Showing posts sorted by date for query Patrick Murphy. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Patrick Murphy. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2015

Who's to blame when Patrick Murphy gets crushed next year?

Patrick Murphy, the Florida New Dems Senate nomination
 has ZERO legislative accomplishments resulting from a Murphy authored bill signed into law by President Obama
is the largest recipient of Wall Street contributions of any Democrat that sits on the Financial Services committeewith regulating)
Wall Street 
voted FOR the Benghazi committee, 
FOR Keystone pipeline, 
:( FOR offshore drilling in Florida, 
FOR cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, 
and social security
FOR cutting taxes on the 1%
 while raising those on the middle and working classes,
 FOR delaying Obamacare, 
FOR delaying Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and AGAINST All Aboard Florida commuter rail funding.
 He's been silent on raising the minimum wage to $15,
 the Black Lives Matter movement, 
and breaking up the banks. Why? Because that's what 
his big money Republican donors want. here 
Who the hell wants to vote for him?  We like the real Dems better! YCS
The story goes that he is the front runner, maybe theirs but not ours. 
Florida don't be fooled Poll says he is in 3rd place. 
 Join The Susan Smith Wing of The Florida Democratic Paty

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Patrick Murphy Contributions

 Small Individual Contributions
$179,724 (7%)
Large Individual Contributions
$1,744,286 (65%)
PAC Contributions
Alan Grayson
 Small Individual Contributions: $1,755,295 (57%)
 Large Individual Contributions: $882,803 (28%)
PAC Contributions: $295,675

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bargain Bob's Talents

In an interview with Dara Kam of the News Service of Florida, Tampa mayor Buckhorn was asked whether he’s considering running for governor. here
”I don’t know. I’m looking at it,” he said. Though he loves being Tampa’s mayor, he said he hasn’t stopped thinking his talents could step up to Tallahassee.
Lets look at some of the mayor's talents!

He was no fan of Amendment 2 here

He called the ACLU, the Council on America-Islamic Relations, and the NAACP fringe groups. Though this month he emphasized he wasn’t including the NAACP in those remarks. here
His lack of enthusiasm for Charlie Crist, the party’s 2014 gubernatorial nominee. here
His support of the MCM. here and here
His support of Pam Bondi. here
And  Patrick Murphy here
And lets not forget how cheaply he can be bought, which is how he earned the nickname "Bargain Bob" here at this blog. here
 He should fit right in Tallahassee's Pay-To-Play Culture!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Wall St. Dem Love Fest In Fort Lauderdale: Clinton And Murphy

Patrick Murphy, aiding and abetting a Republican “witch hunt” of Hillary Clinton by voting last year to create a House select committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi attacks.
Murphy attended a fundraiser for Clinton in Fort Lauderdale on Friday, the Democratic presidential front-runner recognized Murphy and told donors she is “so proud of him.”

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Patrick Murphy: Why Florida Dems Suck

Murphy's campaign has announced the endorsements from Amanda Murphy of New Port Richey (Shame, this blog HAD high hopes for her), Cynthia Stafford of Miami, Richard Stark of Weston and Mia Jones and Reggie Fullwood, both of Jacksonville. The added support gives Murphy the backing of almost 60 percent of the 53 Democrats in the Florida Legislature: seven in the Senate and 24 in the House. here

Please note, in a poll at THE FLORIDA SQUEEZE, he is in 3rd place behind Alan Grayson and Pam Keith. Is it to early to start taking bets on how bad he will lose to the GOP if he is nominated?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Florida’s Dems are setting themselves up for failure once again

If they make U.S. Representative Patrick Murphy their nominee for U.S. Senate in 2016. here
Come hear what Mr. Grayson has to say 
today in Tampa. info

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Poll: Patrick Murphy In 3rd Place

Alan Grayson 47%
Pam Keith 27%
Patrick Murphy 21%
Even the lesser know but still great Pam Keith
is leading Murphy.
Have you voted yet? here

Monday, September 14, 2015

Some Of Patrick Murphy's Credentials

One of the biggest recipients in the country of Super PAC help in 2012. here

Undermines Hillary Clinton here

The lone Florida Democrat to join with Republicans in approving the Keystone pipeline. here
Working To Undermine and Take Over The Democratic Party. here

Joined the GOP to Vote for Government-by-Crisis. here

Who Is Responsible For Drowning South Florida? here
Mayor Bob Buckhorn, Jim Davis and Alex Sink back him, 
that should tell you something!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bought-and-Paid-For Patrick Murphy

When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of “Citizens United” in 2010, they opened the floodgates for Wall Street millionaires and billionaires to stupefy the voters, with a never-ending barrage of misleading information and outlandish attacks. I faced it in my previous races for the House, and we are already seeing Big Money get ready to attack me in next year’s election.
The worst part? My primary opponent, Patrick Murphy, is a tool of these very same Super PACs. He was one of the biggest recipients in the country of Super PAC help in 2012. Now, Bought-and-Paid-For Patrick is refusing even to discuss an agreement to keep special-interest Big Money lies out of the 2016 Florida Senate race.
Rep. Alan Grayson
Candidate for U.S. Senate

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Patrick Murphy Throws Hillary To The Wolves

On May 8, 2014, the Republicans rammed through a resolution to establish the Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi, a committee specifically designed as a witch hunt to drag Hillary Clinton through the mud and sully her name before the 2016 presidential election. Every single Republican voted YES (225 of them) and 186 Democrats voted NO. Seven of the worst Democrats in the House-- the ones who consistently vote for Boehner's agenda day in and day out-- crossed the aisle and voted with the Republicans. Patrick Murphy was one of them. here
BTW, He is coming to Tampa to take our money. Bob Buckhorn, 
Jim Davis and Alex Sink are hosting.

Friday, September 4, 2015

the Difference Between Patrick Murphy And Alan Grayson

Alan Grayson 
is coming to town, so is Murphy 
You can see Murphy (The biggest recipients in the country of Super PAC help in 2012) at HCP & Associates,  a national research, strategy and marketing firm headquartered in Channelside. A guest ticket, $250.00. The usual suspects (Corporate Dems) will be hosting. (Bob Buckhorn, Jim Davis, 
Alex Sink etc.)
Alan Grayson, you can see at 
Tampa Letter Carrier's Hall
Guest ticket: $25.00
Hosted by Susan Smith
See the Difference?

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Will Kathy Castor Vote For War?

Rep. Kathy Castor says she’s not ready to announce whether she supports the Iran nuclear deal, but will within the next week or so. here
"We hope Ms. Castor thinks about this carefully. This could be the most important vote of her career. With her base, If she votes for war, everything good that she has ever done will be forgotten. She will always be remembered for helping the war hawks take us into another senseless war. Her base will forget about her, we know we will. She will go the way of Gwen Graham and Patrick Murphy." YCS

Monday, July 6, 2015

Beware: Florida GOP Posing As Dems

Besides Patrick Murphy,
Milagro Canizares
is the latest Democrat (DINO).
She is seeking the District 9 seat on the Broward County Commission.
She is actually a registered Republican living in Palm Beach County.  

Canizares gave an Boynton Beach address. Voter databases show Canizares is a registered Republican in Miami-Dade County. Despite signing a legal document on June 25, 2015 claiming to be a Democrat, Canizares admitted she is still a registered Republican. “I will take care of it next week, I am looking for a job right now.” Canizares said. here

The Infestation Continues!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Quinnipiac Poll: Grayson vs. Murphy

In possible matchups in the 2016 
U.S. Senate race in Florida:
  • Democratic U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy tops Republican Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera 40 - 28 percent;
  • Democratic U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson tops Lopez-Cantera 37 - 31 percent;
  • Murphy tops Republican U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis 39 - 31 percent;
  • Grayson tops DeSantis 38 - 32 percent; here
    "So much for the arguments that Murphy is more electable than Grayson. Unfortunately, no mention of Pam Keith." Susan Smith

Monday, June 8, 2015


Fire Allison Tant and hire 
Susan Smith
Democrats want to see real Democrats running for office. Mmobilize the base. The voters are there, the task is to give them a reason to vote.When you put up lifelong Republicans who can’t be differentiated from Democrats, there’s no reason for Democratic voters to vote.

Rick Scott is the poster child for corrupt government. And yet we didn’t beat him.we couldn’t beat him because we didn’t put up a true blue candidate (Nan Rich) who could challenge him on his policies. Instead, we put up a lifelong Republican (Charlie Crist) who’d just changed parties. Once you have your dedicated Democrat voting, they will vote for ALL the Democrats all the way down the ballot.
Put up corporate Democrats all you want. Keep giving us lifelong Republicans to vote for. We’ll keep rejecting them. Let us know when you’re ready to win some elections with some real true blue Democrats and we’ll be right there behind you.
Thank you Brook Hines and The Florida Squeeze for this awesome piece.
Patrick Murphy = You will lose, the base will not work or vote for him.
 I know we won't. YCS

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

If Only Congress Had Listened To Alan Grayson

The Obama administration is barring the transfer of some types of military equipment to police departments. here

Last year Alan Grayson introduced a bill to stop the militarization of local police,  The conservative New Dem, Patrick Murphy, whom Grayson is opposing in the race for the Florida Senate seat voted against the amendment. here

Patrick Murphy has called himself a Democrat 
for around 4 years now.

Learn more about this weasel Corporate Dems 
and the GOP is trying to shove down our throats.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Pathetic Journalist Adam Smith Of The Tampa Bay Times

Several weeks ago, a highly placed source within Patrick Murphy's campaign bragged that Chuck Schumer would drive Alan Grayson out of the Florida Senate primary by unleashing a barrage of opposition research about his business dealings. Schumer, easily the sleaziest Democrat in the Senate-- who is desperate to please Wall Street banksters by delivering the open Florida seat to Murphy-- twisted a perfectly innocent SEC filing into a smoking gun of corruption. He then hired Queen Helena's p.r. assistant to find a pathetic "journalist" willing to run it up the flag pole and get the tongues wagging. Schumer did well in planting his bullshit bombshell with lazy would-be muck-raker Adam Smith from the Tampa Bay Times, who was eager to make the story about himself. here

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Anybody But Patrick Murphy

With all the bad press our man  Alan Grayson has been getting lately, here, here and here, we thought we would turn you on to someone else you might like. Since we,
don't have our shit together. 
Again, we will not support Patrick Murphy. Mayor Kriseman we are very
disappointed with you.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Florida Democratic Party ‘Bosses’ Out-Of-Touch

“Florida Democratic voters choose our party nominee, not out-of-touch party bosses sipping cognac in a smoke-filled room in Washington DC.,” Alan Grayson

“Progressives are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party in Florida and across the nation. We are the volunteers who stuff envelopes, knock on doors, and provide the grassroots energy that powers successful Democratic campaigns. The idea that a senator from Montana and Wall Street Democrats know better than rank-and-file Florida Democrats is both patronizing and unsurprising. Then again, no one knows better than Jon Tester that DSCC support 
doesn’t mean a whole lot." Susan Smith
"We will not vote for or support Patrick Murphy." YCS