Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s First-Ever Primary Challenger: Tim Canova

In general, Wasserman Schultz is the living, breathing embodiment of everything rotted and corrupt about the Democratic Party: a corporatist who overwhelmingly relies on corporate money to keep her job, a hawk who supports the most bellicose aspects of U.S. foreign policy, a key member of the “centrist” and “moderate” pro-growth New Democrat coalition, a co-sponsor of the failed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which was “heavily backed by D.C. favorites including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the music and motion picture industries” and would have allowed extreme control over the internet. here

Florida Frackers Attack On Environment Continues

A Senate committee last week approved a bill that would make it easier for companies to use fracking technology to drill for oil and gas in the state. here

Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush: Climate Change Is Distant Threat

Not 15 miles from the homes of Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush on the mainland, Miami Beach work crews elevate the streets, turning ground floors effectively into windowed basements, to try to stave off the implacable rise of sea water. Up comes the powerful ocean, threatening people, property and the underground freshwater supply. here
“I don’t have a plan to influence the weather, can’t control nature." Marco Rubio
“It wouldn’t be on my first page of things that wake me up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.” Jeb Bush

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Stuck In Past On Weed Legalization

Florida's Fresh Water Crisis

Touted as an environmental breakthrough, the water policy bill passed last week by the Florida GOP Legislature is actually a major win for polluters and the politicians they own. The plan allows Big Ag operators to supervise their own waste releases, which is a fantasy come true for those who pollute. 

Sympathetic legislators went even farther, inserting in the law a “cost-share” provision that directs water-management districts to use tax dollars to subside Big Ag’s anti-pollution efforts.

In other words, the public will be paying farm corporations to do something they should pay for themselves 
— clean up their mess. here

Steve Crisafulli, whose dream of one day becoming state agriculture commissioner is closer to reality. The Brevard Republican has been an obedient little soldier for the special interests that divert and exploit the state’s fresh water supplies.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

MLK Parade In Ybor City

Cuscaden Park - Ybor City

Tallahassee Open For Business

As Florida legislators begin their annual session in an election year, at least 
$28.5 million 
has been funneled into legislative political committees in the last six months, fueling progress on priority legislation for many industries, and blocking other ideas from advancing, according to a 
Herald/Times analysis. here 

Florida Millennials Rule

You Vote, you should!
You are the nations largest generation.

Marco Rubio Buys Handgun To Fight ISIS

“I have a right to protect my family if someone were to come after us,” he said Sunday on Meet the Press
“In fact, if ISIS were to visit us, or our communities, at any moment, 
the last line of defense between ISIS and my family is the ability that I have to protect my family from them, or from a criminal, or anyone else who seeks to do us harm. Millions of Americans feel that way.” here

Florida Voices for Animals

RIP: Glenn Frey