Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Broward County School Board And Redline

Four teenagers from Falcon Cove Middle School in Weston were taken to a hospital emergency room this month, their hearts racing and their bodies dripping with sweat........here
If parents allow teens to bring energy drinks to schools, that is their decision to make," ........Tracey Halliday

The SunCruz Casino Boats

The operators of SunCruz casino boats are dredging up, figuratively and literally, their history of harming the waterways on which they make their unwholesome living. The state Department of Environmental Protection is investigating to determine if the Port Richey-based gambling ship has slashed its way through fragile sea grass habitat off the coast of Aripeka........here

Another Florida Election Scandal

Until a couple of days ago, I thought that state or provincial birds were cute, folksy things that appealed mainly to primary school students and people who worked in tourism offices. I thought that – until I heard about the Florida State Bird election controversy. Maybe you are tired of hearing about yet another Florida election scandal, but this one is important, too........here

A Zip Through The Florida Keys

So, the plan was simple: bike down to the Keys over Thursday and Friday and back Saturday and Sunday. I wasn’t sure how far I’d get, but as the weather seemed to be agreeable I decided Friday afternoon to go all the way to Key West........more

New Bikes For The Lake Mary Police Department

“A faster, safer, better-performing motorcycle that's cheaper.” That’s how Officer Chris Dye from the Lake Mary Police Department described his new Honda ST1300 to a local news station. His department worked out that not only were the Honda’s $2,500 cheaper than the rival from Milwaukee, but that the servicing costs, for each bike, per year, would drop from $2,700 with Harley to $520 with Honda.....here

Rev. Wright Event In Tampa Canceled

There is no question that Rev. Wright's comments were despicable and loathesome.
However, it's sad that Obama has to apologize for his preacher's comments while John McCain begs for the endorsement of equally ignorant and bigoted pastors like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell who have said not "God da_n America" but "God has dam_ed America."

that double-standard actually reflect the very racism Rev. Wright was railing against, albeit in a very ignorant fashion?


Gay Rights & Protections Needed in State of Florida

Please spread the word to those who live and vote in Florida: vote "No" this November on a Florida State constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage and unions. Take this fight a step further by clicking on the following link and joining HRC, Human Rights Campaign.........here

Joe Garcia on Republican Dirty Tactics

My pro-Democracy in Cuba credentials are solid. Before my opponent was in the Florida State Legislature I was marching and meeting with US lawmakers in DC advocating for democratic change in Cuba. This, however, will not stop them from disparaging my record. Similar to how they attacked national heroes like Max Cleland and John Kerry for being unpatriotic, they will try to label me as a communist sympathizer.......here
This, however, will not work for them in 2008.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz, Step Up or Step Down

South Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (US-20) has repeatedly said that she cannot publicly support the three Democratic candidates who are running to unseat some of the worst Bush Republicans in the US House of Representatives: Mario Diaz-Balart, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Please sign the petition......here

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: A+ On Darfur

Now help end the embargo on the cuban people.

FPL Jumps Into California Solar Market

California law requires the state’s investor-owned utilities — PG&E (PCG), Southern California Edison (EIX) and San Diego Gas & Electric (SRE) — to obtain 20 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2010 and 33 percent by 2020.........here

Jeb And Patricia Levesque

Who Needs Schools When You Have Churches

"A resolution proposing an amendment to Section 3 of Article I of the State Constitution to repeal a limit on the use of public revenues in aid of religious organizations and entities, and to prohibit individuals and entities from being barred from participating in public programs because of their religion.".....Proposal 20 (CP0020) on the ballot in November at which time it could be placed by popular vote into the state constitution...........here
Patricia Levesque is the Executive Director for the Foundation for Florida’s Future.
She served as Governor Jeb Bush’s deputy chief of staff for education.

UCF Students Sending Poop Into Space

It started out as a senior engineering project. Byrd's team of UCF students designed a small "pico" satellite for launch as part of California Polytechnic State University's "CubeSat" project, designed to provide an affordable means for universities to conduct experiments in space........here

Geocaching In Tampa Bay

Karen's Big Adventure
We decided to head over to the Brew Company in Ybor City for dinner, which was a nice, peaceful way to end your Easter holiday. The most exciting part of the visit to Ybor City was when we were strolling down the sidewalk on our way to the parking garage and came across a huge gay bar that was having a transvestite show.........here

McCain And John Hagee

Sunday, March 23, 2008

4,000 And Counting

We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.........Thomas Jefferson

Jack Thompson and the Florida Supreme Court

In the latest salvo in the war between anti-porn crusader Jack Thompson and the Florida Supreme Court, the court has sanctioned the attorney and ruled that if he wishes to file any documents with the Florida Court, he will have to hire an attorney to do so on his behalf........here

Florida Ministry At Westminster Abbey

South Florida's Revelation Ministries was chosen today by the hierarchy and officials of London's Westminster Abbey to present the Passion Play on the Abbey's front lawn on May 10.........here

Michelle Mitchell Visits Florida

You really can’t get any farther apart than Alaska and Florida—unless maybe you just keep going south and head straight for Brazil—and there are a few differences that became readily apparent during our two-week stay. Well, one or two. Maybe three or four........here

Florida Says No To Crack

"In its ongoing bid to be the most ridiculed state in the Union".....The Red Canuck

Florida Keys Hosting Biodiesel Rally

Starting in Key Largo and ending at the BioDiesel facility at Key West High School, the Biodiesel Rally will make 5 total stops to show local individuals, businesses and policy makers how easy, affordable and self-sufficient it is......more

Worthless Land In The Green Swamp

Property-sales records show that in the past two years, more than 100 Green Swamp parcels of less than 5 acres have changed hands. Frequently, the parcels have flipped more than once, often to buyers across the country who probably don't realize their land is useless........here

Snail Blogging From Florida

My son and I arrived in Tampa, Florida this afternoon for 5 days of fun and snailing. We were greeted by a rain storm that, luckily, ended a few hours later. So we went out for an early evening walk in the neighborhood to scout for snails..........here

Trinity United Church of Christ

Wouldn’t it be interesting to know the total number of hours devoted to that loop of Pastor Wright’s most outrageous outtakes. Add to that the number of hours of discussions and shouting matches about something most of the speakers know nothing about..........more