Monday, September 1, 2008

The Official and Uncensored Beat Brian Blair Website

Take a look at Blair's His Contributors tab. As of June 30th, he had 650 contributors, 413 of which are "developer-related" individuals. Why should such a small number of people, 413, run Hillsborough County? That's 1 of THEM for every 2,803 of US.1,157,738 people live

Joe Garcia: Special Video for Supporters

Annette Taddeo: I'm Going To Beat Ileana

Given a brief chance to introduce herself to Florida Democrats at a breakfast here Wednesday -- a day after fellow candidates Joe Garcia and Raul Martinez appeared before the entire convention -- Taddeo seized the moment, taking to the stage in the delegate hotel to outline her candidacy against Rep. Ileana

Johnny Depp's Charitable Florida Jam Session

Johnny Depp played at a charity benefit concert in Pompano Beach, Fla., Friday night. The charity that benefitted from Depp's largesse was the Dan Marino Foundation. The former Miami Dolphin football player's charity funds programs for children with special needs including the Marino Autism Research

Ybor (Cigar) City

Hoping to escape labor issues, Vicente Martinez Ybor became the first Key West cigarmaker to move his operations to

Three Men Charged Over Threats To Kill Gordon Brown

Three men arrested over threats to kill Gordon Brown have been charged with terrorism offences, threat posted on website hosted in Tampa

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Turning Florida Blue

Top (left to right): Kenneth Quinnell, Markos Moulitsas, Joe Garcia
Bottom (left to right): Susan Smith, Ray Seaman

Lincoln Diaz-Balart Is In The Fight Of His Political Life

One of three Cuban-American Republican incumbents who Democrats are targeting in South Florida this year, is in the fight of his political life, according to a new poll conducted exclusively for Roll Call. In a head-to-head matchup with Raul Martinez (D), the colorful and controversial former mayor of Hialeah, Diaz-Balart received 46 percent while the Democrat garnered 48

How John McCain Just Lost Florida

If the Obama camp engages in some smart, targeted politicking. It’s the Sarah Palin pick, and it might be the thing that pushes Florida into the Obama camp. Why? Follow my logic here, and you’ll see how simple it

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Undermines Annette Taddeo

Man, Debbie Wasserman Schultz never seems to miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. A busy bee at Monday morning's breakfast for the Florida delegation to the Democratic National Convention, she nonetheless made a glaring