Saturday, August 25, 2018

Ybor Bartenders

Karen at Reservoir

Florida Progressives Do Your Thing

You can not blame failure on the establishment on this one!
You wanted a real progressive.

DEADLINE 8.28.18

Democracy For America Endorses Sky U. White

"I am honored to receive the endorsement of Democracy For America!! We have a#PeoplePowered campaign w/ volunteers who are nurses, mothers, teachers, mechanics, retirees and other Hillsborough County residents from many walks of life who want to see REAL CHANGE! On Aug 28th, please show your support at the polls. We can do this!!" 
Sky U. White

Friday, August 24, 2018

Andrew Gillum 2018 Bus Tour Tampa Stop

With Beau Robichaux

With Glen Eich

Joe Kotvas

Candy Lowe and Beth Eriksen Shoup

Nina Tatlock

Marina Welch

Roy David Walker

Andrew Davis

Sam Gibbons

Jim Bleyer

Russell Patterson

Scott Shoup

Elvis Piggott

The party started

Susan Lee feels victory

East Tampa

Andrew Gillum Visits Ybor City

Ybor City, Florida

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sky U. White Fan In Ybor

DEADLINE 8.28.18

The Mean Cafeteria Lady At University High School in Orange City, Florida

Florida continues to secure its ranking as the worst after a high school student was denied school lunch because she was short 15 cents.
She puts her food on the tray, gets to the front, gives her number to the cashier, and she says, ‘Well, you owe 15 cents,’” The student said she didn’t have any money, so the cashier took her food.”
To make matters worse? Not only did the worker allegedly take away the food from the hungry teen, the employee completely tossed it out, wasting a perfectly good meal. She went the rest of the day without anything to eat. here

Andrew Gillum is the most Progressive candidate for Governor in Florida’s history

Medicare for All
Increase Spending on Education 
Marijuana Legalization
Fight For15
Florida Progressives
DEADLINE 8.28.18