Monday, February 5, 2018

Visionary Ed Turanchik

Tampa's Grassroots mayoral candidate
"Ed Turanchik has been so important to Tampa Bay. We need a visionary and one that can get things done. I'm so happy he's jumped in to the Mayor's race. I look forward to serving with him to build the Tampa/Hillsborough County we need for the 21st century!" Pat Kemp
Turanchik said he isn’t worried about competing for campaign cash. He says his three decades of public service and advocacy have earned him legions of supporters who will knock on doors on sweaty summer nights.

Trump And Scott's Scheme To Destroy Florida's Wetlands

Trump and Rick Scott have been working on a play to make it easier and faster for developers to wipe out our natural wetlands. here

Ybor Paparazzi


Tell Trump No Drilling Off Florida's Coast

Now's the time to speak up, because the Department of the Interior has recently opened a public comment period. Add your name to submit a public comment to the Department of the Interior. here
Petition is sponsored by Andrew Gillum, Bill Nelson, 
Sen. Maria Cantwell, Sen. Jeff Merkley, Sen. Gov. Jay Inslee, Rep. Nanette Barragán, Rep. Don Beyer, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, Rep. Matt Cartwright, Rep. Gerry Connolly, Rep. Suzan DelBene, Rep. Keith Ellison, Rep. Ruben Gallego, Rep. Jim Himes, Rep. Jared Huffman, Rep. Annie Kuster, Rep. Ted Lieu, Rep. David Loebsack, Rep. Doris Matsui, Rep. Jim McGovern, Rep. Scott Peters, Rep. Chellie Pingree, Rep. Brad Schneider, Perry Gershon, Paul Kerr, David Richardson, Harley Rouda, Chris Giunchigliani, 314 Action Fund,, Amazon Watch, Arizona Democratic Party, Daily Kos, Democracy For America, Democratic Conservation Alliance, Friends of the Earth Action, League of Conservation Voters, LeftAction, Red to Blue California, SEEC PAC and Sponsorship of this petition does not constitute an endorsement between participating candidates and organizations. By signing, you may receive emails from these sponsors updating you on the progress of this campaign and other important projects. (You may, of course, unsubscribe at any time.)

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Coin In Ybor City

The Ritz - Ybor

Andrew Gillum Fan: Ray DiPasquale

Drug War Veteran at Activist Marijuana Legalization
“Legalize it. Tax it. Use the revenue to fix Florida's public schools and move us up from 29th in the nation to #1.” 
Andrew Gillum
Join Tampa Bay for Gillum 2018

Ybor City Musicians

Tristan and Katie

Saturday, February 3, 2018

2nd Annual Beatles Era Art Festival - Dunedin

Medicare For All Rally - Tampa

2.14 - 9:30 AM
Sam M. Gibbons Federal Courthouse

The Florida Public Education Trainwreck Bill

Purposely tucked in to a huge education bill with a handful of good proposals, HB 7055 has a number of highly destructive measures. HB 7055 includes a partisan attack on Florida's teachers and their union and an expansion of private school vouchers.
Call your Florida state legislators today and tell them to oppose HB 7055: a shameless bill designed to weaken our local public schools. here

NO to ICE-Sheriff Detention Scheme in Ybor

2.8 - 11 AM
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office

Friday, February 2, 2018

Ed Turanchik For Mayor Of Tampa

Ed Turanchik is in the race for Tampa mayor. here
"Tampa politics have been trending towards pragmatic, passionate, and sincere leaders. Men and women who can respond to our immediate needs while keeping an eye on the future wellbeing of everyone. These visionaries recognize how much our broken transit system has hamstrung our growth, how crucial it is for Tampa's people and economy to preserve our environment, and how essential it is that our government invest its energy correctly, not merely on pet projects and the same old failed ideas. When I say these words, I think of Commissioner Patricia Kemp, Candidate Mariella Smith, and, last but certainly not least, my father, Ed Turanchik."
John Winston Turanchik

Scott Shoup Of DPCTB

Florida GOP Matt Gaetz Invites Alt-Right Troll To SOTU

 Chuck Johnson is a alt-right troll who’s been banned from Twitter and accused of Holocaust denying and white nationalism.
“I had no idea who he was,” Gaetz said. Why would you invite someone you don't know to something like this? Even after Gaetz found out who he was he decided not to pull his ticket to Trump’s speech.
Johnson said he loves what he hears from Gaetz. “I like weird guys with a fuck-you attitude. And Matt Gaetz is one of those dudes,” said Johnson here

Victor Crist New Spokesperson For Trader Joe's?

Wouldn't it be great to have a Trader Joe's in the north end of our county in Carrollwood
Trader Joe's website has a page devoted to soliciting recommendations for new store locations. I believe a new store on the SW corner of West Village Drive and Ehrlich Road would be a fantastic addition to the Carrollwood community. A Trader Joe's store could add a new dimension to the shopping needs of the area and fill a void in an empty shopping center that has been the focal point of contentious redevelopment plans. I have personally reached out to Trader Joe's in the past and now believe that with strong community input and support, we can get serious consideration. If you feel strongly for the addition of a good neighborhood partner and positive economic impact in the Carrollwood area, please consider going to the Trader Joe's website (link provided below) and adding your comments.
This is what I wrote:
There is perfect site in Carrollwood on the SW corner of Ehrlich Road and West Village Drive in Tampa Florida.  Plenty of parking, a large available site and easy access.   The thousands of nearby neighbors would be strong supporters.  Please feel free to contact me as I would like to make a stronger pitch and let you know about our community.  Please visit our website at  Thank you for your consideration
Hillsborough County Commissioner Victor Crist
EMail we received from Mr. Crist.  Is he allowed to do this?

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Florida Progressive Dems Beware

You have a big gubernatorial election coming up this year. Beware of Corporate Democrats. They are like The Borg, they assimilate you and there is no way back. They always want to work together but always in their collective. It has already started, stand your ground. Remember history is on your side.
Most Progressives already assimilated are lost, we might or we might not be able to bring them back. Enlarge your Hive, recruit NPA's and Greens to become Democrats to be able to vote in the primaries.
Join the Resistance

2018 Legislative Update: Week 3

Florida GOP On Trump's Speech

Tonight, President Trump shared that the State of the Union is strong, thanks to regulatory rollbacks, a forecast of regulatory certainty, and the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. As promised, this administration has made it clear America is open for business — and the results are clear." Daniel Webster
“President Trump has accomplished much in his first year ever as an elected official. Our economy is booming and capital investment is high. The stock market has taken off. We’ve reformed the tax code so Americans can keep more of their own money." Dennis Ross
“I applaud President Trump’s bold and enthusiastic State of the Union address. He rightly focused on the undeniable economic revitalization that has been cultivated as a result of the pro-growth environment we have created by passing historic tax reform to help middle class Americans and small businesses and the regulatory relief measures that have been signed into law over the last year." Gus Bilirakis

Tampa Paparazzi

Joe Walters

First Florida Gubernatorial Debate

Andrew Gillum vs. Richard Corcoran
Time and place TBA

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What Democracy Looks Like At The Florida State Capital

Pamela and Susan

Haneen and Pamela

Sean Shaw

Carlos Guillermo Smith

Charo and Ida

Florida Immigrant Coalition

Muslim Capital Day

Florida Voter Rights Restoration Coalition

Florida FFA

Florida State Capital - Tallahassee

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Walking While Wearing A Hoodie In Tampa

Robert Washington was walking home from a convenience store to eat a sandwich one hot July evening. This should have been without incident. However, a Tampa Police Officer staked him out
and then followed him. 
She pursued him and demanded his time and attention, to which he, within his rights, said No! Robert just wanted to go home and eat his sandwich in peace. However, the police officer could not take no for an answer. She continued to harass Robert--but Robert stood his ground and would not let her take up any more of his time. That's when she told him she needed to speak with him because "he was wearing a hoodie" and "looked like somebody". 
As he attempted to enter his own home, he was attacked by several police officers, who brutally took him down and arrested him.
Demand State Attorney Andrew Warren Drop All Charges Against him!

Fake News: California Becomes A Country

California has voted to leave the United States and become their own country. With the 5th largest economy in the world it is excepting anyone wishing to contribute to their booming economy. The news has spread quickly and all roads leading into the new country are packed. Vehicles from as far away as Florida and Maine have been spotted. They are offering citizenship to anyone who applies within the next 60 days before the borders are sealed.

Floridians Hold Your Nose And Join The Democratic Party

To take back our government from corporations we must elect a governor that works for us. The only true progressive running is the mayor of Tallahassee Andrew Gillum. Florida being a closed primary state you must vote in the primaries to put him on the ballot.  You can always go back. You can do it here

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Floyd

Mayor Andrew Gillum Supports Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

“Legalize it. Tax it. Use the revenue to fix Florida's public schools and move us up from 29th in the nation to #1.” 
Andrew Gillum
Join Tampa Bay for Gillum 2018