Friday, December 21, 2007

To Pander To The Right-Wing Elements In The Cuban Community

Top Florida officials say they treated the politically charged custody fight over a young Cuban girl like any other case, but documents obtained by The Associated Press show they took extraordinary steps to stop the youngster's father from taking her back to the communist
Rather than allowing Izquierdo to take his girl home, DCF hired 19 lawyers and spent over $250,000 to oppose their reunification.

US Worse Than Britain During Its Imperial Heyday

The Archbishop of Canterbury
Has said that the United States wields its power in a way that is worse than Britain during its imperial heyday. Rowan Williams claimed that America’s attempt to intervene overseas by “clearing the decks” with a “quick burst of violent action” had led to “the worst of all worlds”
“Our modern western definition of humanity is clearly not working very well"

God, Guns And Guts

Dale Mabry Hwy. And Van Dyke Rd.

Howard Dean: Economy to Be a Big Issue

"The economy is really alarming a lot of Americans," he says, noting that people are afraid of losing their homes and their jobs. In a year-end interview with U.S. News, he added that the party of an incumbent president usually pays a severe price when the economy goes bad—and that's what will happen to the Republicans in next year's

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Is Stogie A Sucker For Ron Paul?

I smell a false-populist, false revolution. Recognize Ron Paul's phony rallying cry to protect the constitution as a ploy by the "Republican" party to continue their destruction our republic....... Mark Frankenberg
What Happen To "Vox" On "Tampa Blab?"

Fantasy League Election: Bill 92 vs Barack 08

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gov. Crist May Sue Insurers

Gov. Charlie Crist has asked three trial lawyers to build a case for a possible class-action lawsuit against property insurers, alleging that the industry hasn't passed on savings to consumers as required by a new Florida law.......more
"I would give the insurance industry an F, a dead F, because I think they have failed not only what the law requires, I think they have morally failed the people of Florida."

"Don't Tase Me, Bro!" Named Top Phrase Of '07

Little did University of Florida student Andrew Meyer know back in September that his 15 minutes of fame would live on in the pantheon of dubious utterances after he disrupted a speech by Sen. John

Florida's Early Voters

Weeks before Iowa voters trudge through the snow for the presidential caucuses on Jan. 3, thousands of Florida voters will get the first crack at casting a ballot, thanks to Florida's early-voting laws. The Republican Party traditionally has dominated the absentee voting wars, but the Democrats will compete with them this year, said state Democratic Party spokesman Mark Bubriski. Republicans "have reached a ceiling as far as how many guaranteed early voters they've got," he said, and for Democrats, who have not, "the sky's the limit."
State Democrats will kick off Wednesday their "Create Change 08" campaign to recruit Democrats to sign up as "permanent absentee voters" who can vote online or by mail in every election through 2010.

Sen. Dodd Comments After the FISA Victory