Saturday, February 17, 2024

2023 Sydney Eastman Courage Award: The Tampa 5

My Sydney Eastman Courage Award for 2023 goes to the Tampa 5. While exercising their right to free speech at the USF campus, Chrisley Carpio, Gia Davila, Jeanie Kida, Lauren Pinero and Laura Rodriguez, among other protestors were brutally assaulted by the USF Police. These five courageous women were unjustly arrested on felony charges that were fabricated in order to justify the illegal actions of the police.

Facing 10 years of incarceration if found guilty, the Tampa 5 were offered a plea deal that would have required them to publicly apologize for crimes they never committed. Standing in unity, they refused to offer this bogus apology and demanded a trial by jury. All of the video evidence that was available showed clearly that the USF Police were the instigators of the violence and that the protestors never acted aggressively toward their assaulters and on the first day of the trial, the Florida State Attorney, Ashley Moody, dropped all felony charges against the Tampa 5.

Their courage makes the Tampa 5 ideal recipients of the Sydney Eastman Courage Award.

Long Way 'Round - Cassie Jean and the Fireflies

The Wandering Hours in Seminole Heights

2.25.2024 - 3PM

Ella's - Seminole Heights

Ron DeSantis Freezes When ASKED PUBLICLY About His WEIRD SHOE LIFTS!

Ybor Life

Centro Ybor

What's that bass sound in Tampa Bay?

Staying in Riverview

Had to stay at my daughters house for a few days while my place got tented. I infected her frig. 

Rep. Maxwell Frost Jabs Republicans For Fighting For Their Friends In Big Oil Longer Than He’s Been Alive

Ybor Paparazzi


Ybor City Nightlife - Tampa Nightlife

Emergency Action for Rafah

We must protect the right to seek asylum

Last month, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) ruled that a petition brought against the United States on behalf of six Haitian people who were deported to Haiti in the middle of the cholera epidemic may move forward. The ruling comes 10 years after the initial petition, which asserted that the U.S. deported the Haitian nationals without consideration for the human rights and humanitarian crisis that gripped the country, and which was in direct violation to the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man.....Read More

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

4th Ave

Ybor Life

Centro Ybor

Destiny Interview With Gen Z Congressman Maxwell Frost

REPORT: Israeli Snipers SHOOT Civilians Entering, Leaving Gaza Hospital

Israeli sniper fire has killed and injured multiple people, including patients and medical workers.  Ana Kasparian discusses on The Young Turks.

Florida labor bill banning heat protections, local minimum wage advances

Legislation banning local heat protection policies on private companies plus city-established minimum wages is moving forward in the Florida House.

The proposal (HB 433) would ban local rules that require contractors to pay employees above the state minimum wage. Additionally, the measure would restrict cities and counties from choosing contractors based on a company’s wages and benefits.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

New Florida bill would allow credit card companies to track suspicious gun purchases

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave

Sarah Diamond & the Soul Miners - Doin Whatcha Doin

Ybor Paparazzi

 The Twilight Club
Julio, Wayne, Glen & Jodi

Maxwell Frost, Jared Moskowitz on Parkland anniversary push credit card companies to flag unusual gun sales

On the sixth anniversary of the Parkland shooting, Florida Democrats in Congress are asking credit companies to flag suspicious gun purchases.

U.S. Reps. Jared Moskowitz and Maxwell Frost filed legislation clearing the way for merchant codes to allow for that. The Identify Gun Stores Act would override laws in several states, including one signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis last year.

Senator warns of location tracking at reproductive clinics

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) called on federal regulators to intervene in a controversial data broker’s bankruptcy proceeding, warning the location data of people visiting abortion clinics could be at risk.

Wyden’s office has been investigating Near Intelligence Inc. since last year after a report by The Wall Street Journal uncovered that an anti-abortion group had used data from the company to target people who had visited reproductive clinics.

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave

Parkland shooting 6 years later: Marjory Stoneman Douglas students remember 17 lives lost

Hillsborough County School Board Candidate Forum Districts 1 & 3

City of Tampa considers settlement on wrongfully conviction