Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sarah Gonzalez from Hialeah

Sarah Gonzalez from Hialeah for Vice PresidentBefore you give me any shit, it's a PARODY!

Female Rays Fans Getting Mohawks Too

That's right, for women out there who want to get in on the "Rayhawk" craze that is sweeping all of Tampa Bay in support of their Rays playoff run, there is a way to show their support...a little more discretely...and much to the joy of their significant

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tampa Papers Blast McCain

After Sarah Palin blitzed through the Tampa Bay region with her latest hatefest this week, both of our local dailies have wiped off the slime and come out with editorials blasting John McCain and his
The conservative-leaning Tampa Tribune derided McCain's campaign as "erratic," rejected Palin's hatemongering in Clearwater, and belittled McSame's failed attempts to explain to the American people how he actually plans to fix the mess that we're in.

What McCain/Palin Supporters in Tampa Discuss

It was a complete accident. I went down to my local Tampa Starbucks. Upon entering Starbucks, I immediately realized that the McCain/Palin folks were having a little
They couldn't believe God would allow it. One woman even thought that God may be punishing the country by giving us Obama.

Free Gas From Florida GOP

The Florida GOP chairman just sent out an e-mail trying to lure volunteers with free gas cards and a chance to meet John McCain or Sarah Palin. Volunteers must make a minimum of 500 phone calls, or knock on 100 doors to qualify. Additionally, any volunteer who makes 1000 phone calls will earn a $100 gas

Hurricane Ike Cats Need Homes

Dozens of cats were brought to the SPCA of Tampa Bay from Galveston Island after Hurricane Ike. Many were injured, scared and terrified to be touched. But, thanks to the loving hands of more than 68 volunteers, the cats are being nursed back to health each day with care and
SPCA Tampa Bay

Hong Kong Willie On My Fox Tampa Bay

Rays Win the Title For Best Clubhouse Parties

I’m rooting for these upstart Rays so I can see what they’ll introduce to their clubhouse party next. After clinching a spot in the playoffs, they drank beer out of a “male athletic supporter.” Last night, they took things to a new level, as they crushed a bottle of Patron (see photo above) on top of the always required bubbly and

South Florida, Tampa Bay, Orlando, And Jacksonville

13 Cities with Scary Housing Markets
The PMI Group rates 50 metro area’s for their risk of further housing price declines. Their recent ratings found that the following 13 area’s have greater than a 90 percent chance of seeing further price

St.Pete Times Online Via Google

A treasure trove of history is now open to the public. The St. Petersburg Times has teamed up with Google to make its historical archives freely available online. The new database includes millions of Times articles dating backmore than 100

Where Was Wengay Newton?

Former City Council member John "Jay" Lasita asked the council to adopt a resolution Thursday against Amendment 2, the so-called gay marriage ban before voters this November. It didn't go over very well. Not one council member supported putting the resolution to a
Say No To Amendment 2

Exotic Cockroaches Entering Florida

Several new cockroach species are entering Florida, warn Phil Koehler and Roberto Pereira, insect researchers with University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. They say exotic roaches such as the Turkestan cockroach hitchhike into the state on gear brought back by members of the armed forces returning from the Middle

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hill Harper To Speak At Obama Barbecue In Tampa

Sunday, October 12
Voter Education Barbecue at Ragan Park
1200 E. Lake Avenue, Tampa
1:00 pm

Walk with Mayor Iorio

It's time to get in shape! Mayor Iorio will be taking a fitness walk around Al Lopez Park on Saturday, October 18 beginning at 7:30 a.m. This free walk not only provides for ongoing public access to the Mayor, City officials, and City management, but also reinforces the City’s stance on building a healthy

Rednecks for Obama


Idiots On Parade: The McCain-Palin Mob

The Eagles In Tampa

Thu, Jan 29, 2009 At St. Pete Times Forum Tampa
Buy Local, For Tickets Visit......Gasparilla Tixx

Zachary Sharples Of Lincoln Middle School in Palmetto, Florida

Twelve-year-old Zachary Sharples, his father and his 4-year-old brother have had Rays Fever all season long. So with the team entering the ALCS against Boston on Friday, they all started the week by heading down to the barbershop to get Mohawks, the style preferred by many of the Rays players, fans and even manager, Joe Maddon. Unfortunately, Sharples' school, Lincoln Middle in Palmetto, doesn't quite share the same level of passion for the

Vote Local -- Hillsborough

Bush In Miami To Attend Fundraiser For The Three Amigos

Bush will raise money Friday in Miami for imperiled members of his party -- but the Miami area's three Republican members of Congress, who face aggressive reelection challenges, won't be among the

Brian Blair Signs: Always Low Standards

Mario Diaz-Balart Blames The Iraq War On Bill And Hillary Clinton

“Mario Diaz-Balart is so out of touch with the truth and reality that he thinks the Iraq War was started by Bill and Hillary Clinton,” said Andy Diaz, spokesman for Joe