Thursday, May 31, 2007

Southern N.J. GOP Too Busy For Bush
Running For Cover
Bush plans to visit New Jersey to help raise money for the state's cash-strapped and victory-starved Republican Party. If southern New Jersey Republicans are any indication, though, the welcoming party will be rather

Busy, Busy, Busy

Hugo Chavez And Misinformation
Radio Caracas Television Other Endeavor
Would a network that aided and abetted a coup against the government be allowed to operate in the United States? The U.S. government probably would have shut down RCTV within five minutes after a failed coup attempt — and thrown its owners in jail.
It can still broadcast on cable or via satellite

AL GORE: The Assault on Reason

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Local Goodness
A Parcel At A Time
Meet Albert Joerger, Since starting the Sarasota Conservation Foundation in 2003, Joerger has parlayed such small successes into a land conservation behemoth. "The engine behind the foundation was this idea of pocket parks, of finding space for people and wildlife on the water," Joerger said. He describes it as "an Emerald Necklace" stretching along the waterfront from Tampa Bay to Pine Island in Lee County. Public spaces on the water are vital to the foundation's mission, largely because Joerger believes the waterfront is for everyone, not just those who can afford to buy it......more
Bumper Stickers
And Freedom Of Speech
Jan Wesner Of The St. Pete Times writes, So I'm driving up I-75 the other day (northbound coming onto the interstate from Big Bend Road, for those who live around here) and I see this bumper sticker on the back of the car in front of me: "War is terrorism with a bigger budget." I sped up enough to get right beside the twenty-something woman in the driver's seat. I considered honking my horn and rolling down my window and giving her the middle finger. I probably would have, except for the fact that I was going 80 miles an hour and my phone started ringing.
Ms. Wesner, what you should of done is chase her down and tear that sticker off that bumper once she stopped. The nerve of that young woman having a sticker on her car that you dont agree with. its Un-American. before you try this i would read......this....or you can do what i do when i see a Bush or Pro War sticker on a bumper. i chase them down, pull up beside them, and give them my "What The Fuck Are You Thinking" look.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Cindy Sheehan
Calls it Quits
Casey died for a country which cares more about who will be the next American Idol than how many people will be killed in the next few months while Democrats and Republicans play politics with human
Good-bye America are not the country that I love and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice, I can’t make you be that country unless you want it.
It’s up to you now.

Dixie Chicks - Travelin' Soldier

Adam, Eve And Dinosaurs Hang Out Together In Eden

Inside the Creation Museum

5 Memorial Days Later, And The Killing Goes On
If There Is A God, May He Have Mercy On All Of Us
Florida's Own
I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.......
Martin Luther King Jr.
Stogie's Post From Memorial Day,

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bar And Grill
This also looks like a cool place
April 5, 2006
Here are three questions comparing Liberals and Conservatives
1. During the 2004 elections, which car was more likely to be “keyed,” i.e., deliberately scratched — a car with a “John Kerry” bumper sticker in an overwhelmingly conservative area, or a car with a “George W. Bush” sticker in an overwhelmingly liberal area?
2. When speaking at colleges, do right-wing or left-wing speakers need and receive police protection?
3. In a debate between a right-wing and a left-wing speaker before an audience equally divided between left and right, which audience group is more likely to boo and hiss at the speaker with whom it disagrees — the liberal or the conservative?...............more

Iraq Veterans Memorial: Lt. Seth J Dvorin

Christine Smith
President 2008
As President, my priority will be the American people. Our freedom. Our dreams. Our peace. I propose bold solutions to get us on the path to a freer and better America. Her

"The worst part of it all was the overt efforts to deceive the public"...Amen
And Sadr City Is Next

They have given George Bush a pass and control over the lives of millions of Iraqis....with no checks and balances. They have already started the edging into Sadr City, where there are two million people. Fallujah was only about 400,000. Look what a mess we made there. He can bomb them, send rockets, missiles. And he has a hundred billion dollars to do it