Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pinellas Park - June 20, 2007
Bush Has Turned His Back on the American People
Howard Dean
Bush's veto of life-saving stem cell research is just another example of how out of touch he is with the American people, Bush once again put political posturing ahead of sound science,turning his back on the overwhelming majority of Americans who support stemcell research and the 100 million Americans suffering from debilitating diseases who could benefit from this life-saving
Ron Paul Not Invited
Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian Alliance will host a presidential candidates forum on Saturday, June 30th in Des Moines. Ron Paul won't be there, he was told he was not invited; he was not going to be invited; and he would not be allowed to participate. The one Republican candidate who scored at the top of every online poll taken after the MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN debates............more

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Republicans for Obama is an organization founded by proud party members who all share one important trait— we are Americans first and Republicans second. (Even if it is a close second.) Collectively, we have campaigned, worked for, and voted Republican all our lives, but recognize that our Country needs a new kind of leader at this
Clearwater - June 19, 2007
Public Approval Dumpster
The Bravest Woman in Afghanistan
Malalai Joya
Afghanistan's most outspoken female lawmaker has been suspended for the rest of her term after she publicly criticized the Afghan parliament. For years Malalai Joya has been a leading critic of her government and the U.S. role in her country. She's faced constant harassment and attempts on her life for her views.....more
Ybor City Rail

Monday, June 18, 2007

Liberal Or Progressive?
Some Democrats Abandon The `L' Word
When is a liberal conference not a liberal conference? When it's a progressive one.
Therein lies no small bit of controversy among the ever-churning American

"In the end, a label is less important, What matters is we're all at the table meeting and developing a path to action.".......Carolyn Castore
I Stll Like Liberal Best.
Britney Mad At Todd
"Total nut jobs,"
Lawyers for Britney Spears have told a Florida radio station to take down billboards showing the pop star's shaven head as part of an advertisement for its morning talk show. The billboards featured three identical pictures of Spears, apparently snarling, next to radio station WFLZ's logo and a picture of talk show host Todd
"I'm not happy with that,"......Todd Schnitt
Iraq Second Among World's Failed States

Iraq has emerged as the world's second most unstable country, behind Sudan, more than four years after President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. invasion to topple Saddam Hussein. Iraq suffered a third straight year of deterioration in 2006 with diminished results across a range of social, economic, political and military indicators. Iraq ranked fourth last

Sunday, June 17, 2007

I Got A Crush On Obama

The Right-Wing Smear Campaign
Hillary's Turn
She's ahead in the polls and on course to become the Democrats' presidential candidate for 2008. So it is no surprise that a right-wing smear campaign is gathering speed to derail Senator Hillary Clinton's bid for the White House. Top of the list of projects is a planned movie, being filmed by veteran Republican operator David Bossie. Bossie is raising money for the film through his conservative group Citizens United. Republican groups are set to model their anti-Clinton operation on the notorious Swift Boat campaign........more

Friday, June 15, 2007

Losing Janina

On June 13th, 100 immigrants will travel by train all across America to tell the stories of their American dream. You can follow them and their journeys. More important, you can tell the world your own immigrant story, or your parents’, or grandparents.

"As a Democrat, I believe that we should welcome the stranger"
Howard Dean

That no child should go to bed hungry; that housing and a path to home ownership should be accessible to all; that everyone in America deserves universal health care; that the war should be the last resource only after diplomacy has been exhausted; that we should properly equip our troops before we send them to war; that we should take care of our veterans when they come home; that everyone, every single American, deserves equal rights under the law; that we should be good stewards of the Earth; that hardworking people should earn a living wage and be able to take care of their families with what they earn; that we ought not to pass debt along to our children; that faith should not be used to divide people, but rather to bring us together; and that you and I have more in common than we have

Maya Angelou on Hillary

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Support Alan Crotzer
“It’s even more beautiful than I remember”
Bartlett Park neighborhood volunteer Norm Bungard has started a fundraising effort to assist former resident Alan Crotzer. The state House has supported compensation for Crotzer but this was stopped in the state Senate. He is trying to rebuild his life and support his

Nawal Zoghbi - AL Layaly

Welcome To Tampa, Expect Delays

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Progressive Majority
Why a Conservative America is a Myth
This report by the Campaign for America’s Future and Media Matters for America shows that in study after study, solid majorities of Americans take progressive stands on a full spectrum of issues, from bread-and-butter economics to the so-called “values” issues where conservatives claim
Howard Dean
Florida Has Essentially Converted Their Primary To A Straw Poll
In an exchange with Victory NH's Primary Defenders, DNC Chairman, Howard Dean defended the Democratic National Committee's Primary Calendar while conceding that while New Hampshire's First in the Nation Primary is still critical to the presidential race, Florida's unilateral decision to move their primary up to January 29th, has "essentially converted their Primary to a straw poll." the
Who Is Your Ideal Candidate For President
Stogie's Results: Theoretical Ideal Candidate
1. Dennis Kucinich (88%) - 2. Barack Obama (86%) - 3. Alan Augustson (86%)
4. Wesley Clark (76%) -
5. Joseph Biden (75%) - 6. Hillary Clinton (72%)
7. Al Gore (70%) - 8. John Edwards (70%) - 9. Christopher Dodd (69%)
10. Mike Gravel (65%) - 11. Bill Richardson (64%) - 12. Kent McManigal (56%)
13. Ron Paul (52%) - 14. Elaine Brown (45%) - 15. Mike Huckabee (29%)
16. Rudolph Giuliani (26%) - 17. John McCain (25%) - 18. Chuck Hagel (24%)
19. Tommy Thompson (20%) - 20. Mitt Romney (18%) - 21. Sam Brownback (17%)
22. Tom Tancredo (15%) - 23. Fred Thompson (14%) - 24. Newt Gingrich (14%)
25. Duncan Hunter (10%) -
26. Jim Gilmore (7%)
Get Your

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

American Family Shocked By Rome's Rage
We Come From A Place Where You Just Don't See This Kind Of Street Protest
For the Cooper family, from Knoxville, Tennessee, visiting Rome was supposed to be the highlight to their two-week vacation in Europe. Instead, they arrived on Saturday to find some of the Eternal City's most famous streets and piazzas packed with tens of thousands of anti-war demonstrators protesting against a visit by President George W. Bush on his way home from a G8 summit.......more
"It's tough to take when you see people being so disrespectful of our president,"......Sarah Cooper

ONE Vote '08

Gigi Wacked By Louisiana Deputies
One owner said her family was forced at gunpoint to leave its dog behind. Another owner said residents became frantic when, they said, they overheard one deputy claim that "once everybody's gone, we're going to have target practice tonight." They claim in court papers that deputies were under " authorization...of their superiors and employers.......more
Gigi, was among the dogs allegedly killed by authorities after their owners were forcibly evacuated during Hurricane Katrina. A lawsuit says an animal rescue worker found Gigi shot in the head.

Monday, June 11, 2007