one of the organizers of DFA Tampa Bay.

The Tampa DFA Team got lots of support for two great candidates who will be on the ballot here in November. Charlie Justice is a Democrat currently serving in the Florida House and running to represent us in the heavily Republican Florida Senate. We're counting on Charlie take this open seat away from them.

Mary Mulhern, also a Democrat, is running for an open seat on the Hillsborough County Commission. This group of local law-makers has made the national news lately for its track record of intolerance and Mary is just the person to represent the enlightened voters of Hillsborough.

There are many of us here and we were out in force Saturday morning! We collected signatures to get Charlie and Mary on the ballot, registered several new voters and celebrated to hear from the many Republicans and Independents who said "It's time for a change" and "Enough is enough!" We had such a great time that we're having another event this Saturday. Can't wait to get back out there!

—Debbe Kelley

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Human Rights member quits over governor's veto of bill

BURLINGTON, Vt. -- The last member of the Vermont Human Rights Commission appointed by former Gov. Howard Dean has resigned over the veto by Gov. James Douglas of a bill that would have outlawed discrimination against people based on their gender identity of expression.
In a letter to the governor, Charles Kletecka said he resigned to protest the veto.
"Vermont has a long and proud tradition of protecting the rights of those among us who are most vulnerable to discrimination," Kletecka wrote......More

Ned vs. Joe
We’ve always understood the amount of grassroots support this campaign has in Connecticut and across the country, but tonight’s results displayed an impressive amount of institutional firepower backing that up. This is how a movement changes the direction of our country.....Ned Lamont

Ned Lamont: 505
Joe Lieberman: 1004
Total Needed for Ballot: 15%
Ned Receives: 505 (33.4%)


Friday, May 19, 2006

Democratic Activists Seek to Punish Their Own for Backing Bush

Democratic activist groups that mounted an aggressive campaign against President George W. Bush in the 2004 election have a new target: Democrats who support his policies.
A loose network of organizations, ranging from women's groups to Internet bloggers, is pressuring incumbents such as Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut and Representatives Jane Harman of California and Melissa Bean of Illinois, in some cases by backing insurgent candidates in primary elections.
The groups charge that these and other Democrats have been too supportive of Bush on issues like Iraq and trade, and say they're trying to energize voters disillusioned with a party that has failed to draw clear distinctions with Republicans.....More

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Brave Soul In Dunedin Fl.

Analysts looking at Tuesday's shocking primary -- a day in which an astounding 15 state legislative incumbents lost their primaries (nearly all Republicans) -- could be a bad omen in the state for Republicans in November. The vote was largely a backlash by GOP primary voters against GOP incumbents who backed unpopular, hefty payraises for themselves. Senate President Pro Tempore Robert Jubelirer (R), who lost his primary, called Tuesday "a dramatic earthquake in Pennsylvania." Club for Growth President Pat Toomey (R-PA), a former Congressman, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that the "message you have to take away is that rank-and-file Republican voters are very angry with incumbents. It's a mistake to conclude this was all about the pay raise. This has been brewing for some time and it's about dissatisfaction with elected Republicans who have abandoned a commitment to limited government." Toomey went on to explain to the New York Times that angry Republicans were free to express their disgust with Republican incumbents in the primary by voting for challengers -- but that he expected many of these angry Republicans to simply stay home in November because they don't want to vote for Democrats. Toomey also added that many Republicans serving in Congress had "lost their way" by backing "a fiscal culture of deficits and pork barrel spending." In another interesting development, it appears over 21,000 Republicans who voted on Tuesday skipped the top of the ballot by declining to vote for US Senator Rick Santorum (R) in his unopposed primary -- although these same voters cast ballots for Lynn Swann for Governor in his unopposed primary.......More

Mayor Pam Iorio’s Riverwalk

project is in full swing and after ballparking anticipated expenditures, officials have slapped on a price tag of about $40 million. Although intimidating at first glance, the investment could yield immense profit for downtown Tampa, but who will carry the cost?.....more

I4 And 21th st. Ybor City
Tampa Bay's Independent Streak

New voter registration statistics are burnishing the Tampa Bay region's reputation as the home of swing voters, the persuadables who are independent-minded and not tethered to either party.

Since Feb. 26, when the state state kicked off an aggressive effort to register voters, more than 19,000 people have signed up in the five-county region that includes Pinellas, Pasco, Hillsborough, Hernando and Citrus counties. In all, new Democrats outnumber new Republicans by 7,106 to 6,844, but the total number of voters who registered as NPAs, or no party affiliation, is 5,781, far above the statewide NPA average of about 20 percent......More

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

This Guy Love's Bush So Much He Had To Tell Everyone. Apparently His Neighbor Does Not Feel The Same Way.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Dangerous Liaison
by Robert Kuttner

Shame on Hillary Rodham Clinton. Rupert Murdoch, the right-wing publishing mogul, is hosting a fund-raiser in July for her Senate reelection campaign. Her explanation is that Murdoch, based in New York, is an important constituent: ''I'm very gratified that he thinks I'm doing a good job."
Murdoch runs Fox television, home of Bill O'Reilly and company. No far-right media enterprise has been more relentlessly dishonest in its efforts to destroy American liberalism in general and the Clintons in particular. Fox was prime cheerleader for the bogus Whitewater investigation and the impeachment campaign against Bill Clinton. Fox exists to oppose every liberal principle that Senator Clinton is accused, perhaps falsely, of standing for.
Murdoch also publishes the tawdry, viciously anti-Clinton New York Post and the more sober ideological print organ the Weekly Standard. You can't imagine the opposite kind of deal happening in American politics, because a left-wing Murdoch doesn't exist. That's why the man is so powerful, and such a nemesis to principled liberals.
Politics may make strange bedfellows, but for sheer cynicism and mutual expediency it's hard to beat this alliance. Maybe the Hitler-Stalin pact.
What's in it for Hillary? First, obviously, the money. By raising mountains of campaign cash, she hopes to make herself the inevitable 2008 nominee........More
Democrats Have Opportunity but No Strategy
by David Rossie

There is this television commercial in which a boy standing in a wooden tree hut asks a man playing an exterminator if it's true that termites eat wood. When the exterminator says it is indeed true and describes the little pests' appetites, the kid replies: "We're doomed."
"Not necessarily," the man says, reassuringly, and explains how he can prevent it.
In a case of life imitating art, I was approached by a woman following a talk last week. She began reciting a litany of all the ills that have beset this once proud and respected country since the Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld Gang took it hostage, and concluded by saying: "We're doomed."
Not necessarily," I replied, although not reassuringly, because I'm far less confident than that pretend exterminator.
"But we've got to put up with them for two-and-a-half more years," she protested.
"Not necessarily," I said again, starting to sound like a stuck record......More