Thursday, May 8, 2008

Palmetto Beach Could Go From Hidden To Historic

Perhaps one of the city's most overlooked historic neighborhoods, Palmetto Beach may soon get a big dose of recognition from the federal government. A local effort has the enclave just south of Ybor City on track to make the National Register of Historic

Co-Op Nurtures Tampa Bike Community

The second meeting of the Tampa Bike Co-op was held Monday at Transitions Art gallery on Columbus Avenue E. Green gearheads with a passion for cycling came together to share skills, tools and

Pangea Day In Tampa

Innovation Hangar, a group of artists, designers, photographers and filmmakers, will host Pangea Day at its warehouse in the Channel

17% In Florida Voted For "Other"

Senator Clinton today wrote an open letter to Senator Obama demanding that he agree to count all the delegates from Florida and Michigan which broke the party's

Philadelphia Beating

Hip Hop Thugs Beat Up Photographer In St. Pete

A 25-year-old Florida photographer will no doubt win a handsome sum if he decides to sue the thugs who beat him up and stole his camera. Photographer Luis Santana said the thugs were limousine-riding bodyguards for hip hop artist Chris Brown, a 19-year-old boy wonder who had opened for Kanye West in St. Petersburg Monday

Carter: Michigan and Florida Should Not Be Counted

Former President Jimmy Carter said Wednesday that delegates from Florida and Michigan should not be counted at the Democratic National Convention because they “disqualified themselves,” and he warned of a disaster if party insiders try to wrest the nomination from the candidate with the largest number of votes and state

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Senior General Than Shwe

In the wake of a massive cyclone, tens of thousands of Burmese are dead. More than 40,000 are missing. A million are homeless. Burma's brutal and corrupt military junta failed to warn the people, failed to evacuate any areas, and suppressed freedom of communication so that Burmese people didn't know the storm was coming when the rest of the world did. Now the government is failing to respond to the disaster and obstructing international aid

We Are All Sean Bell

Today, Al Sharpton and thousands of others did their best to “shut the city down.” There were protests at 125th and 2nd, in front of the Triborough Bridge; at 59th, in front of the Queens Bridge; downtown in front of the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges…and of course, one at 1 Police

He Just Thought He Had To Do Some Hero Thing

Glen Lee Powell
Left his mother's house this afternoon, she said, armed with his convictions that government and law enforcement had interfered with his personal

Warrick Dunn: A Home Of Their Own

It takes 'move-in condition' to a whole new level. Buccaneer Running Back Warrick Dunn surprised first-time homebuyers with furniture, appliances, and much more
"What we do is give families an opportunity to better their lives"

In Florida, The Farther North You Go, The Further South You Are

Mayor Donovan and North Lauderdale Mayor Jack Brady feel like patriots. They are floating the unusual idea to take South Florida’s beaches, residents, schools and everything else, and create a South Florida State. The reason is because they say South Florida bears an unequal burden–paying more in taxes than this region gets back. Obviously, this will never happen, but Florida is already two separate

Barack Obama North Carolina Primary Victory Speech

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Carlos Miller's Saga Continues

The sight of a video camera in the courtroom sent shivers down the spine of the prosecution Monday morning. As soon as I stepped in front of the judge, the young state prosecutor in my case asked for a 15 minute delay because a Local 10 cameraman had his camera trained on

The Life and Times of Joe Garcia

While there have been many Independents, Libertarians, and Greens running for office in the Elections that are being held in the United States of America in 2008, there are some people within the Democratic Party that are worth mentioning. One of them is Joe Garcia and the upcoming elections for the 25th District of

Tampa Bay Transit Plans Find Funding In Tallahassee

Two transportation budget items have passed both houses of the Florida Legislature and are part of next year's

Raytheon's Florida Neighbors Sue Over Water Contamination

The city of St. Petersburg, Florida is sending out letters this week to about 150 homeowners living within the boundaries of the so-called Azalea neighborhood, which appears to be contaminated from underground wastewater seeping from the Raytheon Company

Florida Forever Funding Approved Unanimously

Environmental groups throughout the state are delighted with the approval of funding for the land acquisition and protection program Florida Forever - or at least for the next 10

Joe Garcia Talks About Gas Prices

Charles S. Rushe Middle School - Land 'O Lakes, Florida

Administrative Team