Monday, June 8, 2020

Hillsborough County GOP Jim Waurishuk: You Will Be Murdered

Every American better wake up. If we loose (sic) this country you will loose (sic) your life. If you’re a Republican, Conservative, Democrat Trump supporter, etc. — you will be murdered. You will be dragged from your burning home and be beat to death. This is a fact. This what they stand for,” Waurishuk wrote
 about protesters. HERE

Stogie Recommends: Best Album Ever

Tampa Locavore: Fred's Market Restaurant - Riverview


Ybor Rob: Karen

Ybor Amistad

Stogie Recommends

Must watch! 
Actor David Oyelowo and filmmaker Ava DuVernay allege that Oscars voters refused to support their 2014 film after the cast and crew protested the killing of Eric Garner.

This film has a 99% on Rotten Tomatoes

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Chillum - Ybor In Solidarty With Black Lives Matter

For all you mediocre business owners that feel like giving me the advice to remain neutral on such matters for the sake of 
my business:
Black Lives Matter
k Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter

Sometimes... remaining neutral means you're on the wrong side of a cause...
I'd rather do the right thing!


Sky U. White on Affordable Housing

As your County Commissioner, I will work alongside the Affordable Housing Committee and other non-profit organizations to ensure that our working-class families are not left out of the affordable housing plans and are provided practical options for an equitable and comfortable living.


Tampa PD Under Siege

Downtown Tampa

Self Isolate Blues

Deanna's fundraiser for Andrew Joseph Foundation Inc

Stogie Recommends

Great acting at its finest by entire cast

Saturday, June 6, 2020

George Floyd Protest in South Tampa

Bayshore Boulevard - Tampa, Florida

Anti BLM protest in Brooksville

Ybor Paparazzi

Jake at Gaspar's Grotto in Ybor

Self Isolate Blues

Florida GOP votes for weapons of mass destruction

By a 4-1 vote, the court’s far-right bloc disapproved an assault weapons ban proposed for the 2022 ballot. HERE

Plant City, FL Peaceful #BlackLivesMatter Protest

Thursday June 5, 2020 

Changing the atmosphere of riots to peaceful protest. With "FREE HUGS".

Music and talk of what needs to happen and be changed with the amount of police brutality that continues to happen around every single state of country.

Chants roared the streets of Plant City as everyone marched from the water fountain between Evers St. and Collins St. Down to the court house where some chose to speak with the officers and the children went and gave them all hugs.

Invites to help make change by going  together as a community to the City Hall meetings was one of the things requested.

Stay safe out there and keep thing's peaceful.

Florida Nazi Change of Heart

According to Ocala News, the ​photographed man with the neo-Nazi tattoos is Dylan Gentry, ​a Florida man who reportedly appeared at a local ​George Floyd protest ​to show solidarity with demonstrators and to renounce his prior neo-Nazi beliefs.
All a Nazi has to see is change. Not just change of heart, but change of the times we’re in,” said Gentry on a Facebook post. He explained that his tattoos did not represent his beliefs and indicated he wanted to show that with his actions.