Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Iran Is Not The Problem

Wednesday, Sept. 17, 8:00pm
Cafe Bohemia, 937 Central Ave., St. Petersburg

In Florida, Dems Now Outnumber Repubs Among Hispanic Voters

Looks like yet another group that has been a stalwart for the GOP has come to its senses, in the wake of the Worst President Ever. Hispanic voters in Florida now are mostly Democrats...........here

Monday, September 15, 2008

Debates On Between Raul Martinez And Lincoln Diaz-Balart

Oct. 8 and Oct. 31, the dates for debates between Democratic challenger Raul Martinez and
Republican rubber-stamp Lincoln Diaz-Balart......here

Obama To Campaign in Miami and Jacksonville

On Friday, September 19, Senator Obama plans to campaign in Miami-Dade County, and on Saturday, September 20, he will hold an event in the Jacksonville area.
Details on locations, times and ticketing for these events will be announced in the coming days.

Brian Blair And Michael Jackson From Gary, Ind.

Hillsborough County Commissioner Brian Blair went a bit off track in an interview between himself and challenger Kevin Beckner on ABC Action News’ Flashpoint talk show on Sunday, cracking a racial joke about himself and singer Michael Jackson both being from the same Gary, Ind., neighborhood........here

Sunday, September 14, 2008

¡Todos Unidos!

Annette Taddeo

Big Cats on the Menu

This page was devoted primarily to pending changes in Florida's captive wild animal rules, but even if you are not from Florida, this could make a big difference where you live because Florida currently produces more big cats than any other state. These cats are hauled all over the country, and sometimes even to foreign countries where people are not as concerned with protecting animals...........here

Kurt Browning's Florida Voting Law

Voting rights advocates are alarmed over the Florida Secretary of State's September 8th decision to enforce the state's "no-match, no-vote" law, a voter registration law that previously blocked more than 16,000 eligible Florida citizens from registering to vote, through no fault of their own, and could disenfranchise tens of thousands more voters in November.........here

Florida Deal for Everglades May Help Big Sugar

In June, Gov. Charlie Crist announced that Florida would buy one of the state’s two big sugar enterprises, the United States Sugar Corporation. He billed the purchase as a “jump-start” in the environmental restoration of the Everglades, which cane growers are accused of polluting with fertilizer runoff........here

Sarah and Hillary

Men Painting Florida - Highwaymen Art

The Highwaymen artists are/were a collection of black artists from Fort Pierce, Florida who painted vivid landscapes and Florida scenes. They painted from the 1950's to the 1970's. With few exceptions, you could not purchase their paintings in galleries. Their works were sold mostly from the trunks of cars to passing motorists. They could also be found carrying their paintings door to door in business districts and even selling on busy street corners.........here

Saturday, September 13, 2008

They Killed Him In My Mom's Yard

A 46-year-old man died Thursday night after being zapped three times with a Taser and bound in handcuffs and leg irons, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said.
"We told them, 'Don't shoot him no more,' and they kept shooting him,"
Wilson's mother, Annie, said Friday...........here

Fellow Floridian Andy Lacasse

A sign in one man's front yard has stirred up a controversy in his community. "I got nothing good to say about Obama," Lacasse told News 13.
"If I see anybody touching that sign, I got a club sitting right over there."............here
"If you're going to attract attention, at least make sure your spelling is right."........Steve Rice

Noventa Y Tres Por Ciento

Mario Diaz-Balart

Joe Garcia Endorsed By Bob Graham

Some history lessons leap out at you with road signs. Well, today it was a sidewalk sign saying this building in the center of Miami-Dade College was the Dante Fascell Conference Center, and this was where Sen. Bob Graham was going to issue his endorsement of Joe Garcia for Congress in FL-25........here

Blair Vs. Beckner Sunday At 11 a.m.

In the highest profile one-on-one meeting in the campaign so far, incumbent Hillsborough County Commissioner Brian Blair and challenger Kevin Beckner have taped an appearance for Sunday’s Flashpoint with Brendan McLaughlin on ABC Action News Channel 28..........here

Howard Dean Rocks Lewis & Clark

Howard Dean still has something of a rock star quality about him, at least on college campuses.
The chairman of the Democratic National Committee was at Lewis & Clark College on Friday as part of a voter registration tour of the Northwest. Coatless, with his sleeves rolled up, Dean entered from the back of an auditorium at the Templeton Student Center to the rousing cheers of about 300 students..........here

Friday, September 12, 2008

John McCain's Ads Are Lies

Here's The Video Proof

Miami Residents Are Most Attractive In US

If you live in Miami, consider yourself among the most attractive people in the United States. The Sunshine State's metropolis has the most beautiful people, according to an online survey of "America's Favorite Cities" by Travel + Leisure magazine, while Orlando came in At No. 21..........here

The Citrus Taliban On Barack Obama

Who knew the Christian Coalition was in the business of defining Christianity? Perhaps Mr. Baxley might consider pausing and looking back at the campaign of the man he supported so diligently in 2000 and 2004..........here
"He wants to tax the rich more and redistribute wealth to other people — where I come from that’s socialism. Karl Marx was not a Christian.”...........Dennis Baxley

Annette Taddeo: Red to Blue Winner In FL-18

Terrific news for Annette Taddeo, our brilliant challenger against a Bush rubber-stamp in Washington. Taddeo now has full backing of the Democratic Party establishment’s Red to Blue program.......here
It's About Time!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Roof For Tampa's Kress Building

In the wake of the demolition of a historic high school earlier this week, Tampa City Councilwoman Linda Saul-Sena today proposed spending $100,000 to repair the collapsing rooftop of the Kress building, one of the city’s threatened downtown landmarks........here

Soledad O’Brien Visits UF

She is a correspondent for CNN’s Special Investigations Unit and co–anchored the network’s morning show from 2003 to 2007.And now, she’s coming to UF. O’Brien will kick off UF’s Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations with a speech at the Phillips Center for the Performing Arts tonight.......here

Carolyn Wonderland

One Of Stogie's Favorite At The Cuban Club In Ybor City
Saturday Sep 13 8:20PM