Thursday, April 19, 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Coffee with Dave Cutler

Dave Cutler is a self-described rabid fan of all Tampa Bay and Florida State teams and a true blue progressive Democrat. 

For almost three years now, the Tampa Bay native has manned the helm of the Hillsborough LGBTA Democratic Caucus with an exceptional track record in tow. During Cutler’s tenure as President, he has earned continued praise from state and local party officials for his dedication, hard work and grass roots political activism.

Later this month, the Caucus will host their First Annual Bowl-A-Thon on Sunday, April 29th. The fundraising event will be emceed by former County Commissioner Kevin Beckner and is expected to draw a large crowd. Tickets are available now for only twenty five dollars by visiting Cutler says that the event will be “phenomenal” and encourages the community to come out and join in the fun.

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Mark

Something's wrong with the left

Something's wrong with the left remember freedom of speech! what happened to discussion, what happened to being critical thinkers, what happened to civil discourse. we on the left have lost our way. We're going to keep on losing until we return to the values of being a leftist.
People are so quick to call others racist. I've been fighting for the rights of all minorities for years. I have never called someone a racist if I didn't believe it and there wasn't evidence of it. There is no intellectual Independence anymore. What being a leftist is about is empathy, it's about fighting for the people who need you to fight for them cuse they can't fight for themselves. We are living in critical times we were at the Edge, now
we have jumped off.
I found a lot of you have not been taught what it means to be a fighter for the poor the oppressed was The Unwanted. We must have a critical inventory of our tactics and the motives of those who seek to destroy Liberty within the left. which is the basic concept of liberalism. You should have the freedom to offend, I may not like what you say but I don't want to live in a the Society where people cannot challenge the majority of thought. Return to being humble to having honor to telling the truth, even if it harms you. To never looking at the big picture and to always looking at the consequences of our actions.we must be able to be upright enough to stand up. If you are in total agreement with any one person or any group of people on everything, there is something wrong.
Wake up!!!!!
How can we call others fascist when we control the very nature of speech and language. return to fighting for the truth return! return! return! before it's too late. I weep for the next generation your children of the millennials they will live in a disposable Society. proof by evidence of crime should be what convicts. not the accusation of criminality. Wake up men and women or whatever you are. We should never totally agree but we should be able to learn what compromise truly is. We should never compromise on fact what compromise I'm talking about is not a country divided but ideology but to have different people thinking differently working together at the same goal for liberty and justice for all.
So what were going to do today and tomorrow is that we are going to have what I call the great conversation, that the left must have with itself or kiss our asses goodbye.
By Jason Rodriguez

Florida Corporate Dems Win Again

Or should we say lose again?
Progressive Democrat Bob Buesing announced that he'll withdraw from the state Senate District 18 race against Dana Young.
Welcome Sen. Dana Young
The grassroots will not lift a finger to help in this race!

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless living in Tampa

Students Suing Florida GOP

Rick Scott, Adam Putnam and other state leaders face a lawsuit filed Monday by eight Florida students, and their legal allies, demanding action on 
climate change. here

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Ybor Paparazzi

RDavid Walker
Progressive Democratic candidate
for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture
Check him out here

2018 HOPE Nehemiah Action In Tampa

Advance Bible Based Fellowship Church - Carrolwood

Adnan Aida Mackic

Mariella Smith

County Commissioner Pat Kemp

Mark Nash

Community members unite to ask for our public officials' leadership in tackling problems of lack affordable housing and elder care services and to reduce youth arrests in Hillsborough County. here
Thank you John Streater for inviting me to this beautiful event!

Monday, April 16, 2018

A Progressive Democrat Reflects on Bill Nelson

While campaigning recently in Tallahassee Senator Bill Nelson expressed his support for the U.S. Military’s missile attack in Syria  for alleged chemical attacks by the Assad regime.This before international inspectors could determine the Western Media’s supposed claims of authenticity. This should not really surprise anyone, as Senator Nelson recently voted against a resolution that would have pulled the United States support for the Saudi-led humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen.
I can only deduce that Senator Nelson likes to see human suffering and making our country less safe. He  voted for the Iraq War and the results of that egregious blunder, we’re still paying for: the destruction of the country of Iraq, the hundreds-of-thousands of Iraqi citizens dead or displaced,the rise of ISIS, all at a cost of a trillion dollars according to Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard Professor Linda Bilmes.
So, as a Progressive Democrat, when I look at his voting record, say, his committee vote against a Public Option during the ACA debate or his recent vote to dismantle the Dodd-Frank Act-returning the Big Banks to their  pre-recession actions or refusal to insist on DACA protections before ending the government shutdown , leaving up to 1.8 million Dreamers vulnerable to deportations, there’s not much to get excited about with Bill Nelson. What’s a Progressive Democrat to do?  One thing I won’t do is go out and tell other registered democrats what a wonderful voting record Bill Nelson has in terms
war and peace and finance.
Scott Shoup
Finally, a Progressive with the courage to speak up.

Ybor Paparazzi

Syd Eastwin

Tour of Ybor City the Cigar Capital of the World

What Stogie Had For Lunch

A bunch of tasty healthy stuff
At  Vale Food Co. - Downtown Tampa

Florida DINO Bill Nelson backs air strikes in Syria

Democrat Bill Nelson, said he agreed with Trump's decision to order air strikes against Syria. here
“Propaganda, we have seen this movie before and 
know how it ends.” Fox News host Tucker Carlson

Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Florida Democratic Party Sucks

The Florida Democratic Party just voted AGAINST the fundamental democratic principle one person, one vote.
In Florida, on our State Executive Committee, some members hold one vote while others hold 60 or more. For real. While the vast majority of members voted to ensure that everyone's vote would be equal, a few people who hold all the power with a so-called "weighted vote" decided that they don't want to end the weighted vote. Shocker.
The power of our party remains consolidated in very few hands. 14 people on a body of nearly 250 members can conceivably control the outcome of any election for State Chair, DNC member or bylaws change. here
Corporate Dem Alma Gonzalez voted to
keep the weighted vote in Hillsborough County.


Great Return March In Tampa

Downtown Tampa