Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Glaciers' retreat in Greenland keeps mapmakers busy
All over Greenland and the Arctic, rising temperatures are not simply melting ice; they are changing the very geography of coastlines. Nunataks — "lonely mountains" in Inuit — that were encased in the margins of Greenland's ice sheet are being freed of their age-old bonds, exposing a new chain of islands.......more

Dean appearance at Patrick’s side fuels speculation

Gov. Deval Patrick was followed throughout Martin Luther King Day by Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean, stirring speculation that the governor is already being eyed by power-brokers on the national political stage.“This has been an xtraordinary day for me to come to this state because of Gov. Patrick,” said Dean......more
The New Anti-American Axis: What Holds it Together?

“What do the leaders of the 'Bolivarian revolution' have in common with those of the 'Islamic revolution?' Nothing. Nothing but an anti-imperialist ideology that has grown in proportion to the stubbornness of George Bush's America.”.....more
MLK: An Unrealized Dream of Justice
The memory of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. has never had more urgent relevance than it does today. America is at a crossroads moment, much as it was when he was murdered.
Five days ago, President Bush marked the boundaries of the national crossroads by escalating the war in Iraq and recommitting himself to "victory." Five days before King's death in Memphis, Lyndon Johnson gave an equivalent speech to the nation, although with an opposite purpose. The date was March 31, 1968.....more

Monday, January 15, 2007

35% of Americans
Who Are These People?

The collapse of the Bush presidency is truly historic. It is always worth remembering that when Richard Nixon was forced to resign the Presidency, his Gallup approval rating was 25%. The 35% Rasmussen figure for Bush is above the low points measured by most other polls (which is why it is the favorite metric for Bush followers), but it is still abominably low.......more
McCain Spends MLK Holiday Pandering to the Far Right

Nearly 24 years after voting against creating a holiday honoring Martin Luther King, John McCain is spending today at the inauguration of Alabama Governor Bob Riley who is a member of an organization that has been criticized for excluding African Americans. The "Grand Master" of the Grand Lodge of Alabama admits he knows of no African American members among the groups 30,000 plus membership.......more
A Time To Break Silence
click here

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Africa's inferno

A humanitarian disaster is unfolding right now in the Darfur region of Sudan, and it could be prevented. More than 300,000 people, most of them ethnically African, have been killed in the past two years. Some 3.3 million have been forced to flee into camps as a campaign of terror by Janjaweed militias and the army of the government of Sudan clears large areas of the region.....more